Review: The Cat Language Bible by Jonas Jurgella

Could this guide really be the key to understanding your cat through true-to-word language?

Justin Donne
6 min readNov 15, 2020

Forgive me for being a bad parent, but sometimes I just can’t understand what Scruffles is SAYING between all the meows and purrs.

I guess you could call him a big yapper with the shrewd, “let nothing truly be told” face of a master poker player.

Frankly he doesn’t even need the poker face when he just says the same 2 sounds. Meow. Purrrrrr. How could anyone possibly make sense of that?

Well, you’d be surprised.

As Scruffle’s caretaker and owner, our language miscommunications can cause friction at times. While I’m trying to figure out whether he’s hungry or tired, angry or just energetic, he’s off in his own world not making anything easier for me.

The Cat Language Bible™ immediately stood out to me as a way to finally break the code with Scruffles and have an honest, one-on-one, human-to-cat dialogue.

That was, if the marketing lived up to the program’s description.

This course brands itself as a way to understand what your cat is trying to communicate to you – through body language as well as actual cat sounds.

Being a feline with more secrets than he has lives, the prospect of knowing what my cat was thinking, feeling, and sometimes plotting against me was immensely interesting.

What can I say, I’m a bit of an eavesdropper, and I wanted to know what Scruffles actually thought about me as he made efforts to hide, stalk, or occasionally pounce me in my sleep!

Body Language

What I really like about this guide is that it’s not pure text. They show multiple shots of cats exhibiting different signs based on their behavior. For a book about language including the bodily variety, I think this is essential, and they delivered more than just a basic text description by actually showing cats in various emotional and communicative states.

When you think about it, all animals have certain reflexes that they adapt based on their environment. When scared, they recoil, just like humans do. When excited or fearful, they have different body mechanics to suit each situation.

The reason that you and me struggle with this is because there are slight variations that are hard for non-felines to detect. Just like when a human being furrows his eyebrow to show confusion or disdain, you really need to understand the subtleties that are on display when you look at a cat’s body as well.

The Cat Language Bible™ shows that critical nuance of behavior. It goes to that extra depth to really help you understand and decipher the body language of cats.

Verbal communication

Yes, meow, screech, and a purrr are obviously different in meaning. I think of them as the “primary cat words.”

But unlike human beings, cats focus more on tone to convey different ideas and emotions than humans do. And here again The Cat Language Bible™ breaks it down, highlighting differences between screeching tones and soft tones, as well as low, high, and medium pitches.

It’s worth noting that every cat is different and you need to establish a base for what is loud versus soft with your own feline. Even with Scruffles being as low-key as he is, I didn’t find this to be an issue at all.

Overall rating

Are you a cat owner? Do you want to understand your cat better? Then get The Cat Language Bible™. It teaches exactly what it says: the language of cat.

I don’t know of any other guide that goes into such depth with the picture examples, breakdowns of pitch and tone variations, and lessons on cat behaviors and emotional states.

This guide also changed my understanding of Scruffle’s true intelligence. It turns out that house cats have evolved to speak to us in way that no other felines really have. Their language skills, although not quite matching our own, are highly sophisticated and nuanced.

The Cat Language Bible™ is an essential guide then, for understanding how cats think, show emotion, and even manipulate us at times based on their language, both in body and voice.

It’s time to talk cat. Watch author Jonas Jurgella’s FREE video presentation here:

What an explosive new “Japanese Cat Communication” study means for cat owners looking to bond with their cats

In case you’re not a follower of all things cat research, I’m happy to present a breakthrough study on the matter…

This new study has showed us something fascinating about how animals think and comprehend us.

The results basically indicated that felines have an astounding ability to understand our words. They can understand human language!Japanese researchers in Tokyo uncovered this special trait, which separates domestic house cats from all other large, wild felines (tigers, lions and so forth). It turns out the smallest and cutest ones of them all are the most verbally sophisticated. It appears house cats have actually evolved to understand us as part of their domestication.

● They understand us by our pitch. They can tell if we’re angry or if we want to hug them.

● They can understand us by our words. They know their name, our name, and a host of other titles we assign to things around the house or activities.

● And most fascinating of all, they’ve evolved to mirror us. In the wild, cats prefer to be pin drop quiet. They are hunters that catch prey by closing distance through silence and camouflage followed by a brief sprint. This is why when cats communicate to each other, the primary device is their body, not their vocals.

And yet with you and me, cats constantly break this rule. Why though?Again, it goes back to domestication. Watching humans communicate to each other through voice, cats have learned to mirror us.

The fascinating thing about this brain-level chance is that cats have developed a sort of language of their own. In between the meows, purrs, and hisses is a genuine language built on tone and word length.

Yes, it can be deciphered. In fact it already has. This is what the Cat Language Bible by Jonas Jurgella is in a nutshell. It is years of research into the field of human to feline communication, condensed and compressed into a simple guide that anyone can pick up and use on-the-fly with their own cat.

● Use it to interpret cat sounds as they’re happening. Now you can finally understand if your cat is sick or just energetic.

● Read his thoughts by reading his body. It’s tough to know when your cat wants to be left alone versus when he’s genuinely sad and feeling secluded. Now you can tell using some verbal and nonverbal giveaways common to all felines.

● Speak to him in a way that he can understand. Cats may not have the advanced language capability that humans do – yet they make sounds that can also be understood and interpreted by us.

● Would you like to actually say something to your cat that he could really understand on his own terms? The Cat Language Bible™ will tell you how to do it.

See the FREE video here for more information:

In my opinion as a cat owner, this is a must-have in any animal household. Pick it up, and see how much closer a connection you can build with your own feline through the power of direct human to cat conversation.



Justin Donne
Justin Donne

Written by Justin Donne

Justin Donne is an experienced nonprofit organization leader, business strategist, public speaker. He loves solving problems and creating innovative solutions

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