Polar Bear Plunge Day
Happy New Year’s everybody!
Today is of course New Year’s Day 2020 the 1st of January. So let’s get this off started right but actually did you know that today is also polar bear plunge day. What does that mean. That means that today is a day that people and I’ve got some friends who are doing this and I want to be really honest with you I am not. They go and they do a polar bear plunge and that’s when they dive into icy waters.
That could be a lake. It could be a frozen lake. Doesn’t have to be and it involves various layers of clothing.
So some people do it nude. Some people do it in bathing suits or underwear. And I’ve seen people do it fully clothed which is weird but they jump into a body of water a lake ocean whatever it is. And generally it’s where it’s cold. Now why do I mention this. I am as you know obsessed with health so they call me Justin health or some people do. And there are absolutely benefits to cold water. Now I’m not going to go into detailed descriptions of these because I’ll leave that to the nutritionists. I’ll leave that to the personal trainers. I will leave that to the actual professionals. But from personal experience there are wonderful health benefits to cold showers hot and cold showers and it can be as simple as at the end of your warm shower.
You spend about 30 seconds under running cold water or it could be alternating hot cold hot cold six or seven times. Or it could be an ice bath or various other methods and practices. For example look up them half method w an h o f when half or them half look that up there are clear health benefits to cold you may have seen these advertisements on the Internet recently for the fat freezing belts and the various cold therapeutic items that are out there.
So I believe a lot of those are less than genuine.
They could be a bit of snake oil on a bit of fantasy.
However there are metabolic benefits to the practice of cold therapy.
And like I said it could be as simple as you’re done with your hot shower. You just stand under the cold running water for about 30 seconds.
That’s what I do. This boosts the metabolism.
That is for sure and undoubted.
Now other things that are off and on but pretty sure they also happen is it increases the conductivity if you will of the skin.
It makes it better.
It induces or let’s say promotes collagen growth mentally and makes you tougher. That’s for sure. Because at first it’s like a shock. And then as you get used to it as you breathe deeply as you are able to increase the time you’re actually increasing your stamina and your mental toughness.
So there are many many many health benefits to this idea of the cold.
So why limit it to just polar bear plunge day? How about you adopt some form of this practice every day you don’t have to even take a shower. You could have a bucket of ice water that you put your feet in or have one ice one heart that you alternate between you could put ice in a bath and jump in there.
There are literally ways to do this that require only your imagination.
The final thing I’m going to say about this is obviously if you have diabetes Ray nose syndrome or any other kind of health condition medical condition a heart condition and nerve condition a circulatory condition if you have a medical condition don’t do this. Go see your doctor first and then you know then decide whether or not this is appropriate for you or whether that might kill you so unless you have an actual medical condition then why not give this a try.
This is Justin.
Wishing you a Happy New Year.