Jack Canfield Responded To Me?
Cat Lovers Of The World Unite!
Today has been interesting. I had the experience that somebody commented negatively on a celebratory post I made celebrating the first few hundred dollars that I’ve ever made online. I was so happy, I was elated. I called my mom and called my dad. Someone commented, “He seems fake to me.” Well, I was hurt by that because anyone who knows me to any degree knows that truth, authenticity; these are cardinal values for me, and I am anything but fake.
I posted some videos on that, on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheJustinDonne/ as well as Instagram https://instagram.com/justindonne . I went live and not seeking or fishing for compliments, but basically just wanting a little bit of reassurance from my friends. I’m not perfect. I know I need to be more mentally tough. I know I need a thicker skin, especially online. I know I should care, but not that much.
But do you know what? I don’t feel any sense of guilt because I needed my friends. Friends were there. They came out of the woodwork, they knew. They gave me a boost. Their comments really meant the world to me. Of course, I’m sure that they know, and you should know too, that if you ever need me, reach out to me because I am known for giving more than I get, for not taking as much as I give with an open heart. Everybody who knows me knows that’s a fact.
I’m proud of that. It’s the way I live my life. I actually don’t know how to live otherwise. Do you know, I keep saying this to people when I meet them: I say, “If I was just a little bit shrewder and ruder and more selfish; today, I’d be a multimillionaire many times over.”
I just give and gift all the time, but that’s okay because I sleep well at night. Good karma. The other interesting thing that happened is anyone who knows me knows I am crazy about my cats. I write poetry for them. I sing to them. I adore them. They mean the world to me. I’m always in a high vibratory state when I pet them, when I spend time with them. We have the most amazing communication and relationship.
In fact, one day, I’m going to produce a system that teaches everything that I do. But interestingly enough, the Jack Canfield, one of the gurus of the self-help movement who wrote Chicken Soup for the Soul, one of my idols, to be honest with you, I happen to know he’s a cat person because I remember in a film and book called The Secret, he talks about how he puts himself in a state of joy by petting his cats which. gives him. the ability to manifest or whatever.
I remember that. He had posted a thing and I commented about what brings me joy. I posted a photo of my cats, Emily and Charlotte, and I got a reply. I’m a little bit proud of that. Don’t tell me or shatter the illusion that it was somebody on his marketing team. Maybe it was. Possibly, probably, potentially, it was a member of the marketing team running his social media, whatever.
In my mind, I prefer it to be the Jack Canfield. Do you know what? He’s someone who loves cats. Even if somebody on his team, I’m sure they showed it to him because it is a phenomenal photo.
Anyway, this is Justin. I am coming to you just in truth, just in answers and just in health. I hope you have a fantastic day or had a terrific day, depending on where in the world you’re from. My love to you.