Do You Need An Attitude Adjustment?
Today I’ve got to be thinking that something came over me. I don’t know what it is, and I’ve been really getting negative.
I’ve been really feeling bad, frustrated, and overwhelmed as a result of a challenge that I’m participating in. So when I think about that, and how in my entire life, it’s manifested in this way: where I project out my frustrations seeking help and not realizing that if it is to be, it’s up to me.
Taking it out on other people isn’t what I do. That’s what abusers do. Some people call them narcissists or whatever, but taking it out on other people by attacking them is not something that I do, ever.
However, expressing my frustrations and sort of pleading for help or venting is something that I definitely do too much of. I realized that today when a few people gave me some tough love on a group and they said to me, “Justin, buck up, man. You need to have a little bit more mental toughness.” They, of course, didn’t use those words. I’m interpreting. You need to be mentally tough. You need to pick yourself up.
Wipe the shit off your nose!
This was one guy’s words: wipe the shit off your nose. Another person said, “Dude, you’re really dragging me down.”
That to me was a moment where my heart sunk because I don’t drag people down. I uplift people. I’ve been called the director of inspiration. I mean, people really have given me this feedback. I didn’t name myself that, and so I’m thinking, “I’m the guy who uplifts everyone who boosts everyone, who makes them feel better, even over coffee, let alone a consultation session or whatever,” and here someone’s telling me I’m dragging them down!
Honestly, that has very rarely happened in my entire life, so I was like … almost used a bad word there.
I was really surprised by that and I had to do some reflection: do I have realistic expectations of the challenge? Do I have what takes to make the challenge? Frankly, no, not if I’m continuing with this specific attitude.
So attitude adjustment time. No, not John Cena taking you on his shoulder and crashing you down to the mat, although that might hurt less, but time to reflect, time to think about staying positive, keep moving forward.
There’s a reason these sayings are in the public consciousness. They’re not just trite aphorisms and maxims. Some of these are really valuable lessons and I need to hede.
I’m sorry if I have dragged anybody down. Please forgive me. That’s not who I really am. That’s not what I do. I do love you. I will demonstrate it through my actions.