Calling BS On Most “Empaths”
I was thinking today about an issue because many people think and have said, and I agree, that I am an empath.
Are you an empath?
Here’s the thing. I was also looking at and reading things about empathy versus sympathy. I know empath, empathy, all of that stuff is not exactly the same thing, but hear me out.
Sympathy is basically you feel bad when somebody else feels bad (or good), it is a sympathetic vibration where you feel the way someone else feels. This is often not good and a cause of suffering. In many places where there are spiritually minded people and empaths, communities, groups, there’s a lot of complaints. There’s a lot of suffering. Keep that in mind.
Empathy is different. It is not you feeling bad when somebody else feels bad. It’s not you feeling what they feel. Empathy involves compassion. It involves understanding, it involves good things, but it does not involve feeling what others feel. It does not cause suffering. Do you follow?
These people who are “empaths”, I think they’re really “sympaths” and here’s the reason why. They’re feeling sympathy. They’re feeling what the other person feels. Now, that’s what sympathy means. It’s not the same as pity. It’s not feeling sorry for someone. It’s feeling what they feel.
Now I can see where there is confabulation because of the similarity. Sympathy is a lower harmonic vibration of empathy. It’s a mimicry of true empathy. True empathic ability is a power. It’s not a suffering. So that led me to think that led me to ponder.
What do you think?