Happy Fruitcake Toss Day
Nothing kills diets worse than lack of sleep, so here are some hints, tips, insights to get repose
Today is festival of sleep day so I thought what a great time to talk about the importance of sleep. So one of the things that will sabotage any weight loss efforts one of the biggest things is a lack of sleep. And so let’s be honest are you getting enough sleep. I know that I sometimes skimp on it try to burn the candles at both end try to wake up early and be productive and then stay up late and unwind with videos and all of that. So I again I’m not an expert I’m not a sleep doctor but I do know strategies that absolutely help one of them is to switch off at least an hour before bed. So if you take your laptop smartphone or.
iPad to bed with you. No wonder you’re having sleep difficulties even with the sort of blue light nighttime filters on those things will keep you up if anything because they stimulate the brain. So getting the electronics out of your bedroom is possibly the most important thing to do. Another thing to do is to try and black out the room as much as possible either in the environment or with a sleep mask. Because. The presence of light any light nightlight will reduce to a certain degree the amount of melatonin and rejuvenation that happens during the sleep and the depth of your sleep. Now the strategy you might consider doing is getting to bed by 10:00 because studies have shown that between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. are the maximum hours where the sleep cycles and the melatonin and the Pernille and all of the different systems involved in sleep do their thing. So if you get eight hours of sleep a day but you get it like in the daytime it’s not going to happen.
I don’t know if that’s because of the moon cycle or your astrological marvels. The bottom line is what works. The bottom line is observing the phenomenon and observing the observe the things the obvious things that happen in the world. And one of the things that I know are sleep scientist friends will not dispute against is number one getting sufficient sleep and number two. We are not nocturnal animals. If you’re trying to live a vampire lifestyle. Don’t be surprised if your health deteriorates because that’s not who we are. Now of course different people require different specific amounts of sleep of course some are rare individuals can survive on for hours but for the most part it you know seven to nine is what we all need. And you’ll know. Because you should be waking up and feeling great. Well another thing you could do is when you do need to wake up let’s say you have to set an alarm. Get one of those ones that wake you up gradually. So if it’s somebody banging on a dish pan an d it’s waking you up to heart palpitations and an alarm you’re setting your day up for badness. You want to set your alarm as something that gradually wakes you up in those Sunrise clocks will come up.
I have one when I need it. It’s fantastic it makes a huge difference. Of course I mentioned melatonin. You can take that as a supplement and that is a fantastic way to help get to sleep in the evenings. And to prevent you from getting to sleep. Use caffeine after like 1:00 p.m.. I’m guilty. I love my coffee shouldn’t but there you go. So those are a few hints a few tips. About getting sleep. So today is. The festival of sleep day. So. Think about that.
When you go to bed tonight: Sweet dreams.
Justin Time