Doubters And Believers
Interesting concept that was shared by am amazing mentor, salesperson, guru, closer, whatever you want to call him, an extremely successful man by the name of Myron Golden. It was actually shared by a gentleman and coach named Stephen Larsen. So Stephen, shout out to you, you’ll never read this, but anyway, I thought I’d credit you.
I’m really grateful that he shared this, because when I say it to you, I think it’s going to resonate with absolutely everyone. Now, apologies if I sort of twist the quote around a little bit. Myron said, “The difference between successful and unsuccessful people …” Or I think his words were between slothful people who don’t make anything of their lives, and aren’t productive versus successful people (you could say winners and losers) is that on the one hand you have people who believe their doubts, and doubt their beliefs; and on the other hand, you have people who doubt their doubts and believe their beliefs.
It’s a simple statement, alliterative, but doesn’t it capture confidence?
It resonates with me because it captures confidence, and I certainly have made this mistake so many times, where I’ve believed my doubts, I’ve doubted my beliefs, and it has prevented me from moving forward.
My old counselor used to say back in high school, “Just put one foot in front of the other and push.” Walt Disney used to say, “Just keep moving forward.”
So I’m going to adopt that and I’m going to start doing that. I’m Going to start doubting my doubts and believing my beliefs.