CATching Up with Cat Behaviorist & Chaplain
Monthly CATch Up with Dr. Rachel Geller
As part of The Kitty Boss weekly podcast, we will discuss various topics with our friend and author, Dr. Rachel Geller.
You’ll find the video, audio, and transcript here…
Here’s the debut episode
00:00:02.669 → 00:00:04.710
And we are recording.
00:00:05.819 → 00:00:13.019
Justin Donne: So this is cat lady justin and welcome to our very first episode of the kitty boss podcast now.
00:00:13.469 → 00:00:22.050
Justin Donne: The graphic on your screen if you’re watching is says catching up with Dr Rachel geller because I wanted this to be very special.
00:00:22.680 → 00:00:27.420
Justin Donne: I will do a weekly podcast on cat day talking about a relevant.
00:00:28.200 → 00:00:37.740
Justin Donne: thing to do with cats, however, once a month we’ll catch up with our good friend, the world’s greatest cat behavior Stan Chaplin.
00:00:37.980 → 00:00:47.850
Justin Donne: Dr Rachel geller So if you can’t see the graphic you might want to go check it out on Facebook or on YouTube if you’re just listening just because.
00:00:48.240 → 00:01:05.970
Justin Donne: A lot of people say it’s really cute and i’m really proud of it so i’ll take the graphic down now so we could see each other and Dr geller Rachel it’s so good to catch up with you once again for our little month the coffee klatch.
00:01:07.020 → 00:01:13.260
Dr Rachel: I love being a guest on your show justin it’s always full of surprises and always full of fun so hey let’s.
00:01:13.950 → 00:01:20.250
Justin Donne: Have a very first guest, because, as you know, this is the debut episode of our thing so.
00:01:20.580 → 00:01:21.900
Justin Donne: i’m excited because.
00:01:23.190 → 00:01:38.100
Justin Donne: It couldn’t get better to start then with you so that’s, the plan is to do that and we will field questions which will get from people either live so i’m monitoring the stream but.
00:01:38.910 → 00:01:54.570
Justin Donne: Since I didn’t announce it I don’t think anyone’s coming today, but what will also do is i’ll post places whether it’s linkedin or Facebook group the kitty boss Facebook group which, hopefully, everybody joins because it’s awesome and we’ll just field questions that way.
00:01:55.620 → 00:01:59.940
Justin Donne: So for today because I didn’t get any questions I don’t think.
00:02:00.300 → 00:02:00.990
Dr Rachel: We had one.
00:02:01.140 → 00:02:02.130
Dr Rachel: I think we had one.
00:02:02.460 → 00:02:05.130
Justin Donne: When one actually we had an interesting one.
00:02:05.340 → 00:02:11.610
Justin Donne: yeah he was somebody was asking what it’s not a behavior related question which is okay, because we can answer questions.
00:02:11.850 → 00:02:14.760
Justin Donne: that are beyond the behavior because I also have.
00:02:15.930 → 00:02:21.000
Justin Donne: A lot of expertise and things to do with health and with other things so.
00:02:21.630 → 00:02:33.600
Justin Donne: What disclaimer though i’m not a veterinarian, even though I have consulted with many veterinarians in three different countries so it’s but my myself and not a practicing vet.
00:02:33.930 → 00:02:39.960
Justin Donne: Although I don’t know how much trouble, you can get into is that considered dispensing medical advice if it’s for your animal I don’t know.
00:02:40.350 → 00:02:53.520
Justin Donne: But just to be safe i’m not a vet so that’s the that’s the story, but the thing, the question we had was interesting because it was more some people would be tempted to say Google is your friend.
00:02:54.360 → 00:03:05.580
Justin Donne: On the other hand, she was asking about a cat shelter that specializes in blind cat a cat rescue that specializes in cats, who are blind.
00:03:06.120 → 00:03:14.340
Justin Donne: And I thought that was really interesting because it’s it’s very specific and very unique, so there are quite a few.
00:03:14.700 → 00:03:23.310
Justin Donne: rescues and shelters that specialize in Special Needs cats cats with disabilities or elderly cats or or cats, you know that are abandoned.
00:03:23.580 → 00:03:33.750
Justin Donne: Various cats that have special needs, but specifically for cats, who are blind, the only one that i’m aware of is the blind cat rescue.
00:03:34.560 → 00:03:43.770
Justin Donne: That I shared with her, which is actually in North Carolina and you know their website, I think, is blind cat I don’t remember but.
00:03:44.490 → 00:03:57.690
Justin Donne: We are not affiliated with them, but, of course, being a rescue I honestly support them with all my heart because it’s it’s a wonderful thing they’re doing, because just because the cats blind, what are you going to do you know eat it.
00:03:57.960 → 00:04:01.530
Justin Donne: So it’s it’s really important that we we help our.
00:04:02.100 → 00:04:03.090
Justin Donne: feline friends.
00:04:03.450 → 00:04:06.270
Dr Rachel: Yes, I did give her a couple of suggestions for.
00:04:06.810 → 00:04:20.460
Dr Rachel: Special Needs cat shelters in the area, she was specifying but you’re right it’s not a very common and thing to have a shelter dedicated to just line cast, but I think didn’t somebody also writing about being woken up at 4am.
00:04:21.990 → 00:04:24.210
Justin Donne: Also, not a cat specific question.
00:04:24.450 → 00:04:26.400
Dr Rachel: because she was I can’t I thought.
00:04:26.670 → 00:04:29.040
Justin Donne: She was asking as a cat.
00:04:31.080 → 00:04:34.590
Justin Donne: i’m a cat and i’m asking my cat wants to know.
00:04:35.130 → 00:04:36.690
Justin Donne: Why my room on.
00:04:37.320 → 00:04:45.540
Justin Donne: I don’t know why they can’t speak like for Randy from star trek you know because that’s what frankie say uber you know.
00:04:46.860 → 00:04:47.970
Justin Donne: hats probably.
00:04:48.150 → 00:05:03.030
Justin Donne: can say that you sound because they go, so my like they could probably say it, you know so she was asking why her human doesn’t immediately wake up at four in the morning, when she gets swatted in the face.
00:05:03.480 → 00:05:07.410
Justin Donne: Right you’re and why she just rolls around and moans so.
00:05:08.520 → 00:05:11.280
Justin Donne: She will ask you from the cats perspective but.
00:05:12.090 → 00:05:14.400
Dr Rachel: If you want, I can talk a little bit about that.
00:05:14.490 → 00:05:24.210
Dr Rachel: I think there are a lot of people who do get I call it the feline alarm clock, there are those people who get woken up before they want to get up because the cat wants to eat or the cat wants to play.
00:05:25.530 → 00:05:29.040
Dr Rachel: And there is kind of actually a simple solution for this is pretty common but.
00:05:30.090 → 00:05:37.830
Dr Rachel: We want to sort of approach it two ways so First, we want to make sure we work on ways to reset our cats internal clock.
00:05:38.160 → 00:05:47.130
Dr Rachel: Because cats are cat sleep cycles are shorter than ours are so they are going to want to tend to wake up earlier than we do, but we can sort of reset.
00:05:47.520 → 00:05:54.420
Dr Rachel: Their clock and we can also give your cat something to do should she wake up before you so.
00:05:54.990 → 00:06:08.220
Dr Rachel: The best way to reset your cat’s internal clock is to do a really robust play session right before you go to bed, and I don’t mean like an hour before you go to bed, I mean like the last thing you do before you shut your eyes and go into that.
00:06:08.460 → 00:06:20.220
Dr Rachel: So again, when I say play session I mean use a fishing pole type toy simulator hunt move that toy, as if it were prey really get that cat into hunting.
00:06:20.760 → 00:06:30.630
Dr Rachel: And during the play session really mimic pray so sometimes you’re a pie, sometimes you’re up you’re down low, you may slip around things and so forth.
00:06:31.350 → 00:06:35.010
Dr Rachel: After about 10 or 15 minutes you really want to make this a good one session.
00:06:35.280 → 00:06:50.460
Dr Rachel: What I want this person to do is now wind, the game down, so thank like the praise getting tired the praise getting injured pray dies and let that cat have one last final super duper juicy capture.
00:06:50.850 → 00:06:58.620
Dr Rachel: And immediately following the capture I want her to provide a cat with food, so now we have simulated a hunt.
00:06:59.130 → 00:07:08.820
Dr Rachel: cats do expect to catch and kill and be able to eat what they killed, and on top of that, when a cat hunts and then each their.
00:07:09.300 → 00:07:24.870
Dr Rachel: Their kill, they are put into their natural hunt eat sleep cycle so by doing that right before we go to bed we’re getting your cat in to tap into that sleep cycle and that’s going to help your cat sleep longer throughout the night.
00:07:25.770 → 00:07:33.510
Dr Rachel: In addition, know, should you can’t wake up earlier, we want to provide your cat with something to do so, the best thing to do is after your play session.
00:07:33.810 → 00:07:48.480
Dr Rachel: Robust play session final capture food you’re going to go right before you jump into bed put out some puzzle feeders for your cat so she wakes up before you she can hunt in play and eat on our own and get that hunt simulation.
00:07:49.620 → 00:07:51.720
Dr Rachel: And the other thing you can do is put out a little.
00:07:53.130 → 00:08:02.610
Dr Rachel: Things that aren’t really fooled by trick your cat into thinking that she’s eating like one of my favorite tricks, for this is something called Benito flakes it’s dried fish.
00:08:03.090 → 00:08:13.080
Dr Rachel: and playing dried fish, nothing else he added a little water to it, it really gives off a 50 cent and atrix cats do thinking they’re getting a little bit of food when they’re really not.
00:08:13.650 → 00:08:28.260
Dr Rachel: But bonito flakes are extremely low in calories but very high nutrition so it’s a good little extra thing to give to your cat before you wake up, but if you do do those two things in conjunction with the with each other you’ll definitely get a better night’s sleep.
00:08:29.100 → 00:08:30.990
Justin Donne: that’s really cool that’s really interesting.
00:08:32.160 → 00:08:48.180
Justin Donne: I am lucky, I guess, I don’t have to worry about that my Emily and my Charlotte tend to come to bed with me Charlotte tends to come to bed a little bit later like she’ll she’ll join us afterwards, whereas Emily it’s just you know she tucks me in you know.
00:08:48.900 → 00:08:52.260
Justin Donne: And they tend to spend the majority of the night with be.
00:08:52.680 → 00:09:03.420
Justin Donne: And maybe they go up and around when i’m asleep, but I generally have to wake up to tinkle a couple times, two, three times a night and most of the time they’re there.
00:09:03.720 → 00:09:11.580
Justin Donne: And i’m very pleased and then I wake up in the morning and they’re there and they don’t wake me up they don’t start nudging until it gets late.
00:09:12.660 → 00:09:26.490
Justin Donne: I have, if I sleep in until like eight nine o’clock or to God forbid 10 o’clock that’s when Charlotte normally is cool with it, she likes he’s chill but Emily starts getting angry, you know.
00:09:27.570 → 00:09:39.570
Justin Donne: person and she’s just like you know she starts really nudging at that so that’s but maybe i’m lucky like that, but you brought up puzzle feeders and that’s interesting because I just bought one and I haven’t.
00:09:39.990 → 00:09:50.700
Justin Donne: used it yet because emily’s recovering from her dental things I don’t want to know crunchy treats for her yet, but my mom got a puzzle feeder for her cat on Dean.
00:09:51.990 → 00:09:58.350
Justin Donne: and on Dean figured it out almost immediately.
00:09:59.730 → 00:10:21.300
Justin Donne: And it’s worthless, because on Dean can just get into the puzzle feeder and empty it in minutes, and so there are some cats that might might be really clever and puzzle feeders don’t work or does she just need to maybe try to find another more complicated puzzle feeder.
00:10:21.540 → 00:10:26.640
Dr Rachel: yeah I would say yes to answer your question, the second option, so they.
00:10:26.850 → 00:10:33.150
Dr Rachel: come in many different forms, many different types and some cats enjoy a challenge, more than others, and some cats are.
00:10:33.750 → 00:10:38.820
Dr Rachel: You know better at it, you know, then now they’re just like people right we’re all different we’re solving puzzles so.
00:10:39.120 → 00:10:45.930
Dr Rachel: yeah there were so many options and types of puzzle feeders that I would suggest to her to just get a more complicated one.
00:10:46.380 → 00:10:54.780
Dr Rachel: And there are some some where you really have to manipulate you know, several things and accomplish some task for the food to come out there, somewhere, you have to.
00:10:55.200 → 00:11:04.950
Dr Rachel: slide a door or open a draw so something like that might be better for your mom’s cat if that catch particularly adept at you know solving puzzles so.
00:11:05.460 → 00:11:14.250
Dr Rachel: And and some cats don’t like to stick with it, you know really the first time, get it to so some cats, it takes them a little longer, but I would definitely.
00:11:14.760 → 00:11:27.720
Dr Rachel: suggest, rather than giving up on the idea trying a different type I mean they come in so many varieties with so many different types of puzzles to figure out and some even have like two actions to one toy so.
00:11:28.830 → 00:11:36.060
Dr Rachel: It will be worth giving it another try, because it is a terrific thing for cats and i’m sure until that cat figured it out.
00:11:36.450 → 00:11:49.860
Dr Rachel: and got bored with it in that in between pie, the cow is probably loving it, so we do want to provide that stimulation, you know for our cats we don’t want them to be bored with a busy cat is a happy cat we want our kids to be doing these kinds of things.
00:11:51.330 → 00:11:53.280
Justin Donne: it’s really interesting because.
00:11:54.600 → 00:12:06.660
Justin Donne: You know, so my mom talks about the puzzle feeder and all that and I haven’t like I said tried it yet, but I have a feeling that but Emily will.
00:12:07.080 → 00:12:15.870
Justin Donne: figure it out, and you know get get into it and it’ll be pretty normal, I think, Charlotte might be more like my mom’s cat because I.
00:12:16.830 → 00:12:30.060
Justin Donne: With the treats that I keep I have to put the big plastic like takeaway containers, because otherwise, Charlotte can get into almost anything but she figured out how to get into those takeaway containers also.
00:12:31.350 → 00:12:40.740
Justin Donne: Like I have no way other than locking it in the safe we’re going to cover you know of keeping Charlotte out she can like open.
00:12:41.160 → 00:12:56.190
Justin Donne: A plastic container she figured out I don’t know how exactly because all of a sudden i’m hearing these noises and wake up, because it was in bed, you know and and I find her in the container like having gotten in it and i’m like what you do.
00:12:57.600 → 00:13:05.370
Dr Rachel: So the good news is you, is you know you have a cat who can be entertained by those types of toys, which is terrific you just don’t want your in your own food.
00:13:07.470 → 00:13:10.800
Justin Donne: Well, I don’t want her eating the entire you know.
00:13:10.830 → 00:13:11.280
00:13:12.300 → 00:13:12.780
Justin Donne: one.
00:13:12.930 → 00:13:13.950
Justin Donne: In one session.
00:13:14.190 → 00:13:15.240
Dr Rachel: That wouldn’t be good.
00:13:15.690 → 00:13:31.440
Justin Donne: That would be like that, because my cats do tend to be greedy like the fat says they’re not obese there’s nothing to worry about, but he just said just you know watch over feeding them because they are you know about 10% too chunky.
00:13:31.830 → 00:13:36.180
Justin Donne: Which is really cute on a cat it’s really cute I love, but they aren’t really if I.
00:13:37.290 → 00:13:56.880
Justin Donne: And it’s an interesting question because my mom’s cat does this to like no they get fed, you know plenty obviously they’re not thin but they try to like con me into giving them like two dinners or a little brunch after breakfast.
00:13:58.140 → 00:14:04.680
Justin Donne: And my mom’s cat does the same thing, so is that something you’ve you’ve heard or is that normal or I my cats like.
00:14:05.790 → 00:14:06.210
Justin Donne: weird.
00:14:06.720 → 00:14:16.530
Dr Rachel: No i’m actually really glad you asked that question because this is something I get all the time, so that’s a terrific question probably people watching this are going to say Oh, my goodness, my cat does that too so.
00:14:16.980 → 00:14:20.550
Dr Rachel: There are definitely cats, who are social eaters and.
00:14:21.540 → 00:14:29.670
Dr Rachel: Because we we tend to do the feeding and when we feed them, we tend to be with them, and maybe we’re giving them affection we’re using our.
00:14:29.910 → 00:14:36.450
Dr Rachel: voice in a loving tone, you know come on and get your food right we’re doing all the things that cats love, so we definitely.
00:14:36.810 → 00:14:42.630
Dr Rachel: As humans, and this is okay it’s nothing wrong with it, but it’s just why that happens, you know we’ve created all these.
00:14:43.080 → 00:14:49.650
Dr Rachel: lovely positive associations with us and the feeding and the food so some of it is just that.
00:14:50.340 → 00:14:59.970
Dr Rachel: may not necessarily be the food itself, but the whole you know thing around serving them the food, you know the attention the closeness the love the.
00:15:00.360 → 00:15:08.730
Dr Rachel: The talk the padding so um you know we’ve created that that those cats have learned that gee.
00:15:09.030 → 00:15:17.340
Dr Rachel: You know now they think about it whenever I get fed I also get all this extra love and attention my human sitting right next to me and.
00:15:17.490 → 00:15:29.880
Dr Rachel: he’s taking the time to be with me, and this is a lovely thing so i’m going to keep on asking for food so they’re probably not hungry, as you said, they’ve already eaten, but they want the attention they want the.
00:15:30.510 → 00:15:45.000
Dr Rachel: Social experience think of those of us who you know we might be invited to some type of party or you know we’re really not hungry, but we eat because everybody’s there and they’re eating, that would be something similar to that it’s just a nice pleasurable experience.
00:15:46.440 → 00:15:58.140
Dr Rachel: So you know you can try to give them a little bit you know just to sort of have that closeness that you really enjoy with your cat yeah just tidbit is fine exactly.
00:15:59.070 → 00:16:00.030
Justin Donne: yeah so that’s.
00:16:01.230 → 00:16:03.960
Justin Donne: interesting because people.
00:16:05.370 → 00:16:06.570
Justin Donne: Social eaters to.
00:16:06.630 → 00:16:09.540
Justin Donne: Yes, winkers or social smokers are so.
00:16:09.540 → 00:16:11.970
Dr Rachel: Exactly exactly I mean.
00:16:12.960 → 00:16:13.290
Justin Donne: To.
00:16:13.890 → 00:16:21.150
Dr Rachel: You it’s exactly the perfect metaphor so say somebody invites you to go out and have a cup of coffee or something we may not be thirsty.
00:16:21.510 → 00:16:29.370
Dr Rachel: But you know you’ll have that coffee, because you want to be social and be with that person is company you enjoy So if you think about it that way it’s not.
00:16:29.670 → 00:16:38.190
Dr Rachel: The cats and I really trying to be deliberately misbehaving or trying to trick you into anything she wants to company she wants to socially even you.
00:16:39.000 → 00:16:40.530
Justin Donne: yeah which makes sense.
00:16:40.590 → 00:16:41.430
Justin Donne: yeah do.
00:16:42.690 → 00:16:55.920
Justin Donne: You know, and they just yeah they both doing is true, I do give them little pets and little affection and you know when they’re eating and I do gotta find it cute the way they make the noise, you know that it’s you know.
00:16:55.950 → 00:16:56.880
Dr Rachel: Where they do it right.
00:16:57.750 → 00:17:01.800
Dr Rachel: All kinds of goodness going around with that besides just the eating part.
00:17:02.610 → 00:17:04.230
Justin Donne: Exactly yeah and and.
00:17:06.510 → 00:17:20.760
Justin Donne: They make me laugh because of the boarding they like, if I get distracted like, if I have like a moment of add or something and i’ve started to prepare the food, but then I get distracted with something else they’re very good both of them, reminding me to.
00:17:22.950 → 00:17:28.140
Justin Donne: counter or they’ll start mowing at the or whatever, but like a don’t lose focus, you know.
00:17:28.230 → 00:17:30.090
Dr Rachel: It so their life coaches to.
00:17:30.840 → 00:17:31.470
Justin Donne: they’re totally.
00:17:33.300 → 00:17:35.340
Justin Donne: Catch cutting their kitty coaches, you know.
00:17:35.340 → 00:17:44.160
Justin Donne: Yes, you there me i’ll mentors, which is what I like to call all of us are we are male mentors but so are they you know at least minor.
00:17:44.610 → 00:17:46.440
Dr Rachel: yeah no I hear you.
00:17:46.590 → 00:17:48.870
Dr Rachel: yeah you know you had a funny.
00:17:49.590 → 00:17:51.480
Justin Donne: not funny but a very interesting.
00:17:52.800 → 00:18:09.030
Justin Donne: Because you obviously do other podcasts as well, and so you had a very interesting point that you made on another one recently, and I saw it, and I tried to remember and put my finger on what it was Do you remember what the the newest thing you put out there.
00:18:09.630 → 00:18:13.800
Dr Rachel: Oh, the one for inspire unity, I bet that the one.
00:18:14.130 → 00:18:15.180
Justin Donne: I think so yeah.
00:18:15.240 → 00:18:16.440
Dr Rachel: By our unity yeah.
00:18:17.160 → 00:18:21.780
Justin Donne: So, because you brought up a point there, and do you remember what you brought up with them.
00:18:23.940 → 00:18:27.480
Dr Rachel: I mean it was like a 20 minute thing do we have what the topic was.
00:18:27.990 → 00:18:28.350
Justin Donne: Not a.
00:18:28.440 → 00:18:30.390
Dr Rachel: lot off the top of my head okay.
00:18:30.450 → 00:18:33.360
Justin Donne: Well that’s interesting i’ll ask her about that, but Oh well.
00:18:33.630 → 00:18:34.320
Justin Donne: We talked about.
00:18:34.380 → 00:18:44.580
Justin Donne: The important things today, which of course have to do with food with play, and you know it’s interesting because on you know, a podcast that I.
00:18:45.300 → 00:18:52.920
Justin Donne: don’t do regularly anymore my other podcast justin answer I interviewed Dr Michael Bruce who’s a sleep doctor he’s the world’s.
00:18:53.250 → 00:19:05.310
Justin Donne: Foremost sleep doctor you advisors presidents and celebrities and these leg blue chip, you know wow but so sleep is it’s a big deal right it’s a.
00:19:05.820 → 00:19:19.710
Justin Donne: huge issue for a lot of people, and you know he gave so many amazing tips, you know so many amazing pointers on like how to choose a pillow and this and that so you know i’m not sending people to go watch my other podcast or they can, if they want it.
00:19:20.100 → 00:19:37.890
Justin Donne: Not a problem it’s all good, but one of the one of the things is all of those you know you know clever you know wonderful solutions for sleep well you know if you’ve got a little meowing or whatever waking up or you know patting you on and that’s.
00:19:38.700 → 00:19:39.360
Justin Donne: that’s even.
00:19:39.990 → 00:19:43.320
Justin Donne: I don’t think he can resolve that you can’t help it be disruptive.
00:19:43.350 → 00:19:43.770
Dr Rachel: Yes.
00:19:44.160 → 00:19:50.130
Justin Donne: he’s a God first I don’t think he’ll probably say just keep them out of the bedroom but, as you know, most of us know.
00:19:50.610 → 00:20:05.280
Justin Donne: it’s not always an option to keep our babies out of the bedroom for one thing I don’t sleep well without my cat so you know I grew up as a kid with security, blankets hats, I still have them, you know, I was born with blankets, like you know.
00:20:06.390 → 00:20:08.130
Justin Donne: i’m not going to say how many decades.
00:20:08.820 → 00:20:09.210
00:20:10.230 → 00:20:13.650
Justin Donne: I now have security cats I I need them.
00:20:13.770 → 00:20:17.190
Justin Donne: to sleep if I go visit my mom or something in Paris.
00:20:17.700 → 00:20:27.030
Justin Donne: You know if i’m away too long, I start getting like upset like I miss my I just I need my cats, you know it might be better now that she has a cat but.
00:20:27.300 → 00:20:34.650
Justin Donne: I don’t know but it’s just it’s just I just start thinking about them and i’m like you know I love my mom, but I just want to get home to my cats.
00:20:34.890 → 00:20:37.470
Justin Donne: yeah i’m really a crazy cat man, but.
00:20:37.740 → 00:20:47.130
Dr Rachel: No, I think a lot of people are like that right, we want to snuggle with our cats and it’s a time to enjoy closeness and be relaxed it’s just a nice time for a lot of cat owners.
00:20:47.610 → 00:20:48.420
Justin Donne: It is yeah.
00:20:48.780 → 00:21:06.240
Justin Donne: It totally is and so it’s really great to be able to to enjoy that sleep with them as well, because I just find that very soothing and just as a final note, because you know it’s we’re at our you know half hour I don’t think we should record gigantic ginormous to our episodes but.
00:21:06.450 → 00:21:09.120
Justin Donne: like to talk to you all night but it’s just.
00:21:10.800 → 00:21:12.900
Justin Donne: I find that my cats.
00:21:14.040 → 00:21:32.880
Justin Donne: Will tuck me in and what I mean by that is, if you know when I when i’m when i’m in bad Emily will then you know come too bad or she’ll call me and say it’s time for bed, you know and and we go to bed, and then she’ll come and show you know PR she’ll spoon or snuggles somehow.
00:21:34.080 → 00:21:38.100
Justin Donne: And i’ll Petter and then, when she realizes i’m fading right faded.
00:21:39.060 → 00:21:50.670
Justin Donne: I noticed she goes back to her little nest and you know, not on that which is on the bed as well i’m a very big bed, and so so go to sleep but it’s just so she’s really like talking me in she’s waiting to fade and sleep.
00:21:51.060 → 00:21:54.750
Justin Donne: And then she goes and sleeps and Charlotte will do a very similar thing.
00:21:55.170 → 00:22:03.900
Justin Donne: One of them will they kind of alternator I don’t know how they pick but you know strong little sometimes commercial you know plop yourself there and i’ll patter she’ll start hurting.
00:22:04.290 → 00:22:21.810
Justin Donne: And then, when I start fading that’s when she goes, and you know goes in her sleep so she waits for me to sleep first and then she goes to sleep I think that’s really cute I don’t know if i’m describing human you know you know things to it, but it just seems like they’re talking me in.
00:22:22.260 → 00:22:28.950
Dr Rachel: yeah no it definitely seems like they’re waiting and then they understand when we’re sleeping number awake so that makes perfect sense and.
00:22:30.300 → 00:22:36.240
Dr Rachel: I think I think that a lot of cats want to make sure that you know we’re safe and we’re comfortable and.
00:22:36.480 → 00:22:44.640
Dr Rachel: They like to know where we are and where we’re going to be so it makes it makes total sense I don’t think you’re reading too much into it i’m sure that they know what they’re doing.
00:22:45.000 → 00:22:52.710
Dr Rachel: And they you know they very much love you, and they want to make sure you’re okay and you’re safe they know where you are, and then they can go off and sleep.
00:22:53.430 → 00:22:55.230
Justin Donne: that’s really cool I thought so.
00:22:57.000 → 00:22:57.690
Justin Donne: I thought so.
00:22:57.810 → 00:22:58.290
00:22:59.520 → 00:23:07.860
Justin Donne: it’s 731 here so it’s dinnertime be for you it’s probably you know close to what I don’t know what time it is over there, and he.
00:23:07.860 → 00:23:09.660
Dr Rachel: said it’s cat time over here.
00:23:09.840 → 00:23:10.590
Justin Donne: that’s it oh.
00:23:11.550 → 00:23:14.280
Justin Donne: And so it’s always cat time here but.
00:23:15.240 → 00:23:15.660
Dr Rachel: I will.
00:23:16.770 → 00:23:24.840
Justin Donne: say thank you very much, and this has been really cool, as always, and I really look forward to next month.
00:23:25.140 → 00:23:29.910
Justin Donne: Yes, second Friday we record and something Saturday cat today.
00:23:30.510 → 00:23:44.400
Justin Donne: Which i’ll put it up, on the other thing in the meantime i’d like to remind everyone that the kitty boss podcast is a weekly thing so next week next Saturday.
00:23:45.030 → 00:24:00.180
Justin Donne: If you would care to tune in you will hear me speaking for a little bit less because there’s no need for 30 minutes of me that’s that’s great with catching up with Dr Gallagher, but you know for 510 maybe 15 minutes, I will speak about.
00:24:00.510 → 00:24:08.700
Justin Donne: A very relevant topic having to do with cats whether it’s you know brushing their teeth brushing their for the firm and eater medicine.
00:24:08.970 → 00:24:19.830
Justin Donne: You know vet visit will talk about everything little bit of everything, depending on what sort of is top of mind that day, so the kitty boss is every cat today.
00:24:20.520 → 00:24:29.730
Justin Donne: we’ve dropped a podcast there’s no specific time because it’s not you know TV it’s not live, but every candidate should look for a new episode and.
00:24:30.330 → 00:24:42.960
Justin Donne: You know we will surprise you with a catch up with Dr Rachel geller once a month, which is be also very cool, so thank you very much, have a wonderful weekend and we’ll see a real soon.
Thank You!