(And you get a 10x ROI or I pay YOU!)
Who else wants a $500M mind, and multiple 7 and 8 and 9 and 10 figure company advisor helping YOU scale YOUR business?
One of the clients in my Voxer based coaching recently called me a “genius master mentor, a fantastic human being, passionate”…
Since geniuses and mentors have always been people I’ve admired, studied and respected, I take that as HIGH PRAISE!
Actually he got so much value from out Voxer coaching, he grabbed a rare spot in my $60,000 Platinum coaching program!
However, he did that a couple months ago and I just haven’t got around to opening up his spot in my Voxer (or most any other App) coaching!
When I originally made this offer and made room for 5 smart people, the spots filled almost immediately.
And the program has been full ever since.
Normally I get paid $3,000 an hour for my coaching and consulting.
(And no… That’s not the typical “IM guru” claim of “charging” thousands per hour, yet never actually having clients pay them that. I do $3k coaching hours and $25k coaching days on a regular basis.)
But TODAY, 1 smart and lucky person is about to get access to me for a full 30 days, for a FRACTION of that.
(But there IS a “catch”… More about that in a second.)
I know there are a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners who would like my help growing and scaling their companies…
But are just not in a position where it makes sense to drop $5,000 to 10,000 per month for a year to join my 1-on-1 coaching program.
(And even if YOU WANT TO JOIN NOW… and have the cash, my programs are completely full!)
So, I’m offering a Voxer Based Q & A coaching option that gives you access to me, my brain, my help and my advice for a FRACTION of the normal cost.
You’ll also get a 1-hour “Fast Start” call with me to get you a few quick wins immediately.
Here’s how this is going to work…
First, I’m only opening up 1 spot in this program. When it is gone, its gone!
So (if you’re fast)… (Please Click this link to pay)
When you lock in your spot, I’ll send you an email with instructions on how to add me on Voxer, and how to book our first call together ASAP.
If you don’t have or know about Voxer, it’s a great voice-messaging app that allows you to ask whatever questions you have for me, and I can answer via voice on-the-go. But I’m open to using another App.
When you join me by clicking on the link in the first comment, you’ll have access to ask me ANYTHING you want via Voxer and I’ll respond (usually within 24 hours, but often much sooner.)
You can ask how to…
- Improve performance, productivity, profits, potential…
(With over $500,000,000 generated in non-profit revenues and for-profit sales by my clients, I may know a thing or two…)
- What to do when you don’t know what to do or where to start.
- Get clarity, focus and clear plans for maximum profits, with minimum time investment.
- How to structure your business for MAXIMUM profits!
- How to avoid fixing what isn’t broken & uncovering previously hidden solutions, design the ultimate strategic plan, make sure nothing is missed or overlooked, and grow revenues as a result.
- How to boost your employees’ performance.
- How to prevent lawsuits & losses by fixing the problem employee.
- Develop the right systems and procedures for growing your businesses hands free.
- The advantage of a champion & advocate protecting your interests & promoting you, facilitating introductions whenever possible.
- How to get more done in 90 minutes per day, than most people do in a week.
- And just about ANY other question you’ve ever wanted to ask about business, entrepreneurship, team building and development, wealth mindset, productivity, etc.
Pretty much ANYTHING related to your marketing, mindset, productivity or business.
And the best part is…
If I don’t personally know the answer, my Rolodex is a literal Whos-Who of marketing, sales, and entrepreneurship.
If I don’t have the answer, I can guarantee you I know who does, and I’ll get it for you!
Years ago I had a email-based coaching program with the same Q & A access and I used to charge $1,500 per month for that program.
In fact, the images are from clients who gave me thanks for answers I gave them to questions they asked me.
So… If you’ve always been curious about working with me or getting my help in crafting, scaling and growing your companies…
This is your chance to “test drive” my brain, advice, experience and my ability to help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams…
For a FRACTION of the normal investment!
When you are the first person to take me up on this offer, you get access to me for only $997 per month.
No long-term commitments or contracts. Month-to-month, cancel at any time if it’s not a good fit.
The spot will go fast…
So Grab yours now by clicking this link
IQ Test Offer Time…
Now HERE is where I make this a real IQ Test for the right person.
Not only do you get unlimited Q & A access to me via Voxer…
When you grab your spot right now, I’m also going to give you a bonus 1-on-1 “fast start” coaching call with me.
During this call, we will deep dive into your business, and I guarantee I will give you a plan to add a MINIMUM of $10,000 to your bank account or I’ll not only give you your $997 back….
I’ll pay YOU an additional $100 out of my own pocket for wasting your time.
So you get a 10x ROI, or I pay YOU $100 cash!
The only way you don’t make more money, is if you don’t GRAB YOUR SPOT NOW.
PS — Here’s the “catch”…
If I accept you into the program, you have to agree to give me a video testimonial at the end of our first month together talking about the results you get from working with me.
You see…
I’ll probably be expanding the offer to 10 people total (but at a $2,500 per month investment.)
So I’m willing to let you in for less (if you grab this 1 spot) in exchange for your feedback and testimonial. Fair enough?