Music Mindset Marketing
Awesome Rare Interview with legend Jon Rostand, normally behind the scenes…
Justin: Alright, just so you know we’re live. We are live. This is Justin Donne, Justin Answer and I am here with my good friend, my new friend, Jon Rostand. Did I say that correctly? Did I pronounce your name right? I should have asked you this off-camera.
Jon: Yes, sir, you did. How’s it going, Justin?
Justin: I’m terrific, thank you. How are you?
Jon: Doing well, man, it’s been for the holidays. How was your holiday?
Justin: Holiday was good. I was just being the cats this year, but just how I like it. So to let everybody know who I am speaking to and who you are being introduced to. This is somebody who if you are struggling with money, if you are struggling with debt, if any of these things are factors in your life, perhaps you’ve just left the military, I certainly have friends who were in that situation several years ago, then this is a man you want to talk to because he can help you optimize, monetize your life and various projects that you have going for you. He’s here to help. He has a big heart. He’s not a martyr, so don’t expect handouts here, but he is definitely here to give people a hand up which is fantastic.
So welcome, Jon. I am really grateful and honoured for you to accord us our brief interview here. So shall we get started, are you ready?
Jon: Yeah, we are. Let’s go, I’m ready.
Justin: Fantastic. So tell me a little bit about your backstory, so what has brought you to this moment in time, what has brought you that my listeners might be interested in what I just said? So tell us a little bit about who you are and where you come from?
Jon: So yeah, I’m an Islander, I’m from Haiti. I came to this country, I didn’t we didn’t have a lot of family nor did I have a lot of influences, but what I have was like skills, like music skills and a lot of technical skills. And I remember at sometimes around like 2012 as I was about to go to college, there was like a dramatic shift into what should I call, technology. And my parents wanted me to be an architect, you know, the usual architect, school and stuff like that. But what I really wanted to do was like helping people and being in art or any of this type of work, is putting yourself in a way, you know, you either send a message or whatever. But I also wanted to be able to live nicely.
So what had happened around that period was this is a dramatic shift in computing, I mean, so those program people were paying a lot of money like Photoshop and all these things to do animation were kind of diluted because kids over the Internet in India can make, you can pay them less money on Fiverr and that completely killed that market. When it comes to audio, like look at, this is a high-quality microphone, I bought for like $2,000 or $3,000. Back then if you work in a studio, it would have been like thousands of dollars, you know, what I mean like. So knowing this and knowing what I know in my art and stuff like that, with technology I’m able to do… I have like a really good lifestyle without even taking a lot of money out, you know, I can build a business.
Justin: Yeah and that is fantastic and you’re exactly right. I mean, I know that I’ve hired several times off of Fiverr and other freelancing type platforms and fantastic people over in India and other countries, so it’s not a knock against them. Because the work, I’ve always been very happy with it, but you’re right it has killed that whole, can I support and sustain myself and a family as just a little freelancer doing this here and there? And the answer is probably today, no and it really is because of that and the technology, you know, explosion that we’ve had.
I just showed you my particular microphone this one is from Rode which is I think is fantastic. But to be honest with you, I record a lot of things on this phone that I have, it’s an XX Max, it’s not even the newest one and the microphone seems to be so good on the iPhone itself that I get lots of compliments on my voice and various things like that.
Now, maybe I do have a great voice, but I also think it has to do with the simple fact that the iPhones got a great microphone on it by itself without any extra accouterments. And of course, my little professional microphone which I picked up for less than $200, so it may not be as fancy as yours, but it’s exactly what you’re saying. I definitely see that musical stuff back there, which is really cool. I’ve played the piano since I was four years old, so music is a huge part of my life. For me, it’s more classical music and for you, I can see it’s more the technology-based music which I absolutely love in the door.
So, let’s now talk about, now that we get where you’re from and you know, what you’ve done to get yourself to this point. So let me ask you a question, what is it that you would like to accomplish right now in your life?
Jon: Well, I’ve accomplished much, is for me is just giving and helping others and finding a way. Because I’m somewhat new to this, it still baffles me how people were unmotivated, it’s funny. People want limbos, people want everything in the world, but they refuse to do the work. So my job is to find the diamond in the rough. And in my market, you’ll see it a lot, people mesmerized by shiny things: Oh, I like this, Oh, I like that. Over time, they’ll spend like $50 here, $40 there. Mind you, I was part of it, like I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on just nothing of things, you know, because again I was doing the shiny object thing.
And it comes to a point in my life where I was so broke, I was just like, you know what, I’m going to find a mentor. The last money I had saved up and I was just, saying here, just teach me, just you take it, okay, just teach me. And what I really wanted to do is because knowing who I am and where I come from, if I can find people like that, it will make the world a better place. Trust me, it’s not to say people are bad people, obviously, people thinks for themselves. However, though you will see this in society where people complain they don’t have enough, they don’t get paid enough, they don’t have these things. You know, he’s just complaining, complaining. But when you’re not a performer, when you’re an actually a producer, you realize like, oh, I’m the one who have to pay those taxes, I’m the one that has to build this thing that you’re standing on, I’m the one has to take those risks. And again people don’t know and they don’t understand, but the small amount of these people that do the work that the rest of us can enjoy and for me, that is something that’s very honorable.
And I studied a lot of philosophy and the Bible too and [inaudible 07:46] is you do things because it’s your job as a human being to do it, just like the birds do it, just like, you know, nature goes about things and you just do it because that’s your job.
Justin: Excellent. Yeah, I couldn’t agree with you more. I have particularly noticed that there is an enormous amount of competition out there in the job market for people, you know, for jobs that are you know, eight hours a day job. So if you’re the kind of person that phones at for eight hours a day, can’t wait for your breaks and go home and all of that, there’s a tremendous amount of competition there. It is cutthroat. It’s like a shark tank. It is scary. However, for 12, 16 hour days, for the people who go the extra mile, there’s almost no competition at all. Nobody is willing to do that. Not, nobody, but you know very few people. You’re like a diamond miner really, you’re looking for that diamond in the rough and I think we all are.
I’ve so heard that the world is carried on the shoulders of very few men and women, about 10,000 or so. So that’s it. It is. You know, so people who are really willing to go that extra mile are few and far between and I find that to be quite an interesting sort of struggle to work with that willingness and that goodwill and that human nature. But we do have to work with it, because let’s face it, our friends are not doing this out of ill-will, they may be doing it out of just, I don’t know lack of understanding, lack of faith, maybe they’ve been beaten down by the man, who knows. But whatever it is, you and I we got to work with it and we can help people.
I also study a tremendous amount of philosophy and religion and all of that stuff so I can absolutely appreciate it. So right now, let’s look at present time right now, what is the one thing that you’re dealing with in your sort of external environment, what’s a struggle that you’re facing up to right now?
Jon: Because this is something that’s very new and the numbers show that 70% of the market don’t know what they’re doing. And well, you’ll remember as I said that people like the easy stuff, it blows my mind, like people will pay attention to people that doesn’t earn the money. Like they use, I call it the mass psychosis. Because me, when I get them a marketer or I can build an entrepreneur, I let them know they’re unique in their own way. They can get up and leave my platform whenever and go build their own thing. Because even they’re building their own brand on my platform, is I let them use my label, my white label stuff because I know it converts and if they put their character and then they just use my label, that’s fine and once they become a master, they can just get up and leave.
Them saying that I have helped them, like it’s a lot money. You wouldn’t believe, you make a lot more money when people say that they’ve used your stuff and they get result. So what happened was the people that are coming in or just like doing the lazy stuff, if you’re not a marketer, I’m just going to explain it real quick. There’s high tickets which is like value items and then there’s low tickets. So people who’re selling across the board low tickets all the time, so you get a bad reputation as the marketer and people who like you say, oh man, here comes another one.
But with this thing happening and this being in this situation, it’s kind of hard for people to trust you. But at the end of the day if you do your job well, even though it’s hard, even though the come pitch is not there, it is [inaudible 11:52], it is a very warning because it’s not something that everybody can or should or will be doing. So for me, this is the struggle that I find right now. Because you might sound like I’m not new, I’ve been in the game for three years, however, though I don’t have that name or they can just be like, oh you’re Jon Rostand, oh, yeah we know him, he’s certified. I still have to like fight for my name.
Justin: Right, yeah. And I think a lot of us are in a similar boat where we are confident in our skills we guarantee our results, we know exactly what we’re doing. But there’s, you know, a few shinier people out there that may have a few extra years on top of us of experience or track record or simply notoriety.
I can tell you that I know people out there, mentors and gurus who have been around for decades. And I can also tell you, like I’m thinking of two, I won’t name them because, you know, them unless it’s privately off the record but because I don’t want to defame anybody. But there’s two of them that I’m thinking about right now that have ripped me off, I remember about 15–20 years ago, rip-off artists and people that I have, you know, this much respect for. I respect their affluence, their wealth, their Lambos and jets that they’ve been able to accumulate over the years, but they’ve done it by ripping a lot of people off or deceiving people.
So even if those people think, oh no, I love him, they have not achieved the promised and represented result. But when that promised me real estate, blah, blah, blah, blah, I tried everything and his all his methods and techniques and got absolutely nowhere. Another guy promises all the other stuff on, but you know, marketing and all again is garbage doesn’t work.
The people that stuff that actually does work, I also know who they are and those are the people that I endorse and that I recommend today, because I adore them not necessarily because you know I love them, but I adore them because their stuff works, their stuff is genuine, you know, their stuff is real and produces results for anyone that comes to them. 100% of the time? No, nobody is omnipotent, you know, but I’m not. But it consistently produces a result a grand majority of the time and I absolutely love that.
And so one thing that I struggle with though internally is a little bit. I’ve been burned, I’ve been burned by some of these people and then I see some of these people succeeding and I’m like you burned me. Oh, so how about you, what is something internal? So you’ve shared with me some of the external things and I get it because I have the same issue. But how about internally, what about for you, is there anything that you’re dealing with inside?
Jon: Not really. Like I would say lack of discipline, like I wish. Like I’m a go-getter, but like I’m a go-getter. Like because as an artist, we do this thing whenever we feel like, only like a year and a half ago I started to become that person. Because like, you know, when you DJ, you go out and party with your friend, things happen, you were a drunk, you fight, you know. And also being a DJ, like it used to bring like, you know, not the right girl home. Like it doesn’t… no, your friends will prop you for doing stupid things, like oh yeah, I mean [inaudible 15:43] you know. But the reality is like you have to become a person that is going to be not only honest but be honest with yourself. And then for me, this is where it’s a bit shaky now because what happens is that like these people, they’re your friends, they love you because you guys are in the same level. The minutes you starts shooting up, they will drag you down. So even when you step away, they’re like, oh…
And it’s only think of for philosophy you must realize that like these people really, even girlfriend or stuff like that, it’s like these people care for you when they’re not the center of attention, now your business become a center of attention. They’ll trying to discomfort you that way you do not succeed.
But again, you know, I’m in that limbo phase were, I’m sorry, you’ve [inaudible 16:45] French on my first language, so sorry, sometimes if I don’t announce this words properly. Where, you know, like I know, like now I know like if I go to club, one drink, one drink because my business is important and I need to wake up, I cannot slump over, you know. But it’s like you want to be lazy, it’s fun being lazy. But you got this thing where you just got to go hard every day. And I love what I do, I really do. I wake up, I got my schedule, I run my emails, you know and I’m a free man. I don’t have to go answer to a boss. I don’t have to… those days is over for me. Like I’m still dealing like I’ve let my life go, but I’m still dealing with like who I’m becoming. Because it seemed progress, it’s not something, you get to a level and you’re sustain. It grows and keeps growing and you got to find a way to adapt to it. You know, like the same people that I used to work at the club like, you know, hanging out getting paid to need $50 a night, it’s different jerks that you’re going to deal with when you’re making $1,000 a night, you know.
Justin: Yeah, totally and it’s funny you mention that because I deal and I’ve talked about this recently with friends as well. Is that the consideration is really if you think about it, your friends, your family, they want you to do well but they don’t want you to do that out well, because in deep inside, they’re afraid that you’re going to leave them behind or that you’ll forget them or outgrow them and the truth is this maybe you will, but maybe you won’t. I’m certainly not the kind of guy to abandon people. But if they feel like that, you know… so I absolutely get what you’re saying, because I’m also, you know, ironically dealing with it right now.
One thing that I found so because I feel the same way, and one thing that I found recently actually in the last, you know, few months is one, remember I mentioned there’s a few people that I endorse and recommend now because they’re genuine, they’ve been around forever and their stuff just works, is actually a solution to what we’re talking about right now.
So I’ll share it in the comments, a link in the comments with everybody. I’ll share it with you as well. And so it is developed by a gentleman named Mark Joiner and he is a legend. He is actually one of the mentors that and you can Google it because there’s videos proof of this that Russell Brunson, he’s one of Russell’s mentors, not the other way around, mind you. This guy predates him. He basically invented the e-book and created a lot of stuff on the internet as a pioneer when it was first getting off the ground. What an amazing individual! But he transcends this vacuous an empty marketing. He’s not just a marketer, he’s a philosopher and a lot of other things.
And so he created a solution to all of these things that we’re talking about right now. First and foremost, procrastination, because I mean I deal with it too. And so I will share it with you and I will share it in the comments, a link to what Mark Joiner is created. So people can try it. No commitments. No obligations No cost to it whatsoever. Obviously, the catch is simple if you want the full parade functionality, you’re going to have to pay. If you just want the simple solution to some procrastination and bought in and basic level stuff, it’s free. No problem. So it’s really, really just that simple and just that easy and just that focused.
So I’ll share it with you and I’ll share it with everybody else again in a link in the comments and then you, I’ll just message you privately about it. Because you may find that it is exactly the thing that you need right now to make all the difference for what you’re dealing with, because I’m dealing with it right now too rather successfully thanks to this tool without this. I think I’d still be in that mode of not quite sure what to do about this, you know, motivation and procrastination.
So back to you, so let’s talk about some of this stuff that you mentioned recently. So you obviously have music as a big part of your life and another transition or perhaps part of your journey is making money and helping other people, perhaps mentoring and coaching them in business and marketing and online stuff. So what kind of led you to that, what problem led you to this fork in the road or this transition?
Jon: We don’t have enough time, I’m getting. No, so I’m just going to give like a really fast version of it. As I was going to college and as I start seeing the economy, because again microphones were coming up, you could learn Photoshop on YouTube at that time and I’m talking and computers from 32-bit to 64-bit, I’m going to keep all the technobabble out, but just understand this my market got diluted.
So I remember working at Guitar Center, one of the guitar guys, his wife was a lawyer and he’s much older, he was 70 something, I don’t think 70, but he had like a white beard. He was one of the Guitar guys. And yeah, I named him like that, I was like, dude, you’re like the grandpa, you’re like Santa Claus, he’s teaching. But for me because I’m always curious, I was asking him.
And then I remember I got my foot to the door at Bristol studio and which is a recording company. And I got in there was not because of my college experience, I got in there because of my music. I’d send my sample. I told him what I do, I told him I play shows. Mind you, this Studios in front of a college, kids were paying $65,000 per year average. And here I am staring at this college, that Berkeley College which is one of the top ten American music school. Well, these kids are paying all this money and here I am inside the door and I didn’t pay a penny.
Moving forward, ego got in, I didn’t understand how business work. It was just I want to get paid now, why does the artist get advanced and me as a producer I’m getting paid six months, like no I want to get paid now. And that attitude got me fired, bro.
Justin: Alright, I see.
Jon: So I remember just like trying to figure out life, like I was so broke because I’d accumulate all… because you think you’re making a lot of money. You’re like, yeah man, this one is going to last forever, whoo, you got tic. I would park in front like get a ticket, don’t care. I’ll be buying $6-$10 machete and life will hate you, man and you either stay on the ground or you figure something out.
So as I’m figuring how am I going to market my music and then all this thing’s just kept pouring in and then eventually I solved it. And [inaudible 24:32] this music, here’s how cool it is. I’m getting paid for music that I put on mainstreaming. I don’t focus on music or try to build myself as a music character now. But back then, you needed to be at the mercy of a record label to get a distributive property with like a cassette or CD. You have YouTube now. You have Facebook. Bro, you can put stuff on social media or like SoundCloud and just like you will reach more people online than you which people physically with a cassette.
So every 10 people listen to your song, you get 10 cents. You just have to do the math, okay, this is the amount of money I want, this is the amount of plays I need to get. That’s it.
Justin: Very interesting. Sounds like we’ve got mindset, music and marketing. Sounds cool. So give it to me in petty way, short, what is the realization that you had. You’ve taken us now on a journey, we know what you struggle, you got fired with the music and wanting a little bit too much too soon which is funny. Because I was almost a lawyer and I did this prep class called Test Masters and I remember the founder of the company, brilliant company by the way, I did really well on the exam. But he drove a Ferrari and he used to always park it right at USC in California. He used to park it like on the sidewalk and by the time the course he ran was done, he’d have like seven or eight tickets on that, thousands of dollars of ticket.
And we asked him once, this has literally just cost you, like you know thousands of dollars in tickets and he’s like, why did you do that? He’s like, dude, the parking lot is not secure, this way I know the meter maids watching like… he could afford it.
Jon: I don’t blame him.
Justin: I don’t remember his name, but I remember the company’s name. So, that’s cool. I mean nice, it’s cool kind of I guess. But anyway so what is the realization that you had? You got on this journey, you got fired, you realize, you just told us about music and marketing and your mindset, so what is the realization that you had so that other people can benefit from this right now?
Jon: Yeah, the realization, don’t think that I’m just a musician, anything can be market. Like out of all the skills in the world, there’s one skill that if you have it, you and your family will eat forever. Like I don’t know if you’re religious or anything like an evolution, the guy who can take an apple and give it to another guy in trade, this person will survive. Like so what I’m trying to say is if you’re just an artist and this is all your skill set is, it’s going to be tough for you, man, it really is.
So if you can serve society, you can throw something in and you can deliver it to people, again this is what will bring you health, wealth and health and all that stuff. Because this is the position where I am where I realized the more I help people, the more people trust me, the more people like me and the more money I made. Because again, I wake up days with money just dropping in my bank account and I don’t really have to do much.
And it’s possible because of the new technology that we have. It’s a lot of people won’t get it. It’s funny. When I started, I couldn’t make money because I was I thought I was connecting with college, Kids College, kids don’t get it. The parents are paying for everything. The government is paying, so they’re in that stage like they don’t know yet. Most of my clients are older individual, between 35 or 40 that had went through some situation, that realizes like oh I have to do something to better my life.
So but again what I’m back to the things that I said about doing your job and philosophy, it’s just you can’t pull the universe, like you cannot control things obviously there is they can’t control nature, but you can put like substance or essence of things in order to build something greater. Because you may not realize it, but whatever action you’re taking today will result whatever will happen six years down the line from now.
So I learn from those days out of the studio, like it’s again, it’s a blessing in disguise. I probably still they’re making good money. But me being fired, like put me in the [inaudible 29:23], like you know, I need to become a better person, I need to help society and it’s not just having skills and ego. Like when you’re there for people, you do things like somewhere somehow the universe will reward you. Like I don’t know when or how did it happen, it was just like [inaudible 29:42] work, here’s your reward.
Justin: Excellent. I mean every religion talks about that to a certain extent, there’s even karma that sounds like it. So, it just captures a little bit of everything. So Jon, what’s the plan?
Jon: Hey, the plan is just say I’m here to support anybody, just Jon Rostand, ROSTAND, you can always find me, you can find me on YouTube Elite Affiliate Millionaire, I’m building this channel and I’m here to support to [inaudible 30:13], I’m sorry, I hope I’m not getting, I’m here to support anybody.
I mean I like I have a vision to like, again this is the new breed of human beings that are coming out and I’m just there to support him and it’s not just focused on the music, you can literally market anything that you want as long as you have the skills and you’re understanding what you’re doing online and you have the power to change the world to be a better place. Like I really mean that, like I would never thought like I’d be writing music, chilling at home and have my own freedom. You know, like and that’s not to say if you can’t go do things outside, like I still go and do like physical things because I can’t afford it. What I’m saying is that like that endless cycle over I still inform this man, you know, I just [inaudible 31:10], they play that music 24/7 blah, blah, blah, like why can’t people just ordered stuff online, like why, you know I’m saying?
Justin: Yeah, I do know what you’re saying. So what conflicts are you running into on this journey? Because I’ll tell you what conflicts I run into. On my journey, is I find that there are quite a few false prophets out there, there are quite a few people who if you listen to them, you will not succeed, you will spend money and you will get taken advantage of and they may actually even steal some of your ideas. So that to me is a huge conflict because I hate having my idea stolen number one, but I also feel the need to put myself out there to prevent that individual from going and buying from this other person who might actually be taking advantage of them. So that’s me, but how about…
Jon: Let me just answer those two questions for you. There’s going to be like competition and competition is good, but never, never going that mentality that like okay, this person is going to take that person. Here’s why I say this. If you ever read the book, the Science of Getting Rich, it’s telling you like if you want something, if you need something, everything can be created. If you look like, just not planet Earth, if you look like from Universal perspective, I love what Elon Musk is doing. Like there are way more oil on asteroids and like Jupiter’s moon or whatever and water like team pure water.
If we all get together and like build to get things together, we’ll get there faster, we’ll start digging like… But again, that is not to say, don’t be naive thinking there aren’t bad people out there, there are bad people and some of them, they’re not even just bad. It’s just their level of thinking is so low that they feel that they’re threatened by you. I’ve seen it happen to me all the time.
Now, how do you not get fooled by my mentors that are saying that their gurus or whatever is a lot of people do the shiny object things. Like there’s this guy, I’m not going to say his name, but he’s very flashy and people just… Here’s what I’m trying to say people love seeing you in the car, people love seeing you flashy, people love that. That’s why with Nicki Minaj or any of those rappers drop [inaudible 34:09] bomb, 30 million views within a week. But people like us will do like an interview, 13,000 views, you know, like 1,000 views here and there. But that’s okay, that’s what I said way, people are lazy, they’re lazy thinkers, they want everything to be given to them. So when they see someone in the flashy car, when they see someone, I almost said his name in front of a Lamborghini for $57, you can have all of this, it’s certain, you know it’s impossible.
Justin: Some of them if you [crosstalk 34:51] a Lambo for a day just to do, you know they should
Jon: There’s they’re marketers they’ve done this, like they barely crash your business and then they went out and bought a Lamborghini and then they make that money back. Like…
Justin: Yeah, and well, you know I get it, I get it and I don’t, I personally will be honest. I do not own a Lamborghini or a Ferrari, I do like them but you know and it’s just not an ambition I have. I like things like you know watches, got some paintings and some crystal and antiques and stuff like that. Those tend to be a lot less flashy and I would have to be very unclassy and tell people, hey, do you see this glass here, do you know how much they costs, you know? And I’m not going to do that. So you know, that’s like painting in my living room that costs as much as a car, but nobody knows that. And burglars if they came in, they think, that ugly thing, they’re not even going to buy it. But I like it, it’s an heirloom, it’s a familiar.
So the thing is I get what you’re saying because that whole flashy thing, almost at times seems to be kind of do I need to do that to attract more people?
Jon: But can I say this? Some days, I really want to like be lazy. I’m like, man, like what’s this call? Is like it’s for those who doesn’t understand. Whenever you got that $57 thing, there’s going to be an up-sale, it’s got an OTO, O-T-O and this is where I see so many people fail. And what baffles means people really love this, they’ll love that person. You don’t know what you… It’s like, but again, the market is getting smarter, because this is brand-new, this is like seven years old. So all those people that are flashing in their cars and stuff like that, it’s going to switch around, but I seen it being switched around because people are starting to understand and people talk a lot over the Internet.
Is that like one thing my mentor told me was like, when you start making money, don’t start flashing because you need to think about like the future, because you’re not helping people when they see the car. Because what happens not only you’re attracting the wrong crowd, over time and over the years, those people will resent you. So those people that you have, tell them that whatever you’re showing them is way more important than the Lamborghini or [inaudible 37:23], but I’m still pushing for the Lambo, but I’m not, I’m just saying…
Justin: Oh yeah, yeah. But I mean one, I mean, I’ve got a little mini goal of I don’t like Lamborghinis, although I appreciate them as most like a Rolls Royce is my style, but you know. It’s just you know, so of course, one day, I plan to own one of those and I mean, you know, heading in that direction. But I’m not actually sure that once I do have one that I’ll be taking lots of photos with it all the times, you just thrown in people’s faces, you know. I don’t know that I’ll do. I don’t know that I won’t. But all I’m saying is that I don’t plan on doing that, I plan on owning it for my own pleasure, enjoyment and satisfaction, but it’s not my number one goal either because I goals that are more, you know, off line, that are more spiritual, that are more about my own development, health, well-being, longevity and things like that and much less about the material world. But that’s just me. So…
Jon: But Justin, you’re in America, do you know that once you make something your image, you can tax it [inaudible 38:29] bad. So I’m not going to say I’m flashing it, but if you can prove it part of your image, you can. So instead of paying a 1 million you’ll pay like 700,000.
Justin: Oh right, okay. I don’t think you could do that here in the United Kingdom where I reside. Although I am American citizens, well maybe I should move back just for that advantage. Okay, I got two more questions for you. So you have come obviously a long way and you are out like me still on a journey which is fantastic, but you are definitely obviously visibly headed in the right direction or the direct, which just simply means the direction that you’ve chosen, that’s what I mean by right direction. You’ve made a choice and you’re headed in that direction, so that’s awesome. So but let’s take stock now. Let’s look at what results have you achieved already.
Jon: Well, most of my students, they’re early on their journey, because I’ve been doing coaching for two years. But only recently, like so the ones that I’ve been working like last year, they’re getting a results. So and when people get result, they talk about you so that puts you in a position where you still do the work, you still to do the emails and stuff like that, but it soften things up for you. So…
Justin: Yeah, which makes perfect sense and I’m glad you celebrated that. I can completely understand. You know, I’ve got my own, you know, people who I’ve helped and you know within hours of some tips that we gave them, they ended up with three brand new clients and a week later, five on top of that and going from zero which I find very interesting. Because a lot of, I almost forgot to say this…
A lot of these people online, they do a lot of qualifying of their prospect, meaning they want you to have a business that’s already making six figures or already making a million or more and I can appreciate that they will scale you to the next level. I’m not questioning their ability to do that. But the folks that I’ve helped have come from zero, you know, and I think that there’s something also to be said and it’s not as lucrative obviously because they have a lot less money in the cash the bank to invest. But I love working with people from that because I think that that is, I don’t know, to me, that’s a result that means something when I can help somebody go from no clients in customers to three within hours and then five on top of that. That’s eight total within a week. And then if they just continue, they can scale from there.
Some others I had were, you know, another bit of advice I gave them and you know, not two weeks later they were at capacity, meaning now, they can take no more new customers for their business and they can scale if they choose, but at that point in time they have no room for anybody else and I think that’s amazing for a young small business to be able to do that. I’m quite passionate about that kind of transformation, because it makes me feel good, it makes me feel competent, it makes me feel like I’ve done something for someone else.
So how about you, so getting these results for people, what’s that mean to you, what does that mean for you, Jon, not for them, we get that they’re doing well, but what does that mean for you?
Jon: Again, it goes back to the same philosophy, is like the morality, the honour. Things do have meanings, like I know like you can say like your meaning is what you choose in your life. Like I’m sure you said you play piano, right, have you ever played in front of a crowd and then as soon as you’re done, you get those applause? Like that feeling, man, like it’s I know you feel like that feeling good, it’s just like all that preparation on that journey or like and even when you’re doing your mixing or you doing your presentation, as soon as it’s done, you get your reward. No amount of money can replace that. I mean money is nice. But the feeling, the [inaudible 42:25] is that you get, that people can, your friends can point at you, like that’s my friend. You know, like when people can do that. It feels nice, man, it really does and it gives you purpose in life, it makes you feel like, man, I’ve achieved something, you know. That’s for me, it’s what happens.
Justin: That’s good. That’s very, very, very enriching. So that’s all my questions that I have for you. I think that we’ve gotten a lot of value. So I thank you very much for some of the wisdom that you’ve shared with us today. You’re not an old man, so I don’t say wisdom in the sense that you know like the white beard you talked about at the Guitar Center. But you definitely are wise beyond your years and I think if people take to heart some of the things that we’ve talked about just today, it could make them go in a positive direction. If they engage with you because they need to, that will take it into an even better level.
And so I wanted to end by asking you if there is anything else you would care to say or ask me or tell people before we end our interview today?
Jon: Oh well, Justin, man, I want to say thank you for your view, I really appreciate it. I got my third interview in and I’m not looking for a job.
Justin: You send that to me in a message.
Jon: Yeah. But yeah if you feel that you’re empty man, if you feel that like oh woman, if you feel like that you want purposes, it’s all about doing stuff, getting things done. Like the sooner you realize that one thing, you’ll never have not enough resources. If you go and ask, you will receive.
And number two, by doing things, like that’s how you succeed in life. By helping others, that’s all business mean. Be in the service of others. If you can do that, no matter what skill set, it’s work you love, make videos on books and post your books on Amazon. Like once there’s so much thing you can do to earn purpose in life that this is all I can give to people. Just give, give, give so you can’t give them more and trust me in the end the day, the universe will reward you for that.
Justin: Amen to that and I don’t say that religiously. I say that just Amen, that makes absolute perfect sense. So I will end by saying a couple things. Number one, I will say that you know people have nicknamed me ‘Just in Time’ or ‘Just an Answer’ and the reason is because we got answers but we also have impeccable timing. So what great timing to have you come in, share this with us, of course, it is available in perpetuity. But now that 2019 is finished and 2020 is about to commence, this is exactly the right time for people to know what it is that you’ve shared and to engage with you, to engage with me and to take their lives to a better place.
So on that note, you mentioned Creole and French, I’m American citizen, I’m a UK citizen where I live right now. But I was born a French citizen [crosstalk 45:58–46:12] I purposely didn’t do that, but maybe we’ll do interview part deux and we will do it entirely in French and actually that’s not a bad idea if you think about it, Jon. Because if you think about it, you know most of the listeners obviously would be in English and most people that I know who are living in France, all my friends and family there, they do speak and understand English well. But that said, we may want to do part deux, part two and do it in French which I think would be kind of fun and kind of cool.
Jon: So I’m ready I’m down for it.
Justin: No, just think about it. But we’ll do that on the other side of 2020. So I hope you had a great Christmas, Jon. I hope you guys had a great Christmas and I hope you have an even better new year. And to you as well, Mr. Rostand, thank you very much my love to you. As my mentor says, I will demonstrate it through my actions.
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