Feeling Lonely and Isolated? Wisdom Healing Qigong Gives You a Sense of Self-Empowerment and Connectedness

Wisdom Healing Qigong Reduces the Stress That Makes You Susceptible To COVID-19 and Other Viruses, Spurs Faster Recovery for Those Who Have Contracted It; Also Gives Health Care Professionals Greater Resistance Through Maximum Stress Reduction

Justin Donne
26 min readOct 11, 2020
Master Mingtong Gu: America’s Leading Authority and Guide to “Wisdom Healing Qigong”

If you’ve heard the term Qigong before, it’s likely you’ve equated it with just another form of slow martial arts.

But, as practiced in Wisdom Healing Qigong, it’s actually a 5,000-year-old Chinese Healing system that has significant implications for those that fear contracting COVID-19, those that are suffering from it and anyone who is dealing with physical illness or emotional pain in North America today.

And the man who established the potent form of Zhineng Qigong in America — Wisdom Healing Qigong — is Master Mingtong Gu. His discovery of it was profound.

As a child growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution, Master Mingtong endured hunger, poverty, and a long separation from his birth family. Despite these incredible hardships, he became the first from his village to attend college, earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics followed by two master’s degrees, including an MFA from Ohio State University. As a graduate student in art, Master Mingtong discovered the treasures of his own culture through the spiritual iconography of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, while practicing yoga, Tantric Buddhism, and Qigong.

In 1997, Master Mingtong returned to China for Qigong training under Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, a physician and Qigong grandmaster trained in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and the founder of the world’s largest Qigong hospital.

During his training, Master Mingtong observed thousands of cases of chronic and “incurable” diseases being healed at this “medicineless Qigong hospital,” which treated 200,000+ patients with more than 185 different illnesses, with a 95% effective improvement rate.

Could that medicine-less Qigong facility be duplicated in the West? Sold on its benefits, Master Mingtong dedicates his life to advancing the practice and a place to teach it to English-speaking communities around the world. Hence, The Chi Center just outside of Santa Fe NM was founded to bring Wisdom Healing Qigong to thousands of people in the United States, China, and Europe through his Retreats, workshops, books, and online and educational programs.

And the seemingly miraculous healings continue today at The Chi Center and with Master Mingtong’s followers and students, many of which have sought Wisdom Healing Qigong to resolve intractable, previously unhealed illnesses or pain.

And today, Wisdom Healing Qigong is actually taking the lead in helping people deal with so many of the issues related to the onset of COVID-19. This ancient practice can transform the fear and anxiety that is actually more contagious, and damages the body through stress. Stress makes one actually more vulnerable to the possibility of contracting the disease as it suppresses the immune system. And, the loneliness and isolation, are further impacting people’s ability to weather this challenging time in a healthy, stable manner.

Furthermore, for those who have fallen victim to the virus, Wisdom Healing Qigong can significantly improve their ability to restore their health.

Master Mingtong can explain to your listeners how using the simple use of movement, sound healing, and meditation woven into the specific practice of Wisdom Healing Qigong, the body will be more resistant to disease, the mind more resilient and the spirit more connected to the regenerative Universal (chi) energy — and to others without having to be in their presence.

He includes a training video “How to Reduce Stress and Transform Fear in the Time of COVID-19” within the free ebook: www.AncientHealingSecrets.com

To learn more about Wisdom Healing Qigong, and how it can help build your mental, physical and spiritual resistance to illness, or release the cause, effects and symptoms of current pain and disease, visit the website www.chicenter.com for educational videos, online courses, and once “sheltering at home” comes to a close, in-person Retreats in New Mexico.

Named Qigong Master of the Year by the 13th World Congress on Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Master Mingtong Gu possesses a profound ability to harness energy in order to accelerate personal and global healing, making him a sought-after healer, practitioner, and teacher.

As a child growing up in China during the Cultural Revolution, Master Mingtong endured hunger, poverty, and a long separation from his birth family. Despite these incredible hardships, he became the first from his village to attend college, earning a bachelor’s degree in mathematics followed by two master’s degrees, including an MFA from Ohio State University. As a graduate student in art, Master Mingtong discovered the treasures of his own culture through the spiritual iconography of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Western mystic traditions while practicing yoga, Tantric Buddhism, and Qigong.

In 1997, Master Mingtong returned to China for Qiqong training under Grandmaster Dr. Pang Ming, a Qigong grandmaster trained in Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, and the founder of the world’s largest Qigong hospital. During his training, Master Mingtong observed thousands of cases of chronic and “incurable” diseases being healed at this “medicine-less Qigong hospital,” which treated over 200,000 patients with over 185 different illnesses, with a 95 percent effective improvement rate.

Witnessing these profound healing experiences inspired Master Mingtong’s dedication to the teaching and practice of Qigong healing, which he now teaches to tens of thousands of people in the United States, China, and Europe through his workshops, books, online programs and education programs.

He created the Pure Qi Online series — a collection of courses which translate the ancient teachings of Wisdom Healing Qigong™ for contemporary times — and is the founder of The Chi Center and The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong, a beautiful 150-acre property located 20 minutes south of Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Through practice, Master Mingtong has recovered from his own chronic conditions of asthma, scoliosis, back pain, and kidney weakness. His teaching emphasizes activating the power of inner self-healing, facilitating the release of chronic illness while improving health and well-being. Master Mingtong lives and teaches with his wife Linling, also a gifted healer, and their two children.

Justin Donne
And we are recording so this is Justin Donne with Justin answer where cultural creatives come together to fulfill their human potential. So on that note, I have a most special and auspicious guest with me today, he is wearing my favorite color, my branding color yellow, which comes to be spiritually, it also signifies value. So, I would like to give a very, very warm and special welcome to and I’m going to share my opinion here to the greatest living master of Qigong. Now that’s my opinion, so I’m entitled to that. So please welcome Mr. Ming Tong. Thank you so much for being here.

Mstr. Mingtong
You’re so welcome. My pleasure. You’re making me really humble.

I won’t disappoint everybody first.

But we’re gonna have fun, have a great time together. I can

Justin Donne
see that you have a sense of humor and that works very Very well for me. And I also see that my my tinting is a little bit off on this on this video. So I’m just going to adjust that a little bit and continue to play with it as we speak so, so Mr. Ming Tong, what inspired you to become a wisdom healing Qigong Master, tell us your story, please.

Mstr. Mingtong
Yeah, you know, so many events, we all have our individual story. Every story is quite amazingly complex and the beautiful profile. And if we will affect him back in the besides how everything leading to you know, where we at right now, including at a time, you know, I was so determined to search for something, discover something, you know, can fulfill myself. And so reflecting back is literally the ongoing search for my childhood, searching for happiness, searching for fulfillment. So grown up being a very you know kind of unprivileged place, family and so on. And that internal you know driving force longing for better life for greater happiness even stronger. So So I had a you know, severe Uranus including sclerosis, sclerosis and as my condition and I learned to adapt to that weakness, live with it. But because of that, I think a part of me knowing that this greater potential to fulfill my life, and even these condition was diagnosed as incurable chronic condition. So, when I discover wisdom, healing chicom back about, let’s say 25 years ago, when I was in graduate school, study, Fine Arts, and I met a mutual and a beautiful friend, really comic A friend, and she was teaching Tai Chi in Chicago as American lady. And so I was fascinated. Basically, I didn’t know much of about chicken, you know, of course, most of us heard of Tai Chi. And but she gone with something more hidden, more secretive for main public. So, I become curious. Then she gave me a book by the founding teacher of the system, Dr. Pan mean. And so I was really hooked very quickly from beginning, the way he shared the wisdom from all these different perspective and ancient spiritual esoteric perspective, as well as modern science modern medicine aspect, as well traditional Chinese medicine, but also from other spiritual tradition. Very influential in China, such as Taoist Buddhist, Confucius, so it’s a really eye opening. And just by reading his book, so I, intuitively, I knew that’s something I want to proceed. And so start to kind of experimenting with by taking my friend’s class and also then her teacher’s class in the US. But I was not really, you know, too serious. I was still kind of passionate by my what I’m doing as an artist. So, but I didn’t have enough time. Just kind of play with on my own without a lot of guidance. And even doing that was so experiencial was so profound. So eventually, about two years later, I decide to go back to China to study more. With my teacher, Dr. Pan me So from then, not only took me another two years, heal these conditioning of scoliosis as my Lily, realizing my whole life is transformed changed is no way back anymore. I think you know what I mean? So, back then, so I decided to dedicate my life to this pass. And not only continuously the healing, awakening journey for myself but sharing this gift with people now in the last 20 years for time in the West, specially in the US. That’s

Justin Donne
Yes, thank you. That is an incredible story and it’s you healed yourself and the now you heal other people Now, interestingly enough, I have almost as much experience with Qigong as you do. In fact, having first discovered it through the martial arts when I was training as a young man in karate. And Chee Gong was just one of the things that we did to enhance our practices and everything. So I’m familiar with ci or t as we called it in the dojo, but for dynafit of most people listening who I would think don’t know what it is, could you explain to us what is ci or what is Qigong?

Mstr. Mingtong
Yeah, so in general, I’m seeing a different score for teaching and have a different perspective on chain. So, in wisdom, healing, Qigong tradition, when people ask me what is she asked back what is not she? What is not in the whole universe, can you give me something which is not everything is she basically that is the most profound, not just definition But it’s literally about perception. How in what a way you’re perceiving life perceiving the existence perceiving the universe. So when you perceiving everything as she, that’s means you’re perceiving every season made of energy. She means anything. So there’s a whole spectrum of energy to the lady of energy in the physical body. So, the energy in your emotional body even to the most disadvantages, your mind your consciousness, and that continue expanding to the whole spectrum of energy existence, on the earth in the whole universe. So, Chico is about on one hand is opening your perception beyond the physical, beyond you know, separation beyond whatever identification of existence based on your own perception, which mostly physical, so opening to the universal energy and the second aspect This is cultivating this energy existence, not just about believing all the energies, they’re the one you see there, you know, but your responsibility, how you access in energy, how you bring energy into your body, how you cultivating the energy in your life, including your health. And that is the potential as a human being, we cultivate inchcolm. So Gong means practice means the capacity working with energy also means the greater potential, you have to realize. So ultimately, Chico is about realizing human potential,

Justin Donne
you know, as appropriate for our show, then.

Mstr. Mingtong
Absolutely. Absolutely. That’s why I was excited.

Justin Donne
So much for that explanation, because in all these decades, I have never had it explained in that way. That’s not Not how we would have explained in the dojo. And it’s not how it is explained by some other masters I studied with the thank you very much because I do find that very enlightening and a very much a new perspective on ci and on ci Gong and what that means and also how it relates to all the personal development, world level retraction and the people were speaking about. Energy everything is energy, not now it starts to make more sense of how it fits together in unity. So, what is now specifically now what is wisdom healing Qigong, what is that branch? Yes.

Mstr. Mingtong
So, you know, historically, there’s so many lineages in Chicano tradition in China, which can do back to 5000 years back in history, you know, starting with the Yellow Emperor time, and that is almost 5000 years of history of accumulative. knowledges and then, and 20 let’s say you know, 20 500 years ago, and then the new it’s not new tradition by the time was new, you know, the Taoist Confucius the Buddhist kind of a happen about the same error of time. So everything become more sophisticated, more organized, more so philosophically, let’s say integrated and then passed down slow. So martial art as well traditional Chinese medicine and the three spiritual traditions. And so that’s kind of passed down of the time. So my teacher, Dr. Penn, he studied these esoteric practice of chickens since childhood, but as a professional, he is a physician and specialized in western medicine. And then on the side, he also very cultivated realized in the Chinese traditional medicine. So from his career, not only he was able to maintain his health His power slow his practice by in serving his patients. He liberalizing from, you know, the conventional medicine point of view including integrative medicine Actually, we realizing not only limitation, but the new disease, so many different kinds of disease is being classified as incurable as chronic. That’s means from a conventional even integrative method, we we don’t have ultimate solution, we can manage a symptom, we can improve in the quality of life. So, he start to experiment in using chicken technique, and then quickly realizing the patient need to practice this technique practice chicken, so to speak clearly in a reverse their condition. So, very quickly, in few years, he realized in very, you know, profoundly is out and at the time he is still working as a

Justin Donne

Mstr. Mingtong
because of that he was putting to jail because he’s started prescribing less, less less medication, his patient is getting better results than anyone else. So this government, you know, becomes suspicious of what he’s doing skeptical. So then they discover he’s doing the right thing to help patients. So let him go. Then he realizing, in order to bring true benefit to the public, he has to create his own center. So created medicine chicken Hospital in China, in a farm special professional in medicine, including allopathic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, to medicine, listicle Hospital, just purely using Qigong, not so much of treating the patient, but really empower them as a students as a practitioner to heal from within. So over the years at a time when I was there, five thousand people practicing together, not just occasionally, but for one month at a time for weeks programs, day and night, very intense practice. So, one of the phenomena is when you just go in the door whether you have experience in Chicago or not, whether you’re healthy or you’re whether you believe in this or not, your whole body going to buzz just by us with energy, the field of energy, the power the energy is so present right there. And especially after you know, more than two decades of people practice in the same location, you know, at a time with 5000 people. So, with that power, people start to experience incredible recovery from all these incurable condition. So as a doctor, he start to nano collecting the data he wants to know, evidence based no This is to happening. So you have students do a medical test beforehand, then go slow for weeks program, then go into the conventional hospital, Western medicine hospital, do a conventional test again, compare the result. If you see measurable change then means effective. And that’s means for all these incurable condition. And so as a result, he was able to realize 95% effective rate for like more than 200 different kind of clinical conditions, you name it. So that’s his lady really, you know, contemporary history. So the predication and of chicom. applying to house in the largest scale is only happened probably from 4050 years ago in China before that is more like secretive for people. You know, high classes of people ordained incident, you know, lineages and their access to these practice for two reasons. One is for spiritual development. The second is for practical reason is longevity. They want to accomplish the, the ultimate goal of immortality. There’s so many stories like that, and the song by for my teacher as a doctor, he wants to help everybody. So not only he was able to make this secret available for the mainstream, but he incorporate what he learned over more than 30 years integrated into a system called integrative wellness system. And this causes in chicom, wisdom healing chicom. So it’s really not only bringing the best technique he learned from 19 different teachers, but also tracing back to what The original energy principle energy, cosmology, energy wisdom. And so there’s a profound, you know, cosmology, then the methodology, then the method come out of that, then looking at all that in a new light of science, including quantum physics, including, you know, new medicine, so on, and then how are we applying all these wisdom to the healing, but in this case, healing is more about wakening or for potential. So as the byproduct is healing.

Justin Donne
So So who can benefit from wisdom healing Qigong, everybody.

Unknown Speaker
Oh, Timothy, everybody,

Justin Donne
everybody, not just sick people so that

Mstr. Mingtong
no, no anybody? So here’s the bottom line. Yeah. So when you recognize ABC is made of energy. Your whole body is made of energy, your heart is running on energy, your mind is functioning based on energy. Then the conclusion is very simple, more energy flowing, the more you can have helps more than energy flowing more you feel the joy when the heart opening. Yeah, more energy flowing more you’re activating all capacity including brain capacity, creative capacity of your mind, spiritual capacity of connection with oneness with the universe. So, opposite is true to when the energy is not flowing. If energy is stuck, blocked, isolated, then disease comes. Yeah, then a heart contract emotional body feel, you know, depressed right now explains so much depression. So much Much emotional issue, angry you know anger issue and grief issues and worry issues. A main issue is the fear. The fear is that energy lifeforce is contracted in your kidneys system, then experiencing the fear, then vice versa. When that energy contracts being feared and you’re responding to life with fear, then become a vicious cycle. So as a result, we experiencing so much the fearful pattern of fight flight, also freeze. But as Elisa is depreciating of this life force, that energy is suppressed, stuck is not functional. It’s not nourishing life is not fulfilling the true purpose of life, including our creativity. So that is the bottom line. So how to awakening that energy? Opening that energy, allow the energy flow in the most optimal connect in the most optimal way. That is the main concern. So that means involved with your body involved with emotion and heart involved with your mind, you know involved with how you are living your life. But the form of practice is allow you to change these patterns, the limited pattern of contraction, the limited pattern of fear, the limited fashion of disconnection we’re experiencing right now, so much. So it’s literally about tapping into the inner power You’re bound with already, and yet the inner power is suppressed, is challenged now, how you can live connecting with our original essence original power again, that is clearly about the main concern of Chico

Justin Donne
Okay, that makes sense that makes sense to do that. So I mean, the the medicine list yigong center and I know that inspired you sounds absolutely fantastic in terms of I mean, it seemed to have cured incurable diseases and we say that with commas because technically, you know, you can’t cure anything in this country and I’m not even in the United States so, but they did it anyway. people some people would say that’s a miracle. Other people would say that’s impossible, and yet it happened. It happened before your eyes and before, before the individuals who were healed eyes but how does how does how does wisdom healing Qigong benefit, especially for chronic illness? So for anybody listening who might have a chronic illness right now,

Mstr. Mingtong
how Yeah, good question Justin approaches same believe or not, is whether you’re healthy or have a, you know, life threatening disease or have chronic illness, whether you’re young or middle aged, The practice is same. So it’s not based on diagnosis. Okay, so it’s not like okay you diagnose certain conditions and you do different things such as different drug different treatment. No, you ultimately go into your body connecting, you know the deeper dimension of a body is energy, then wherever the energy is stuck, then you learn to open it, learn to lease the stuckness, the tension, the stress, you learn to live connecting the energy with the entire body, come back to more than just balance, come back to the harness, come back to ultimate energy flow, energy, communication, energy wholeness, so by the parts waken into the hole, then naturally, any system of your body awaken into the optimum condition. So that is a process. It’s not like an overnight That’s means you experiencing the change gradually the improvement Yeah. So all function of your body mind heart spirit is based on energy. So, that is the principle that is also the simplicity and the way people are able to do it because you know you have everything you need. You have your own body, you have a powerful mind. And normally all mine is externally focused right now mostly externally last stressed in Tango

Justin Donne
with all the bad storage So, how can wisdom healing Qigong help people in this time of COVID-19 So, yeah,

Mstr. Mingtong
this was all related only ladies. Here’s the formula here’s the process. Okay, firstly is

cultivating your awareness instead of mind thinking stories and history, news and the solution. Yeah, the mind getting overwhelmed, stressed, lost. I think that’s the epidemic we’re feeling. Then, by doing that, emotionally, yeah, our body energy contract, and the physical body also contract, and yet the most time we’re not aware of. Yeah, and this is not only happening right now for epidemic, I mean pandemic, but it has been happening in your whole life. But if you’re not aware of your body, then what happened, you ignoring the stress, your mind thinking other solution externally move on to the next thing, move on to the next thing, but the stress accumulates in your body, you’re not aware of them. And that’s the number one problems especially right now we have extreme stress, you know, 10 times more hundred times more than, you know, even years ago. So but most of us still lost in the mentor. We’re not aware the body carries stress. Then if you’re not aware of that, when that happening, eventually what happened? The body giving up? Eventually you’re diagnosed with the problems, then often we feel surprised why suddenly I have this problem as if something happened just last night overnight. No, my dear, nothing happened overnight. Everything you’re experiencing right now is a result of accumulation of your past the whole past of your life basically. So, the number one I’m going to I’m going to give you not only the formula, but the the main solution beyond this formula to solve urgency problem right now is the long term solution. The deep solution you can have from my experience, yeah. So the number one learning is turning your mind from externally lost stressed entangled to internally connected with your body. So, simple practice we started nav you know in the beginning, you close your eye, you feeling your body, feeling the sensation of your brain, your shoulder your arms, in five organ system in Thai body, the scanning the entire body with the intention of awareness, intention of compassion, intention of loving kindness, then naturally you noticing all the some area is more stressed, more intense, even more painful than other areas of your body. So, all habit is running away from these discomfort from these pain, the mind goes somewhere else again. So with training you continuously coming back to your body again again again again. So that’s the first step I call acceptance is internally accepting, internally connecting in with your body, internally recognize what is choose inside of your body. Instead of analyzing what is true around you what is true around the world, you discover what is true inside of you. Then the second part of the process is much easy once you can do the first part is doing these movement, very gentle, soft movement, but also very powerful movement and allow you to not only feel the body, but releasing the tension accumulates over time of everyday living as well from the whole history and opening to more subtle energy flow, greater capacity of energy flow. Then you can do sound healing and the sound healing allow you Tap into the energy of your five organ system specially the emotional body. As I mentioned, the most powerful emotion we’re experiencing right now is fear in all the choice most of the choice we’re making, personally, even collectively specially in the political dimension right now it’s all fear based. It’s all fight flight. If you look at the entire human history, all the problem is caused by this fear.

So this this awakening call right now

Justin Donne
and people are also experiencing a lot of anxiety and a lot of trauma so so this wisdom healing Qigong will help with emotional well being Yeah,

Mstr. Mingtong
absolutely. I feel this is one of the most important ni important benefit of practicing Qigong specially sound healing, literally walking with energy of your fire. organ system is not mental is not just mental. Use your mind connecting with your heart deeply connecting deeper into your five organ system, then the vibration, you change the energy pattern of this emotion you experience from the history, our trick now by the pandemic right now. So, you’re the only way you can change these patterns. That is my discovery. That is the most passionate message I can share with you. Yes, you can receive support from other people. Yes, you can use medication as a treatment to let’s say, managing symptoms. But deeper change of your own internal pattern, or mind, heart body spirit, as who you are, is your own responsibility. It’s your own capacity. It’s your own deep journey of life.

That’s how you very much relate to fulfilling your full potential. So you just parallel.

Justin Donne
Yeah, but you meant you just mentioned mental, emotional, physical, spiritual. So how could wisdom healing Qigong open up our spiritual connection?

Mstr. Mingtong
So when you’re recognizing ever since and energy just when you realizing energy has no boundary? Yeah, my solar energy extending beyond this physical body, even beyond this loom naturally connecting with the energy of the earth, of the same environment I’m living, but also connecting with the entire energy field of the planet Earth. And then you feel naturally connecting with the pure energy of the entire universe.

Justin Donne
So you feel these things. In other words, you feel as you practice, exactly mentioned, the other thing you mentioned, which was interesting was you can get support You can get support from you know, Doctor medicine. So how what is the relationship then between wisdom healing Qigong and conventional medicine? can use both, I assume.

Mstr. Mingtong
Yeah. So most people use both, but we need to recognize the major difference when he is either our pasic integrative or combat oriented, you know, complementary medicine, you still depends on someone else. Depends on something else. Okay? With an issue in totally self healing, you’re doing it yourself. Okay? So you’re not taking on any medication. You’re not only you No need to give. let other people diagnose you tell you what’s going on in the body. So it’s literally a solved connection. And yes, the teacher the healer, can support you by teach you how to do practice, how to do self healing more effectively. can also empower you inspire you continue this journey. Because it’s, it’s, it’s, it’s new for most people, you know, because the convention habit is, if I have any problem, I go to the doctor, I give my body to the doctor, I give my spirit to the church to take care of.

Justin Donne
You give to somebody else to come back. And this is not that this is the opposite of that is asking yourself. So Zack. So now that we’re talking about differences, so what is the difference between wisdom healing Qigong, Tai Chi, which many people have heard of, but then also two other things which which I actually do i do yoga for exercise, actually, because it’s excellent for the body, but also meditation I also meditate. So yeah, what is the difference then between wisdom healing Qigong, and Tai Chi yoga. Yeah, it’s all good.

Mstr. Mingtong
It’s all good. So historically, you know, yoga came from India, and She come from Chinese tradition. So these two really parallel to each other, paired to each other, then in each tradition, there’s so many different lineages, different schools, there’s so many different kind of yoga traditions, you know, score teachings, and similarly, so many different kind of chicon in China too. And so, but the not a lot of systems. So, most of Qigong is focused on just form different forms, different routines, so to speak. Okay, so it’s not a whole system. A system qualifies system is a combination of different practice together. Then, behind the math methods. There’s the methodology. Yeah. When clear methodology you use to work with energy, how everything work in the most effective way possible within that system. Then behind the methodology you have cosmology. What is the perception of the nature of the universe nature of this body nature of consciousness the nature of life? So, for example, some is based on in young then such as touchy based on in the young Yeah, some focus on five you know, elements system, then you have five animal chicken for example. So some of focus on other kind of energy principle, they’re all beneficial. And, but in big picture is like this, you know, when we say Chico in general, is this more ancient tradition is more like the grandfather, grandmother from the ancient time coming down, or the loots coming up, you know, to the big chunk, then different branches coming out. Tai Chi is one of these branches coming out. Okay, that makes that makes clear, clear sense to me. So thank you very much. And so now what is the meditation Coming to the meditation, actually traditionally, Chico more focus on meditation, usually sitting meditating or standing, meditating, and that’s the very popular in a traditional chicon. So in a contemporary chicom, for example, wisdom, healing chicken with the system, we equally emphasize all of them. So moving meditation, sound healing, meditation, standing meditation, sitting meditation. So it’s all combination of these practice. So the main thing I think might be unique or integrative. In wisdom million Chico is we emphasize both the power of energy as well as the Pugh essence of the mind. So the combination of these two allow you not only breathing simultaneously, the benefit in the practical dimension of health as well spiritual growth but also allowing the union we say heaven to earth uniting inside of you. Interesting so so what is the relationship between healing and this spiritual awakening? Exactly. So it’s inseparable, basically. So when you’re doing healing, you’re clear in energy naturally opening to the greater spiritual connection, spiritual growth, spiritual awakening, then, if you focus on awakening spiritual awakening process, then naturally you need to go deeper into the physical dimension of your energy to clear whatever block just whatever, you know, limitation limited energy part inside of you whether you have a diagnosis or not.

Justin Donne
So that is, yeah, that makes really good sense. So then a lot of people today, I mean, we talked about fear, anxiety, trauma already, but what about stress how Wisdom healing Qigong address, that’s the main saying

Mstr. Mingtong
that’s the bottom.

That’s just bottom line. You know, it’s like, we know, the main cause of all disease specially chronic Uranus is stress, stress, not just everyday stress but a chronic stress. And we experiencing both right now. So as a result of stress, the ultimate in the form of stress is trauma, trauma. So, in responding to a traumatic events, or stressful, you know events of your life, what usually happen is your energy contract. So, the energy of your brain, your nervous system contract, or the energy of your heart contract, or the energy of another organ contract, or the energy of your own connection. For example, with the relationship, yeah, suddenly severe and Li damaged. So when that happens, if you can bounce him back, then you find, but the problem is not only intense stress we’re experiencing, but also the chronic stress as well. traumatic

Justin Donne
stress. You know, the look

Mstr. Mingtong
beyond our own capacity. Yeah, exactly. Beyond our capacity to bouncing back. That’s what we call trauma.

Justin Donne
Yeah, yeah. And the ability to bounce back in business. We talk a lot about resilience. Exactly.

Mstr. Mingtong
instantly. Yeah, that’s what we need most right now. That’s what are we missing most right now. So going is literally about going to your body, like connecting with energy inside of you. No matter what happened in the past. So no matter how much a trauma how much is true us how much Uranus how much disconnection happened in the past, you can connect now, you can awaken in energy now, you can open an energy again, then you change the whole dynamic.

Justin Donne
So you keep you mentioned to us and you taught us a technique today so that but you said there were there were the three A’s practice in the system. So the awakening, I didn’t catch the other two A’s. Yeah.

Mstr. Mingtong
The first a is acceptance, acceptance. Yeah. Internally accepting your body. What is true inside of you, allow you to make a deeper connection with your own body. Your own choose. Yeah. So except then a second. Yes. Secondly, is activation. Active, basically, you activating energy with the purpose of opening. Yeah, connecting with and flow more deeply, more holistically.

Justin Donne
Yeah, another third day.

Mstr. Mingtong
The 30 is appreciation.

appreciating what do you have appreciating what are you experiencing? So judging?

Justin Donne
That makes sense. Yeah. And you know, and of course all our friends who practice self help personal development that we’ll talk about gratitude. Yeah, it’s a synonym of appreciation. So that’s really interesting. So, what are the main techniques that people can learn for self care and self healing? You talked about that a lot about about instead of seeking externally, you know, you’re you’re healing yourself. It’s, you’re responsible. So instead of somebody else coming to the rescue, so one of the main techniques for self care,

Mstr. Mingtong
yeah, it’s really simple. Just in you know, the common practice is really applicable for everyone. So far, I have here the whole process, the whole principle, and is anybody can do it. But these practices so simple, is just very gentle movement. You know, when you move in the shoulder gently, softly by repetitive Then you start to release in the tension release industry. So opening a deep energy flow, you start feel more alive more alive, then I’m just giving you a very simple example you can do anytime. But as looting Of course, we’d be more complex. Yeah. And as the example is lifting the sort of energy around the EU, you imagine in visualizing the power of energy around you, arising from Earth, connecting with heaven, the universe, then you bring the energy down, connecting deeply to the interior of your brain, in to your body interior via her interior via cell. So the time your mind able to connect, able to concentrate, able to direct energy, then you still feel become more energized, more lighter, more alive, more connected. So direct experience when you repeat in this simple moment. So, you can do these movement by sitting by standing even some of the movement can line down. Then the sound as I mentioned, is just giving you example the sound for the heart is like this.

The Chi Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong

The Center for Wisdom Healing Qigong, located 20 minutes south of Santa Fe in Galisteo, NM, is a beautiful 150 acre retreat center. With breathtaking views of New Mexico’s landscape, the dazzling sunsets over the western mountains, and vast darkness of the enormous night sky, healing emerges as mind and spirit connect.

Workshops let by founder Master Mingtong Gu are held in the beautiful circular building –the Lotus Kiva — which replicates traditional ceremonial kivas, set into the earth. The main house features six fireplaces and the grounds include two labyrinths, outdoor fireplaces, fountains, a pond with a waterfall and paths for reflection and hiking. This is a place where heaven and earth truly meet within you and around you.

Just as Grandmaster Dr. Pang started with ten students in the early 1970s and inspired millions of practitioners within two decades, Mingtong started with small classes and has expanded into a global program with thousands of online participants and sold-out Retreats around the world. The vision is to create a Center dedicated to integrative healing through Qigong and other modalities.

Learn More


Videos  

Master Mingtong Gu

Healing Stories


Online CoursesQigong for Beginners

All Others: https://chicenter.com/online-programs


The Chi Center

40 Camino Vista Clara • Lamy, NM • 87540 

Phone: 505–509–5582


Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wisdomhealingqigong

YouTube: https://youtube.com/mingtonggu



Justin Donne
Justin Donne

Written by Justin Donne

Justin Donne is an experienced nonprofit organization leader, business strategist, public speaker. He loves solving problems and creating innovative solutions

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