Buffet Day Fasting

Why I’m doing a 72-hour fast

Justin Donne
4 min readJan 2, 2020

Now that’s kind of funny but it’s an opportune time to speak about eating. Yesterday we talked about the benefits of cold therapy. But today I’d like to talk to you about the benefits of fasting and here’s the reason why. Because I overindulged over the holidays not going to lie I kind of let it go. And so to get a grip I am doing a fast over the new year.

Well actually now today I’m in the middle of it. So there are many many different forms of fasting. There are many levels of fasting. You can you know fast for four hours you can fast circadian rhythms sundown to sun up. You can fast for 16 eight. Day on day off. Forty four hour fast. 72 hour fast.

That’s the maximum that I’ve heard that has health benefits before it starts to get a little bit questionable as to whether it is more beneficial or are you starting to deteriorate a little bit. Now there is of course juice fasting and all of the other kinds of things and of course the very extreme dry fasting where you don’t you know drink any liquids for 24 hours and even more extreme than now where you don’t let any liquid touch your body for 24 hours and all that but not necessarily recommending those. I have tried it. I didn’t find it to be necessarily more effective. I just found it to be a lot more challenging and hard harder.

And unpleasant.

So forget the dry fast the fast I’m doing now is just simply you know no foods I am drinking coffee and liquids and of course you know the special electrolytes drink that I like to do. You can always ask me about that if you’re if you’re wanting that. But it is a game changing type of thing to make sure that your. Electrolytes minerals are not out of balance when you’re doing fasting or not. So that’s what I’m doing now and Buffet day made me think of it because of the fact that you know at a buffet it opens the door to overindulging because you can eat as much as you want and I am infamous for overindulging for pigging out for eating for four. My dad told me that when I was nine. Thanks Dad. You know I variously struggled with eating disorders and all that and the question arises often you know what is fasting appropriate when you have an eating disorder. And you know I have struggled with binge eating disorder and I’ll be honest with you fasting has not been a problem with that to the contrary actually practicing fasting different forms of fasting has helped with that has helped me to gently move from kind of being the effect of food and you know Oh my God you know and to being at cause over my eating and my body. So that’s my experience. Now I am not a medical professional so I’m not making any medical claims or giving any type of medical or psychological advice but I’m just saying that for me personally adopting fasting and I have done alternate day fasting I have done sick the 16 two or the sixteen eight I have done the three five three four. I’ve done many different forms of fasting. My favorite is a 44 hour fast. I find that it is. Easy ish. Only slightly challenging. But the maximizing of the benefits of the clear headedness of the cleaning out feeling cleansed feeling light and also. Getting over those hurdles in any sugar addictions or whatever might be factoring in there. I found that doing that roughly about once a week has been really my favorite form of fasting. There are levels in that as well. So sometimes when I find it extra challenging I permit myself about 50 calories. Every four hours or so. So it’s not technically a total fast if I can extend it to you know 50 calories over a longer period of time such as eight hours 12 hours 16 hours. 24 hours 32 hours. Then I go ahead and do that for example right now since I’ve just gotten over a period of lots of overindulgence. I’m not finding it particularly challenging to go without calories for the entire forty four hour stretch. So I don’t need to you know get that little coffee with some cream in it.

Don’t need that but I do permit myself that because I think in anything in life we can be really hard on ourselves. And there’s a place for that but I think when it comes to.

Our health our stress our well-being I think we need to go easy on ourselves.

I certainly found for me that that’s more helpful than anything else. That’s my advice. Enjoy buffet day if you’re going to a buffet it actually also happens to be science fiction day hence you may see a graphic from Star Wars or something like that. My favorite science fiction movie.

That’s appropriate isn’t it since we just had a Star Wars movie come out. But anyway this is not a movie review. This was more an exposition on Buffet day. So… My love to you. Be well!

Justin Health.



Justin Donne
Justin Donne

Written by Justin Donne

Justin Donne is an experienced nonprofit organization leader, business strategist, public speaker. He loves solving problems and creating innovative solutions

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