Rewiring Your Brain For Manifestation Success
Bob Doyle is committed to helping you make the creation of your life efficient and fun.
- Learn what is truly stopping or slowing your success in ANY area.
- Discover how you’ve been unconsciously “wired” throughout your lifetime.
- Learn how to stretch your “energetic comfort zone” so that you can literally allow more of what you want into your life.
- Learn why you must FIRST know who you want to BE — before you decide what you want to do or have.
- Learn processes for beginning the rewiring process.
Bob Doyle, best known for teaching Law of Attraction principles as a featured expert in the film and book “The Secret”, discusses what really makes the biggest difference in a person’s ability to create what they want in their lives, whether that’s through utilizing Law of Attraction principles or any other method, and why the success rate with personal development is so low. He’ll also tell you what you need to do in order to beat those odds and assure your success.
- You’re in the new movie, How Thoughts Become Things… can you tell us about your contribution to the conversation?
- I’d like to understand what drives you in this work in general. Why did you start teaching the Law of attraction in the first place?
- It’s been 13 years since The Secret came out. How would you describe the impact of that project?
- After watching or reading The Secret, or learning about all this in some other way, I’m sure you hear about how it’s NOT working, or how people are getting inconsistent results, and similar things. Why do some people succeed with this and others seem to fail?
- What prompted your sudden interest and focus on rewiring?
- You often say that running into your sticking points is actually your greatest gift. Can you elaborate, because I know most of that time, that frustrates people.
- How can we effectively begin the rewiring process, and how do we assure success?
“I never had quite the fulfilling experience that I just had with Bob Doyle in any of the other programs… the difference is Bob keeps it real, makes it human… there’s always more to learn.”
Video Version:
“The results have been awesome… I now understand the process of visualizing your vision… we both have had the most astonishing experiences over the last month.”
Video Version:
“Working with Bob… it’s totally changed my whole world… this ball just started rolling… these people started coming into my life… now I don’t control anything and everything seems to happen exactly how I want it.”
Video Version:
Bob Doyle is best known for his contribution to the global phenomenon, film and book “The Secret”, as a law of attraction expert.
He has been teaching these principles through programs, live events, podcasts, livestreams, coaching, writing, and even virtual reality, since 1998. He is driven by his passion for creative self-expression and his work is heavily focused on helping people decide who they want to be and how they want to express themselves.
Bob found this work as a result of a years-long journey to find a career that allowed him to express his creativity and value the most, and his frustration with a lack of success led him down more metaphysical paths, which eventually led to his understanding and adoption of Law of Attraction principles. Through his own success, he was inspired to share what he learned, and has continued to do that since that time.
Recently, Bob’s attention has shifted from the metaphysical aspects of the Law of Attraction or “reality creation” process, to a more grounded and biological look at what controls our experiences… our brain.
Bob believes that an understanding of how our brain is processing our experience of reality, empowers us to create NEW realities with a simple decision — and you’re not required to believe any “law of attraction” ideas if you’re not comfortable with metaphysical conversations.
Bob has always been focused on bringing these principles down-to-earth so that you can achieve profound results without taking any leaps of faith that would actually slow the process down.
Bob believes that all of this should be the MOST fun and creative endeavor we can ever undertake, if we will only allow it to be so.
In addition to his Law of Attraction work, Bob is a serial entrepreneur, has been a voiceover artist since 1985, and is the host of The Bob Doyle Show, which is more of a variety show where Bob showcases his other outlets of creativity including music, computer animation, virtual reality, and more.
VIDEO: is a YouTube channel with hours of video.
Boundless Living, Inc. has been in the business of helping people create lives they love using Law of Attraction principles, since 2002. Through online programs, speaking, training, and coaching programs for groups and individuals, Bob Doyle helps people get clarity on their vision and then shows them exactly what to do to make that vision a reality.
FREE GIFT: A free webinar called “Rewire” that walks you through the process of rewiring.
Coaching with Bob or through Coaches. Get assistance throughout your rewiring process with the guidance of trained coaches, or with 1-on-1 mentoring directly from Bob Doyle…
00:01:36.660 → 00:01:47.040
Justin Donne: Hey this is Justin with just an answer for cultural creatives, and we are fulfilling our human potential. So I have a very special guest this week that I am super excited about.
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Justin Donne: You could see him over there to my right, but for a second. I’m going to just feature myself and let you know that if you’ve ever seen the movie, The Secret. If you’ve ever seen.
00:01:57.390 → 00:02:07.470
Justin Donne: Any follow up to the secret, such as will be discussing today, then you’ll recognize his name, but even if you haven’t seen it. This is somebody, you should know because of two words I’ve got two words for you.
00:02:07.800 → 00:02:12.000
Justin Donne: Efficiency and fun because Bob Doyle. My guest today believes that
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Justin Donne: You should create your life to be efficient and fun and efficiency and fun. Those are great watch words because sometimes we think they’re mutually exclusive, but guess what, they’re not, you can have
00:02:23.100 → 00:02:36.900
Justin Donne: A life. You can create your life in that way. Now, I have no idea what he’s going to say, so I’m on this journey of discovery, as always with you. So, Bob, welcome to the show. It is amazing to have you here. Thank you.
00:02:37.320 → 00:02:38.850
Bob Doyle: Thanks, Jess. And I appreciate that.
00:02:40.530 → 00:02:43.350
Justin Donne: So, Bob, you’re in this new movie which
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Justin Donne: I anyone watching this might have recognized from a previous episode because they interviewed the man behind the movie called how thoughts become things
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Justin Donne: It’s great movie anybody should watch it it’s it’s fantastic. I highly endorse and recommend that film. Of course it’s a follow up to the movie The secret that you’re one of the stars of but can you tell us about your contribution to the conversation in this new movie.
00:03:08.190 → 00:03:15.180
Bob Doyle: Sure. So obviously the secrets been out for like 15 years I was teaching Law of Attraction stuff, you know, a few years before that.
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Bob Doyle: And that’s been my that’s kind of been my conversation. What I’ve been known for trying to take the Law of Attraction make it more practical use as much science or whatever, as I could.
00:03:24.900 → 00:03:34.890
Bob Doyle: But not to an overwhelming degree. However, the past couple of years, you know, after after teaching it the way that I have. I really sort of had sort of an aha moment around
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Bob Doyle: How I could make this more accessible to people who, you know, kind of cross their arms with the whole energy vibration Law of Attraction thing or struggle to make it work, or whatever it is, because
00:03:44.760 → 00:03:55.410
Bob Doyle: There’s such a glut of information out there, especially after the secret came out, everybody was an expert. Suddenly, and they’re putting out their programs and they’re putting out all kinds of just not not nearly enough information or building false
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Bob Doyle: false hope and that kind of thing. And when I really get down to where reality creation actually happens.
00:04:02.820 → 00:04:09.600
Bob Doyle: It’s in the moment that you make meaning out of your situation and that moment the meaning you give it is based on your brain and it’s wiring.
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Bob Doyle: And so if you want to change really anything about your life out there, you first have to change it in here with who you’re being and that all shows up and how your brain is wired. So a lot of my conversation now is more about
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Bob Doyle: First of all, getting people on that page, understanding that they’re basically running a program
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Bob Doyle: That was you know done on autopilot. They unconsciously allowed themselves to be program because they didn’t know that they could evaluate information, they just were like, okay, sure. Whatever you say. Yeah.
00:04:39.570 → 00:04:43.320
Bob Doyle: And that’s where their beliefs are formed, AND THEN WHO THEY BE
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Bob Doyle: Is defined by that. So if you want different results in your life, you need to. You literally need to become a different person who is alignment with taking the action necessary to get those results.
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Bob Doyle: So my contribution to help us become things is kind of talking about that how I’ve moved from
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Bob Doyle: Just the vibrational, you know, whoo, whoo kind of conversation which you know i there is science behind it, but a large percentage of the population still considers it
00:05:08.610 → 00:05:10.830
Bob Doyle: The whoo thing or metaphysical
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Bob Doyle: And trying to make it more practical where there’s not any debate if people will debate the Law of Attraction all day long, but you don’t debate science that is provable and like, look, this is how the brain works. We’ve proved a zillion times
00:05:22.140 → 00:05:28.830
Bob Doyle: There are ways to change your wiring. So you can change your, your being and of course extrapolate that all extrapolates out the different results in the world.
00:05:29.700 → 00:05:37.140
Justin Donne: That’s interesting. Yeah. Cuz whoo, whoo, whereas some of my, my friends will put it, you foil hat and all that kind of stuff. So
00:05:37.410 → 00:05:44.640
Justin Donne: Um, so it’s really nice to hear that you know that stuff works and no denigration to that. But we’re also have
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Justin Donne: An are able to approach it from a science basis and say look this there. Now these are coming together. So if you don’t like that. That’s okay.
00:05:52.410 → 00:06:08.340
Justin Donne: Here’s the brain science behind how it works and why it works and and yeah if you could show us you know that’s really cool. I love that. So I’d like to understand what drives you and your work in general. So why did you start teaching. The law of attraction in the first place.
00:06:09.360 → 00:06:17.820
Bob Doyle: Well I when I started out in my I’ve known from the age of 10 or 11 that what I wanted to do with my life was be a broadcaster. My dad was
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Bob Doyle: Radio and TV. And he had this amazing voice and he got paid for talking and I’m like I’m on board, you know, and pushing buttons and making sound effects and creating things, you know, very
00:06:27.660 → 00:06:37.590
Bob Doyle: Theater of the mind type of stuff. And so I always knew I wanted to do that. I went to college for that my degree is in that my first job out in the world was in radio and doing that kind of thing.
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Bob Doyle: But when I moved from where I started, radio, which was Athens, Georgia where I was going to school where I had full creative control. I could do whatever I wanted.
00:06:45.600 → 00:06:50.400
Bob Doyle: To Atlanta, which was a major market where, you know, you don’t get to do that right away, you have to
00:06:50.850 → 00:07:00.030
Bob Doyle: Work your way up and earn that right and it was just taking too long. And I’m and I learned that I’m not a really good employee, I do not like to be told what to do, especially creatively. You know, I
00:07:00.360 → 00:07:03.930
Bob Doyle: So when you ask what drives me what drives me is creative self expression.
00:07:04.470 → 00:07:13.500
Bob Doyle: And I really, I actually believe that that’s what drives everybody except creative means something different to everyone, we’re, we’re, we’re, natural born creators we’re creating all the time.
00:07:13.980 → 00:07:22.530
Bob Doyle: And some people think, well, I mean, it’s obviously if you’re creating art or creating an invention, you know, physically, creating but we’re actually in every moment, creating our experience and
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Bob Doyle: We have things inside us that we want to get out there. We want to express what our creativity, however, that is through its whether it’s through business or parenting or
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Bob Doyle: You know, the arts. We want to do that. And if we don’t do that if we are not able to express ourselves creatively. Then we feel very repressed. It leads to worry and it leads to anxiety and leads to depression.
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Bob Doyle: Because everybody just wants to be who they’re here to be in want to be or decide that they want to be. And so that, so the Law of Attraction is I was
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Bob Doyle: After I left radio and I’m jumping around, trying to figure out, well then, if it’s not that. What do I want to do. And I tried all these different careers.
00:07:59.820 → 00:08:04.890
Bob Doyle: Trying to find a way that I could express myself creatively and nothing was really working. I tried lots of different things.
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Bob Doyle: And and on paper, they should have been working like you know I’m, I’m intelligent enough. I’m creative enough. I should this should be working. So
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Bob Doyle: When it wasn’t. I just felt like, well, there’s must be something else going on something more, you know,
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Bob Doyle: Subconscious and that’s when I started looking more in the metaphysical directions and learning about visualization and meditation and this whole concept that we could create our reality.
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Bob Doyle: The Law of Attraction was kind of mixed up in there somewhere. But it took a long time for that to come full circle for me, but to cut my long journey short
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Bob Doyle: I stumbled upon some material that talked about sort of the quantum physics of all of this. It wasn’t quite so whoo wasn’t about taking these blind leaps of faith. It was like, look, your thoughts, just like everything else.
00:08:47.820 → 00:09:02.100
Bob Doyle: In the universe, our energy and they have an impact and invisible impact, you know, on some level, but but then now if I bring the conversation up to today, your thoughts will absolutely guide your actions which will which will guide your results so
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Bob Doyle: Anyway, I was so fascinated with this idea of the law of attraction and the vibration and the energy stuff in this because it explained why
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Bob Doyle: Things weren’t working for me when they should have. And so that’s where I put all of my attention. And I really wanted to be the one to bridge that gap between the Woo, and the practical
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Bob Doyle: By just getting into enough of the quantum physics and pointing out because I’m not a Quantum Physicist and you don’t have to be
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Bob Doyle: You know, to get results with this stuff. But you know that that was my passion was was really talking to people like me who were, you know, I grew up.
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Bob Doyle: Fairly, you know, logical thinker analytical more of a skeptic than anything else, because my mom was it’s just what I learned it was how I was wired, but something spoke to me.
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Bob Doyle: About this conversation to this much bigger picture, like I really, really got that everything is energy and I really just it just
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Bob Doyle: With when I had was presented with the right information all the lights came on. And at that point, then I was able to actually start getting results with this stuff. And I started putting together.
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Bob Doyle: The beginnings of what became my wealth beyond reason program which once I made this definitive decision, which I’m sure we’ll talk about
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Bob Doyle: Then it kind of the program itself blew up and you know I had a real real passion for it. I mean, I was loving creating the content loving talking loving speaking, all that stuff. And so I’ve had a lot of content out there.
00:10:19.290 → 00:10:29.520
Bob Doyle: And that’s how eventually the producers of the secret found me and then included me as part of that project. If you watch the secret there’s there’s many different voices, if you will, in there, there’s
00:10:29.880 → 00:10:37.350
Bob Doyle: You know, there are the metaphysical there’s the woo, woo. There’s this you know the hardcore scientist. And then there’s just me. I’m just this average guy who got this stuff to work.
00:10:37.680 → 00:10:44.190
Bob Doyle: So I think that that was. It was just a voice that they they wanted in there. But that’s how I got started, it was really all about how
00:10:44.400 → 00:10:51.600
Bob Doyle: Can I express myself creatively and make a living doing that and the wealth beyond reason program and all that work that I was doing
00:10:51.870 → 00:11:05.250
Bob Doyle: For a long time was that, you know, it was creative to build a program as creative to do these interviews. It was creative to do all these recordings and meditations and and build a an online business that I always wanted to do so for a long time that that was that’s what drove me
00:11:06.060 → 00:11:14.670
Justin Donne: That’s really cool because it’s a good fit to for, you know, the people listening because cultural creatives. There’s what about 5080 million
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Justin Donne: People who might classify as that throughout the world, and I don’t have time to go into all the details of what that means.
00:11:22.350 → 00:11:29.760
Justin Donne: You can look it up on Wikipedia. However, one of the key stones of the war is the word creative. It’s right in their creativity.
00:11:30.360 → 00:11:39.270
Justin Donne: And whether that’s through the arts or self expression or some form of expression and communication is a key is the key to what people like us do
00:11:39.660 → 00:11:46.770
Justin Donne: And I can certainly relate to this whole idea of being a bad employee, because I’m probably the worst.
00:11:47.580 → 00:11:53.760
Justin Donne: You know, it’s, it’s, which is funny to say because you know when I when I do what I what I do normally off camera, which is
00:11:54.300 → 00:11:59.550
Justin Donne: Consulting in business and consulting with government and, you know, various things like that.
00:12:00.420 → 00:12:05.580
Justin Donne: I have processes and systems developed. One of them has to deals with employees, you know, I have this
00:12:06.330 → 00:12:18.270
Justin Donne: Methodology I put together which fixes the problem employee and keeps you out of court saves you money and losses and lawsuits and it’s really had a massive impact on the organizations I’ve worked with some big some small
00:12:18.780 → 00:12:27.390
Justin Donne: And additionally makes people feel like a weights been lifted. So it’s kind of a personal development thing and I have I have rebranded as well. So I have two versions of the same thing.
00:12:27.570 → 00:12:40.170
Justin Donne: Because it does, it does a body good, in a spirit good, but it also actually has a material impact in the workplace, by taking your liability, who’s either stealing from the stock room are Bypassing safety procedures. These are real examples.
00:12:40.920 → 00:12:57.150
Justin Donne: And actually turns them into an asset on the team either our top performer or one of the top performers on the team. So it’s funny that you say that, but with all of that said that’s not because I figured out how I can be the best employee in the world.
00:12:57.360 → 00:13:01.080
Justin Donne: And so now I’m teaching other employees to do. That’s not at all where I come from.
00:13:01.260 → 00:13:10.530
Justin Donne: Because I’m actually a pretty lousy employee, because I’m a very creative person and I could could be called an interrupt printer, which is a nice business buzzword.
00:13:11.040 → 00:13:27.060
Justin Donne: But I don’t know if that’s really true, because I think what really is true is I just, I don’t like to be told what and how to create. I like to create and originate the ideas and maybe have others helped me because I enjoy. I love collaborating with people, but
00:13:28.260 → 00:13:34.800
Justin Donne: You know, I’m not exactly the obedient little dude who does that. Which is, of course, there’s nothing wrong with people who prefer that because that’s
00:13:35.250 → 00:13:39.090
Justin Donne: Wonderful to have people who, you know, know how to take orders and execute them.
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Justin Donne: Whether they’re in the military or civilian life. It’s really great to have people who can follow instructions.
00:13:45.570 → 00:13:59.730
Justin Donne: But me, I’m not so I can totally relate to that. And I’m sure a lot of people who are listening or watching today can also relate to that exact phenomenon of yeah I’m not really the guy. So that would be very valuable for them to connect with you and your programs.
00:14:00.930 → 00:14:10.710
Justin Donne: Just on that level on that level of, well, you know, if Bob can do it you know you can do it too. You don’t have to be forced into anything if you’re creative your creative
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Bob Doyle: With a lot of that. A lot of that attitude I had was youth. I mean, I’ve definitely gone through periods of time as an entrepreneur for however many years it’s been
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Bob Doyle: You know, you go through times where I like I get exhausted doing it myself. And sometimes you just want somebody to tell you what to do but
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Bob Doyle: The tricky part is finding the right person who really gets you your personality and your style to give you that kind of direction because if the wrong person tries to give you direction. If you don’t have
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Bob Doyle: A respect for them, or if you don’t feel like they get you then you’re you’ll probably resist that and and you know I certainly did. But there are some times, of course, when you know you have to
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Bob Doyle: To let go of control and it’s very, it’s and it took me a very long time to do that.
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Bob Doyle: But, but once you do once you find the right people. And there’s that journey to have trust and getting burned a couple of times and go, I forget it. I’m going to do it myself. But you can’t scale that way.
00:15:03.390 → 00:15:10.170
Bob Doyle: Really, and it’s just like, why are you doing what you do. Well, hopefully it’s to have fun and enjoy yourself and as the business got
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Bob Doyle: You know, more complex or I wanted to reach more things or take different tactics. I didn’t want to have to learn how to do like Facebook marketing, for example, Facebook ads. I
00:15:18.540 → 00:15:30.210
Bob Doyle: I looked at it a few times and I just shut down. It’s like, that’s not how my brain works. So I must go find somebody to help with that. So it’s not like that. I’m their employee, but there is still that amount of
00:15:30.660 → 00:15:39.390
Bob Doyle: Even creative control that I would give up like it. Well, I would do the video this way and they say, No, do it this way because it gets results. And there’s and there’s really is something very freeing
00:15:40.260 → 00:15:51.240
Bob Doyle: About letting go of that too, so it’s it’s a dance and it comes in cycles and you just learn to trust your intuition. I mean, that’s, that’s, you know, I had lots of lessons, lots of really hard lessons over the course of my
00:15:51.870 → 00:16:00.030
Bob Doyle: Journey here particularly right after the secret came out about following your intuition as opposed to getting excited because someone’s promising you the moon.
00:16:00.510 → 00:16:08.670
Bob Doyle: You know, then. And so that’s but again that’s just all part part of the growing process and you learn, and you make mistakes and you just keep going, you know, you have to be
00:16:08.880 → 00:16:15.990
Bob Doyle: tuned into who you want to be in the impact, you want to make in the world. And so it’s it’s an ongoing journey and I’ve still got lots of that me, I’m sure.
00:16:17.070 → 00:16:27.330
Justin Donne: Well yeah, I mean, it’s been, you said I think 15 years since the secret came out. So then how would you describe the impact of that project. Let’s say on you use it because because that
00:16:27.720 → 00:16:35.280
Justin Donne: I mean, I was there, I was living in LA at the time. And I remember it came out and it was a huge hit. It was a best seller was this
00:16:35.580 → 00:16:46.980
Justin Donne: Whether it was the book or the movie, and it was it was a massive impact. So we kind of know what it had impact you know on people and all that. But what about you, what impact did it have on you and your business, your life and
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Bob Doyle: Well, so obviously I got a ton of new exposure, because I had built
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Bob Doyle: My program for, you know, with three years or whatever before the seat. Before I was approached about that.
00:16:57.090 → 00:17:04.080
Bob Doyle: And I had gained i’d really turned everything around I’d gotten out of tons of dead. I’d gotten I built a nice little following an email list now.
00:17:04.290 → 00:17:11.670
Bob Doyle: Internet Marketing is way different back then it was a lot easier to send email and get people to read it and open it and take action on it. Now it’s a whole different game.
00:17:12.180 → 00:17:15.480
Bob Doyle: And in fact, that game changed, right around the time the secret came out.
00:17:15.870 → 00:17:25.830
Bob Doyle: So when the secret came out and and they’re featuring they’re featuring all of the teachers faces on the front cover and they’re selling our products. I mean, you know, the business exploded.
00:17:26.340 → 00:17:31.020
Bob Doyle: And it really took me out of my like I was very happy just to kind of be
00:17:31.500 → 00:17:39.000
Bob Doyle: Hidden away because radio is a very much a hidden away. I just wanted to be on a microphone do my voices do my crazy stuff, but I didn’t have to go out and be with people.
00:17:39.420 → 00:17:48.900
Bob Doyle: And and and that’s how it was kind of running with with what I was doing there until the secret came out. Well now I’m being invited to speak at this thing and that thing and get on a stage. And I’m like,
00:17:49.560 → 00:17:57.900
Bob Doyle: Okay, I can’t say no. I mean, that would be ridiculous. This is a tremendous opportunity. So, so I started doing that. And I realized I actually liked that I liked.
00:17:58.320 → 00:18:08.700
Bob Doyle: Being onstage and I liked the interaction afterwards and like meeting people and feeling, you know, being able to experience the impact that the work was having because sometimes when you’re just digital out
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Bob Doyle: You get your testimonial emails or whatever but
00:18:12.390 → 00:18:24.780
Bob Doyle: When you’re looking at somebody space and you can see and feel the emotion and stuff that the impact that you or the project you’re involved with had I mean that’s that’s a whole different level of, you know, satisfaction. So, but
00:18:25.170 → 00:18:32.340
Bob Doyle: With all that good new income and you exposure. I definitely had major challenges because I
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Bob Doyle: I, for various reasons, including some of my own stuff, you know, I felt like okay well now I need to be
00:18:40.080 → 00:18:47.280
Bob Doyle: Like those people like jack and Bob and all these people who had been in the personal development world for decades. I was in three years.
00:18:47.820 → 00:18:54.030
Bob Doyle: You know, the fact that I was in that film was a freakin miracle, because who was I mean no hardly anybody knew me except you know my customers and
00:18:54.450 → 00:18:57.030
Bob Doyle: In whatever I was not a well known name like those guys.
00:18:57.510 → 00:19:10.080
Bob Doyle: So I kept I had all these ideas that were that were fueled by a lot of marketers coming at me like, hey, we’re going to take you to the next level. Let us help you do this thing. And so I kept thinking, well, I need to be like that. And so if you look at
00:19:11.190 → 00:19:20.490
Bob Doyle: If you look at like the marketing. I did back then around 2000 anywhere between 2007 and 2010. It’s a very stiff version of me. It’s very
00:19:20.910 → 00:19:30.750
Bob Doyle: You know hair slicked back no glasses just sort of, you know, Hi, I’m Bob Doyle, one of the featured teachers in the film and book, The Secret and then just you know message and there was none of my
00:19:31.290 → 00:19:40.380
Bob Doyle: I mean, very little of my personality coming through. And I felt like that was an expectation that was put on me from the public. Nobody told me that except for
00:19:41.070 → 00:19:53.490
Bob Doyle: There was one instance, and it did make a it made an impact. But, you know, in 2010 I got my first invitation to go speak overseas in Russia and to a group of 10,000 people, which was like
00:19:53.790 → 00:20:02.760
Bob Doyle: Well, nothing like I’d ever done before. And at that time I was just starting to experiment with incorporating the ukulele into my speaking to
00:20:03.240 → 00:20:09.060
Bob Doyle: To illustrate the point of creative self expression and things like that, which is a you know a huge passion of mine.
00:20:09.810 → 00:20:15.720
Bob Doyle: And I brought that up to the folks who, you know, it brought me out to bring him out the Russian. They’re like, No, no, we just want the guru.
00:20:16.320 → 00:20:21.660
Bob Doyle: And that has been the pattern ever since. So whenever, and I still go speak there from time to time, but I can’t. I can’t really
00:20:22.140 → 00:20:32.040
Bob Doyle: You know you can’t use jokes. You can’t use humor. It just flies right over it doesn’t. They want the message and and even more so they want Bob Doyle from the secret they they want the
00:20:32.730 → 00:20:47.790
Bob Doyle: The, the, it’s a status thing, to some degree, you know, so, so, but that that idea that I needed to be something like that began to really suck the fun out of it for me and and it caused a lot of challenges. Plus, I was taking some really bad advice.
00:20:48.510 → 00:20:55.500
Bob Doyle: From a marketing standpoint trying things that were working for other industries like internet marketing and trying to translate that and move it into
00:20:55.800 → 00:21:06.030
Bob Doyle: Personal development. So my voice to my email list and all that suddenly just changed and I’m making offers and doing things business wise that were not at all how I had done them before.
00:21:06.450 → 00:21:15.690
Bob Doyle: They didn’t feel. Again, this is where the big lesson on my intuition. I’m going well that’s not me, but they must know more than me because they’re marketers, they’ve been doing this. And they’ve got success with
00:21:15.990 → 00:21:21.270
Bob Doyle: These other people, but those people were internet marketers marketing internet marketing.
00:21:21.840 → 00:21:37.530
Bob Doyle: It’s a totally different conversation a totally different energy to totally different field totally different results. And I was trying to use their strategies and man did it backfire. It backfired so freaking huge that I lost eventually like two thirds of my email list.
00:21:38.550 → 00:21:43.080
Bob Doyle: And that, that’s two thirds of your income and and I felt like, well,
00:21:44.250 → 00:21:46.440
Bob Doyle: And at that time, also, you know,
00:21:47.070 → 00:21:59.340
Bob Doyle: I was divorced in 2012. And so during those years, it was kind of tricky. So there was a lot going on in my mind I was just kind of feeling a little bit lost and I didn’t have a really good sense of identity and I wasn’t sure how was I going to have fun.
00:21:59.970 → 00:22:04.560
Bob Doyle: With this career, if you will, how can I return to having fun.
00:22:05.580 → 00:22:12.630
Bob Doyle: Like I was doing before the secret just being me and writing in my voice and whatever, how can I go back to that when I had all these
00:22:12.690 → 00:22:16.680
Bob Doyle: ideas of what the expectations were and all these other and how much the
00:22:16.740 → 00:22:24.660
Bob Doyle: The marketing world changed so that was, that was a real struggle real struggle for me until live streaming came around
00:22:25.470 → 00:22:33.270
Bob Doyle: With live streaming like Periscope, and these other platforms where I can just go live and be Bob that that was the beginning of the change of everything to getting the bad genetics.
00:22:33.270 → 00:22:39.840
Justin Donne: clubhouse. This new phenomenon. I’m on it. I still can’t figure it out. I’m like, What do I do with this. I’m in there, but I’m like
00:22:39.930 → 00:22:44.520
Bob Doyle: I know I’m going to. I’ve been resistant because it’s like another freaking platform.
00:22:44.580 → 00:22:46.230
Justin Donne: Really. Yeah, me and and
00:22:46.770 → 00:22:52.680
Bob Doyle: But you know all of my colleagues are on it. Tracy was my partner in life. She’s freaking addicted to it, people
00:22:52.680 → 00:22:55.440
Bob Doyle: spend hours I see people like they’re on there 24 seven
00:22:55.890 → 00:23:09.900
Bob Doyle: And and I get it, but I’m like, uh, but I have been extremely resistant to it. But when I think about it though. It really is kind of a back to basics type of thing and has a different feel that’s probably way more who I am. Although live streaming
00:23:10.530 → 00:23:18.420
Bob Doyle: On video is i mean i i absolutely love it. I can do all kinds of creative things with. I have the Bob Doyle show which has nothing really to do with persons of
00:23:18.420 → 00:23:22.320
Justin Donne: Every once in a while, I see you do this thing. And you’ve got these little animated animals.
00:23:22.530 → 00:23:26.790
Justin Donne: jumping across you as your as you’re on the live stream. I’m like, how the heck does he
00:23:26.790 → 00:23:27.120
Justin Donne: Do
00:23:27.300 → 00:23:27.870
Justin Donne: What did that. Yeah.
00:23:28.710 → 00:23:29.130
Justin Donne: It’s just
00:23:29.190 → 00:23:39.690
Bob Doyle: It’s just I like playing. I just like playing with the technology. It’s just an extension of of what I thought I was going to do in radio, which I mean, now I can do visual elements. And so it really taps into
00:23:40.050 → 00:23:45.420
Bob Doyle: And I push the technology like crazy. But that’s, that is truly like more for fun. If I’m doing straight up.
00:23:45.660 → 00:23:53.790
Bob Doyle: Law of Attraction type coaching. It’ll just be a background a lower third and I’ll put their comments on the screen and all that kind of stuff. But the point is, is that it allowed me to create
00:23:54.120 → 00:24:05.850
Bob Doyle: Real relationships with people in real time, not through email that they weren’t opening, but that they got to see my face, they got to learn my personality and what’s great about that is that yes when I got when I started to
00:24:06.240 → 00:24:11.940
Bob Doyle: Get a little silly or add more humor into what I was doing. There were absolutely people that I lost because they did.
00:24:12.300 → 00:24:12.510
Justin Donne: Okay.
00:24:12.540 → 00:24:19.800
Bob Doyle: You know, but but there are also people that I gained and those are the people that I want anyway, right, the people that I can just be me and they really get me.
00:24:20.100 → 00:24:25.140
Bob Doyle: And those when those are the people who will stay in a coaching program. I’ve got for like three years.
00:24:25.440 → 00:24:30.900
Bob Doyle: As opposed to trying it out for a month or whatever and going, Oh, well I didn’t know he was a goofball. I’m out of here, or whatever.
00:24:31.320 → 00:24:37.860
Bob Doyle: I mean, I’m still getting the results. But if that’s not your style. That’s not your style and it’s not going to be fun for either one of us to work together. If you don’t like to have fun with it.
00:24:38.220 → 00:24:46.680
Bob Doyle: Because people take this stuff so freakin seriously. I can’t tell you how many times I would get emails. If someone just purchased the program or whatever. And they’d say,
00:24:47.490 → 00:24:50.490
Bob Doyle: I’m going to work real hard on this. I’m super serious about this. I’m like, Okay.
00:24:50.820 → 00:24:55.410
Bob Doyle: Let that be the last time you say that you’re going to have fun with this. And you’re going to play through this because
00:24:55.620 → 00:25:01.980
Bob Doyle: We by nature playful being for creative beings. If you approach Law of Attraction type stuff with this heavy energy. I’ve got to make it
00:25:02.430 → 00:25:12.750
Bob Doyle: That’s that’s going to be the vibe of everything you do. And you’re never going to really feel accomplished. Even if you get the thing you’ve wanted to attract or whatever. You still got this serious nature and you’re going to be like, Oh, I gotta keep working hard to get it.
00:25:13.410 → 00:25:22.530
Bob Doyle: You know, again, it goes right back to, who are you going to be in this process of transformation. Do you want to be serious and heavy about like, you know, solve all your problems with this technique.
00:25:23.700 → 00:25:32.550
Bob Doyle: Or you’re going to have fun, or you’re going to define yourself as somebody who this is easy. This is like this is a truly fun, creative process. And that’s who that is, who I prefer to work with.
00:25:32.790 → 00:25:41.460
Bob Doyle: Because they’re going to keep doing that, if it’s fun. If it’s not fun. If it’s feels real serious or whatever, if they have unrealistic expectations set by the personal development industry in general.
00:25:41.700 → 00:25:50.640
Bob Doyle: You know, they’re going to get, they’re going to get frustrated. So my first conversation with people is not. What do you want, it’s, who do you want to be. And that’s a challenging question, but it is absolutely essential.
00:25:51.360 → 00:25:57.570
Justin Donne: Yeah, and it’s it’s interesting you said that for a few, a few things. Number one, because I relate to it. Personally, I
00:25:58.920 → 00:26:10.380
Justin Donne: I know I have like everybody else facets to my personality and I can emphasize one or the other, as the situation requires when when I’m in, you know, a board meeting with the charity that I’m chairman of
00:26:11.550 → 00:26:20.730
Justin Donne: It’s a different you know I don’t goofball around. However, I do introduce humor because humor is very important in the boardroom especially things are getting a little serious so
00:26:21.030 → 00:26:28.800
Justin Donne: But, but I obviously emphasize one facet of my personality. Now in my background. I’m a Disney, man. I worked at Disneyland and you know I
00:26:29.250 → 00:26:38.250
Justin Donne: Still do some work with them. I’m still on the board of directors of the alumni club to this day. So for me, that’s an important part of my heritage emotionally in this lifetime.
00:26:38.670 → 00:26:47.460
Justin Donne: And so those things will always come out. Now what also always comes out is, you know, the fact that on occasion at certain
00:26:47.790 → 00:26:56.100
Justin Donne: Theme Park locations I would do the voice of Mickey behind the scenes on the telephone. And so sometimes people sometimes very serious people
00:26:56.370 → 00:27:04.230
Justin Donne: Like when I’m in like a meeting that I was expecting would be dead serious. You know, I’ll get leaned over and say, could you do Mickey for me I’m like really
00:27:04.590 → 00:27:15.750
Justin Donne: I can’t do it for you, sitting across the table, though, because I took an oath not to spoil the magic but maybe I can get Mickey to record a little audio and send it to you on Facebook Messenger. If you want
00:27:16.020 → 00:27:23.970
Justin Donne: And so I always do it that way. And I’m a little coy with it but but those things I can’t delete them for my personality and so
00:27:24.150 → 00:27:34.410
Justin Donne: There’s always going to be an aspect of fun, an aspect of performance. Some of I’m still a member of the Screen Actors Guild i’ve you know because that that was my career. When I first got out of college.
00:27:35.130 → 00:27:47.760
Justin Donne: Those things are not going to go away the performer. The musician. I play piano. I sat down at the piano at age for classical I wish I could do a string instrument like the ukulele. That’s amazing. I love you can’t carry a piano on stage, but you could
00:27:47.760 → 00:27:48.720
Justin Donne: Carry lately.
00:27:49.200 → 00:27:50.130
Justin Donne: Yes. Yeah, so
00:27:50.400 → 00:28:01.260
Justin Donne: That’s not going to go away. The musician actor, so it’s it’s interesting because for me. You can emphasize facets, but to delete them and try and I’ve seen people do this in workplaces where
00:28:01.710 → 00:28:06.960
Justin Donne: I’m like this person is a complete automaton a robot and Android weird stiff.
00:28:07.470 → 00:28:17.340
Justin Donne: Like really repellent energy and yet I see them on Facebook late like years later, I’m like, well, actually. He’s a cool guy. If you only let that show a little bit
00:28:17.610 → 00:28:25.020
Justin Donne: At work, people would gravitate towards him very, very interesting for me. But the other thing you said, which I thought was really interesting, which I think has
00:28:25.350 → 00:28:37.830
Justin Donne: An impact on everybody really is when you said that that seriousness that level. So you’ve heard you’ve heard of it, obviously. But I think you guys who are listening and watching may or may not have heard of the levels of consciousness.
00:28:39.420 → 00:28:43.260
Justin Donne: Rupert Sheldrake to work those levels know
00:28:43.290 → 00:28:45.030
Bob Doyle: There’s so many. No, I’m not.
00:28:45.030 → 00:28:47.490
Bob Doyle: Going. Okay, so he’s he’s got this really elaborate work.
00:28:47.940 → 00:28:56.520
Justin Donne: There, you might want to look it up. I think you would really dig the work. It’s very well researched from a scientific basis. He’s a professor in the university and then really acclaimed one
00:28:57.030 → 00:29:05.400
Justin Donne: And he did this extensive research on levels of consciousness. And one interesting thing that came out of it is the fact that to release.
00:29:05.880 → 00:29:12.600
Justin Donne: To release THINGS TO BE ABLE TO DO THAT YOU HAVE TO BE AT at a higher vibration level so that level of
00:29:13.020 → 00:29:22.950
Justin Donne: Fun cheerfulness, you know, enthusiasm that level is actually necessary to release things to be able to let go of
00:29:23.430 → 00:29:31.350
Justin Donne: What people are coming to work on with you because as you descend down that vibration level you eventually reach this level.
00:29:31.770 → 00:29:40.710
Justin Donne: Around where you hold on to things and that’s that level of that extreme seriousness could be also manifesting as anger or hatred.
00:29:41.550 → 00:29:45.930
Justin Donne: Impossible to let go of things, this, this is one of the major reasons why.
00:29:46.380 → 00:29:51.870
Justin Donne: various modalities like TF T or EFT, or that enough and I’m trained at the at the highest
00:29:52.170 → 00:30:03.690
Justin Donne: You know, the, the voice technology level of thought field therapy. So I can do all magic. However, I’m also i can recognize that all of these different modalities. If someone is at that level.
00:30:04.200 → 00:30:12.060
Justin Donne: Where they hold on to everything, including material objects and people they will not let the, the, the cure won’t stick
00:30:12.510 → 00:30:28.800
Justin Donne: It’ll come back because there they are holding on to it. They need to be raised up into that lighter and higher things. Interestingly enough, as you just send even lower to that into the sort of passive aggressive type of these people actually will prefer lies. These people actually will
00:30:29.880 → 00:30:39.840
Justin Donne: Gravitate towards untruth, they don’t want anything to do with the truth. So then it becomes even more impossible to let anything go because they will never address
00:30:40.170 → 00:30:49.140
Justin Donne: The real cause and the real source. And so it becomes really essential for everybody, whether they work with you or me or anybody in the world.
00:30:49.710 → 00:31:01.320
Justin Donne: To raise from that sort of super serious stuck level because that’s the level where you just hold on to stuff. And if you’ve come to me to let or to you to let go of something and change your life.
00:31:01.650 → 00:31:12.660
Justin Donne: You’re going to have to lighten up a little bit and make that energy lighter and that’s that’s researched. That’s not Justin’s opinion that is very well researched and documented by a shared
00:31:13.050 → 00:31:26.850
Justin Donne: You know, the work of Rupert Sheldrake would you might be interested in. Because that’s the sort of the scientific documentation without the whoo, whoo scenario to it, of why that is and how that works. So I find that extremely fascinating.
00:31:27.570 → 00:31:34.620
Bob Doyle: I but still even even. So I think that the content when you talk about consciousness that is still a conversation that
00:31:35.040 → 00:31:44.010
Bob Doyle: It’s, it’s, it feels invisible to some people. And so all of what you just said it’s going to eventually translate into brain wiring and chemistry.
00:31:44.340 → 00:31:50.700
Bob Doyle: And we get addicted to these chemicals. I mean we we people just have no idea how driven, they are by their chemistry.
00:31:50.970 → 00:31:59.070
Bob Doyle: And the chemistry that they are addicted to the hormones that are produced by certain thoughts and feelings that they get addicted to even if they don’t really feel that good.
00:31:59.520 → 00:32:06.840
Bob Doyle: It even if they’re disempowering people get empowered by proving their lives by arguing for their limitation. It’s a twisted sick.
00:32:07.500 → 00:32:12.810
Bob Doyle: You know, in disempowerment, but people like to be right about how limited things are they get
00:32:12.840 → 00:32:22.560
Bob Doyle: A certain get this little burst of of of dope mean or whatever, whatever chemical. It is that gives them that feeling that they are used to accustomed to and freaking addicted to
00:32:23.010 → 00:32:28.710
Bob Doyle: And and because they persist in that because they persist in that addiction and the same thoughts over and over
00:32:29.490 → 00:32:35.850
Bob Doyle: They wire themselves. So there is actual biology to this whole thing that shows up. So that’s why again.
00:32:36.600 → 00:32:43.860
Bob Doyle: They’re addicted to this. This is who they know themselves to be. And the reason that they stay that way is because they don’t really know
00:32:44.250 → 00:32:52.980
Bob Doyle: The beauty of feeling a different way like there they they’re used to this chemistry. They’re used to to this, but if they could taste what how
00:32:53.520 → 00:33:03.330
Bob Doyle: how great it is to have the boost and the empowerment feeling and the dope. I mean, without all the other crap in it, you know, but that comes from. They have to decide who they want to be. And it has to be inspiring.
00:33:04.020 → 00:33:12.030
Bob Doyle: Transformation is not just this simple thing it depending on where you are on that scale. It can be it can be quite a significant journey.
00:33:12.960 → 00:33:23.430
Bob Doyle: Through either the levels of consciousness, but also to break yourself of that addiction and to rewire literally create new neural pathways which takes persistence and consistency and and and you know
00:33:23.910 → 00:33:27.180
Bob Doyle: Have different thoughts and different actions in different ways of being
00:33:27.510 → 00:33:37.680
Bob Doyle: People will not do that. If they don’t get the fact that they’re going to get a reward that’s greater than what they’ve got. Now on the other side. So because they’re used to this. And that is an unknown.
00:33:38.070 → 00:33:45.000
Bob Doyle: So there. It’s way too easy, just for them to slip back into they’re going to go, they’re going to go back to their wiring. If somebody
00:33:45.390 → 00:33:52.140
Bob Doyle: Or something from the outside who can see it from a different point of view. Doesn’t say hey, you’re doing it, you’re on autopilot right now. Let’s choose a different thought right now.
00:33:52.290 → 00:34:01.350
Bob Doyle: What’s something you could do. What’s an action. You could take that’s different than what you’re normally taking, whether that’s a thought or an external action because you have to start
00:34:02.160 → 00:34:12.000
Bob Doyle: You have to start the rewiring process and it takes a minute you know rewiring, doesn’t it, you don’t build new new neural pathways in an instant. There’s temporary
00:34:12.420 → 00:34:14.940
Bob Doyle: Release of new neural transmitters and stuff like that.
00:34:15.210 → 00:34:23.760
Bob Doyle: That can give you that temporary boost. So you go to an event. You get all excited and go, yeah, yeah, I’m going to change because there’s different chemistry in your brain. But if you don’t keep it going.
00:34:24.000 → 00:34:33.900
Bob Doyle: The neural pathways will not actually form. And so you the extra chemicals will just sort of go off and you’ll go right back to your decades of wiring. You are so hardwired
00:34:34.530 → 00:34:44.520
Bob Doyle: So, but, but when you think about anything that you’ve done in your life and people stop because it gets uncomfortable that that basically they stopped because they’re uncomfortable. They get scared. There’s the unknown.
00:34:44.790 → 00:34:48.810
Bob Doyle: But what they don’t realize is that everything you’ve ever learned
00:34:49.140 → 00:34:56.460
Bob Doyle: Everything you’ve ever learned worth learning has involved some discomfort, you fell down when you’re trying to walk. You didn’t talk right you fell off the bike every you
00:34:56.700 → 00:35:04.680
Bob Doyle: You made mistakes when you were learning to cook all of it, but they don’t think about it, it’s like, well, I’m just going to quit. You know, I fell down twice. God clearly doesn’t want me to walk. I mean,
00:35:05.400 → 00:35:10.110
Bob Doyle: But, but that idea that the universe doesn’t want something for you is pervasive.
00:35:10.170 → 00:35:18.300
Bob Doyle: In the Law of Attraction conversation and people allow themselves to get stopped because they quote unquote fail a couple of times. Well, I guess the universe doesn’t want it for me.
00:35:18.540 → 00:35:23.490
Bob Doyle: It’s such freakin nonsense. Do you want it. Can you see it. Do you feel it. Do you understand how you can
00:35:23.790 → 00:35:29.310
Bob Doyle: Create more value in the planet by becoming that yes, it’s going to be uncomfortable, you’re growing new things.
00:35:29.550 → 00:35:37.050
Bob Doyle: And you’ve got wiring that says no, this is who you are. This is who you are. So it feels completely contrary to your gut, your intuition and everything.
00:35:37.410 → 00:35:45.720
Bob Doyle: To go this way. But if you can, if through practice through, whether it’s meditation or just constant visualization vision boards. I don’t care what tool you use
00:35:46.860 → 00:35:54.390
Bob Doyle: If you can tune into how great, it’s going to be when you get there if you can see in your mind and your imagination, which is where all creation begins.
00:35:55.050 → 00:35:59.880
Bob Doyle: on an ongoing basis and start acting slowly but surely, with support hopefully
00:36:00.090 → 00:36:09.000
Bob Doyle: You will start to build new neural pathways and it will all become second nature. Just like riding a bike is and talking and all those other things. It’s no different than anything else you’ve learned, however.
00:36:09.330 → 00:36:18.840
Bob Doyle: Because of the way the personal development industry in general positions stuff like this. Pay 60 days 90 days, seven days money back guarantee.
00:36:19.680 → 00:36:23.400
Bob Doyle: Your new never going to transform that way if you have those unrealistic expectations because
00:36:24.060 → 00:36:33.870
Bob Doyle: It might take somebody seven days to do the rewiring they need, but depending on where you are on that scale and what your wiring is it could take a considerable amount of time longer so to be able to stick
00:36:34.140 → 00:36:41.100
Bob Doyle: With it you have to know exactly why you’re being why you’re going there. You have to remind yourself on an ongoing basis. Does it seem cumbersome.
00:36:41.970 → 00:36:49.770
Bob Doyle: Sure. At first, maybe it is, but as I said, the wiring the science is there the wiring will take place, it will not always feel cumbersome.
00:36:50.100 → 00:37:06.900
Bob Doyle: But what’s more, what’s more uncomfortable. The process of growing and getting there, or just staying stuck where you are making excuses for why you can’t do things and point all the proof that you’ve attracted and will continue to attract when you justify why you’re where you are.
00:37:07.530 → 00:37:08.790
Justin Donne: Yeah, so now
00:37:09.960 → 00:37:18.600
Justin Donne: People reading the secret watching the secret or any, any other source for this information, and I’m sure you’ve heard about it not working for people and
00:37:19.260 → 00:37:31.620
Justin Donne: You mentioned earlier consistency or how it’s inconsistent, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t work. Some of the things. So you mentioned these things consistently that so what you just said there about the wiring and the comfort.
00:37:32.100 → 00:37:36.030
Justin Donne: I thought of an analogy. Well, if you’re going to sprout a pair of wings out your back.
00:37:36.720 → 00:37:43.710
Justin Donne: It’s gonna hurt my it might hurt. It’ll be certainly be uncomfortable if you’re especially if you got a shirt on. Be like, what’s that so
00:37:44.070 → 00:37:52.020
Justin Donne: You know, the question is, of why some people succeed with this and some people fail with this is that why is that is that they just don’t stick with it.
00:37:52.470 → 00:37:55.710
Bob Doyle: Right, that’s it. They don’t know why they’re doing it yet.
00:37:56.100 → 00:38:00.570
Bob Doyle: The problem is, is that people will watch the secret, and then they want to use the law of attraction.
00:38:00.690 → 00:38:09.720
Bob Doyle: They want to try to make it work to solve all their problems. So all of their attention is on their problems which keeps them exactly stuck with being who they are. I want this person to have their problem solved.
00:38:09.900 → 00:38:19.380
Bob Doyle: Instead of creating a whole new version of yourself, what would it like create in your imagination a life where these problems don’t exist, and then see what happens when you start taking action.
00:38:19.680 → 00:38:27.870
Bob Doyle: But then when you focus on all that stuff. There’s the whole whoo, whoo mentality that I’m sure that I taught for a little if you focus on the problem and you’re putting out the vibration, you’re going to attract more of the problem.
00:38:28.500 → 00:38:33.600
Bob Doyle: Yeah, but you’re also going to take, you’re going to continue to take consistent action with the person who
00:38:33.960 → 00:38:45.240
Bob Doyle: Who perpetuates the problem. It’s all very practical. It’s very, it’s a very grounded conversation, which is why I’m saying. Now you don’t have to believe in the law of attraction at all and stop trying to make it freakin work if you have been
00:38:45.960 → 00:38:54.330
Bob Doyle: Struggling with it for even just a few years, stop, stop, because what you’re trying to do is you’re trying to make change happen out there.
00:38:54.840 → 00:39:00.930
Bob Doyle: You know, I’m going to move energy. I’m going to move the forces of nature and then I’ll change. No you won’t.
00:39:01.530 → 00:39:02.790
Bob Doyle: That’s not how it works.
00:39:03.030 → 00:39:11.040
Bob Doyle: You absolutely because your stuff may come to you. You may attract it but if you’re still being the same person, you’re going to take the same freakin action. You’ve always taken which is going to pull it away.
00:39:11.160 → 00:39:16.530
Bob Doyle: Or you’re going to quit or it’s going to be like, Oh, I’m freaking out because that because you’re in that old container.
00:39:17.130 → 00:39:28.980
Bob Doyle: You have to start expanding from the inside out and then yes, the Law of Attraction will definitely work on that invisible level, bringing the situations in the circle for you to take action and make meaning out of
00:39:29.490 → 00:39:41.070
Bob Doyle: What will move you along it’s perfectly possible to attract those situations, but if you’re still being the old person you you’re not going to know what to do. You’re not going to take the appropriate action and you’re not going to get the results.
00:39:41.490 → 00:39:57.120
Justin Donne: Yeah. And that sounds a lot more like the the old, the, the really old school. The Law of Attraction person before before this well before the secret minus, of course, the really the the heavy religiosity you sound a lot more like Neville Goddard.
00:39:57.450 → 00:40:10.020
Justin Donne: Who talked a lot about it’s, you’ve got to be a new person before and and I think that’s it. That’s really interesting that it’s an alignment book. But what got you interested in rewiring what what what
00:40:10.410 → 00:40:11.130
Bob Doyle: Like, well, it’s
00:40:11.250 → 00:40:12.180
Bob Doyle: Pointed interesting
00:40:12.450 → 00:40:18.990
Bob Doyle: It’s interesting that you mentioned Goddard because he was a big part of it. Now I mostly talk about when I reread the science of getting rich again.
00:40:19.350 → 00:40:23.580
Bob Doyle: Which is a very old book and they didn’t talk about neuroplasticity or rewiring but
00:40:23.940 → 00:40:31.470
Bob Doyle: The emphasis was on the consistency of being who you want to be an acting in alignment with that and you don’t have the luxury.
00:40:31.740 → 00:40:41.820
Bob Doyle: Of basking in a negative thought just because you’re wired to do that, you know, it’s, you can justify your lack of results all day long, but you’re just going to make them persist. So the reading.
00:40:42.660 → 00:40:48.480
Bob Doyle: Reading the science of getting rich again and in a while and getting it in a whole new way after teaching it the way I had for 20 years
00:40:48.750 → 00:40:58.500
Bob Doyle: It really made all of that make much more sense and give me a whole new way to talk about it at the same time I started reading the Goddard stuff, which I absolutely recommend to everyone.
00:40:58.950 → 00:41:05.250
Bob Doyle: But if you dig deep and you do have a religious background, you’re going to probably have some resistance.
00:41:05.580 → 00:41:12.960
Bob Doyle: But it is amazing stuff. And it is the essence of what makes it work, you know, it’s not talking about neuro neuroscience or anything like that.
00:41:13.140 → 00:41:22.290
Bob Doyle: It’s just like, do this, and it will work, which is absolutely true. Again, there’s no need to understand any of this or believe any of it.
00:41:22.710 → 00:41:31.980
Bob Doyle: But your actions and who you’re being that’s what’s going to create the results. So it’s helpful. Like it was helpful for me to understand how the law of attraction work back then, but it’s not
00:41:32.700 → 00:41:38.010
Bob Doyle: It’s understanding, it is not what is getting the result to to I’m being as a result of my understanding.
00:41:38.130 → 00:41:41.010
Justin Donne: So it wasn’t necessary. In other words, it wasn’t necessary. It was
00:41:41.160 → 00:41:56.220
Bob Doyle: It was necessary. It was necessary for me because it wasn’t part of my journey. It allowed me to look at, okay, not making myself so wrong. Like, I’ll never get out of this situation like I it was the first thing that said, Okay, I’ve got some internal thoughts going
00:41:56.340 → 00:42:07.500
Bob Doyle: I wasn’t thinking about wiring so much. I was thinking more, you know, my beliefs that are floating around out there, but it came down to the wiring. So in essence what I was telling myself was I’ve got this wiring about money and success.
00:42:07.920 → 00:42:16.110
Bob Doyle: And I need to change that wiring. So, what will I do to do that. Well, I’m going to take all this basic stuff I’m learning about the law of attraction, like the concept of a vision board and
00:42:16.320 → 00:42:30.570
Bob Doyle: This type of thing. The things that most people start with the law of attraction, but I think I just some people, some people struggle with it because they’re they’re thinking of it as a magic like I’m going to make this vision board and then it’s just going to appear. Well, if you watch
00:42:30.600 → 00:42:34.710
Justin Donne: Out certainly vision. It’s certainly positioned slightly. That way when you want it. Is he
00:42:34.950 → 00:42:37.800
Justin Donne: Happy like literally con Luna, yes.
00:42:38.130 → 00:42:45.630
Bob Doyle: And then they did. And then they had the genie metaphor and all of that stuff. So I mean I I totally get why people walked away with the magical thinking aspect.
00:42:45.630 → 00:42:46.650
Justin Donne: And I got one.
00:42:47.250 → 00:42:48.060
Bob Doyle: Look at that.
00:42:48.510 → 00:42:49.050
Bob Doyle: Nice, though.
00:42:49.650 → 00:42:54.780
Bob Doyle: That’s nice. That’s a cool thing to have. But, uh, but yeah, I mean. So yes, I do get why people
00:42:54.840 → 00:42:57.750
Bob Doyle: Yeah, got the magical thinking aspect out of it.
00:42:58.080 → 00:43:10.500
Bob Doyle: And went and people who are prone to that and wanted to be super easy and maybe are challenged with taking action or don’t know who that they’re going to cling to that and they will spend freaking decades trying to make that work rather than changing who they’re being
00:43:11.640 → 00:43:21.150
Justin Donne: Oh yeah, absolutely. They will, they will do that and you offer you also often say that you’re sticking points is actually your greatest gift. So this is obviously one major sticking point
00:43:21.390 → 00:43:28.320
Justin Donne: I certainly have had loads of sticking points in my life, you know, I’m not a spring chicken. I’m in my middle ages. Now I you know some
00:43:28.800 → 00:43:41.220
Justin Donne: 44 this year. And I’m looking at it, thinking, holy shit. How did I get, you know, I don’t feel 44 I don’t feel a day over 28. But anyway, that’s a whole other story. So you often say that those sticking points are great gift.
00:43:41.280 → 00:43:49.260
Justin Donne: Now for me, that’s a bit confusing. So could you elaborate on that because I know most of the time that frustrates people, myself included.
00:43:49.440 → 00:43:54.420
Bob Doyle: Right. Because, but the reason it’s a gift. Is it is it is identifying the limits of your wiring.
00:43:55.170 → 00:44:00.510
Bob Doyle: It says, oh, this is where I am. Stop. This is where my programming. I’ve reached the limit
00:44:00.990 → 00:44:12.390
Bob Doyle: So this is the area. I need to work on this is an area I need to expand in my imagination. How do I, how would I rather be about this situation when I’m helping people to determine who they want to be which is not easy.
00:44:13.140 → 00:44:23.220
Bob Doyle: They sometimes because they’re so who they are. It’s hard to think outside the box of that because it’s so it’s so different. It is literally almost impossible for some people to do it. So I look at
00:44:23.580 → 00:44:35.310
Bob Doyle: Like, let’s start with the times in your day when you feel disempowered when you get that familiar feeling of I can’t or whatever it is, when, when you feel yourself dropping and that emotional scale or whatever it is.
00:44:35.820 → 00:44:40.620
Bob Doyle: And then you if when that mean that’s the greatest skill set in this whole thing is learning to be
00:44:40.980 → 00:44:45.750
Bob Doyle: To become conscious in the moment and going to observation mode I talked about that a lot in how thoughts become things
00:44:46.230 → 00:44:56.790
Bob Doyle: Because at that point, then you have a choice, but it is not always easy to jump out into observation mode when you’re in it because your chemistry is going crazy. And you’re absolutely led by that.
00:44:57.120 → 00:45:07.410
Bob Doyle: You are led by your chemistry and you’re led by the programming. So it takes a bit of practice to to get out into observation mode cut off from the emotion of it and think
00:45:08.010 → 00:45:16.680
Bob Doyle: What would them. What would the more empowered version or better version, however you want to label it, what would they do in this situation, how would I like to respond.
00:45:16.770 → 00:45:27.090
Bob Doyle: If I get angry. In this situation, how would I prefer to respond if I’m feeling like a victim in this situation, how would a person who does not feel like a victim respond in this moment.
00:45:27.360 → 00:45:35.400
Bob Doyle: If I’m making this mean that the universe doesn’t want it for me. What is a person who just sees that this is feedback that I can make an adjustment. It’s a gift. It’s a freaking gift.
00:45:35.910 → 00:45:43.320
Bob Doyle: When you make a mistake, what you call a mistake. You’re just getting feedback we label it as mistakes we label it as failure.
00:45:43.590 → 00:45:49.410
Bob Doyle: All it is is feedback. It gives you more information and and nothing of any consequence on the planet would be
00:45:49.740 → 00:45:58.260
Bob Doyle: Here technologically or otherwise if everybody thought like that if everybody thought oh two or three tries it doesn’t work. Well, I guess it’s just impossible. It’s not for me. No.
00:45:58.620 → 00:46:09.390
Bob Doyle: You got to have that strong vision so that you will keep going, keep going. Take the feedback, make the adjustments and then you will get there. There are countless stories of that the famous one is Edison, but there’s a zillion other
00:46:09.900 → 00:46:26.580
Justin Donne: I was just thinking about us and he tried 10,000 times and failed and except he said no I just found 10,000 ways, it wouldn’t work. Now can you imagine if Thomas Edison had stopped at like 8349 and said, Look, it’s been 8000 versions. It’s not working. Period, end of story.
00:46:27.000 → 00:46:30.030
Justin Donne: Shutting down what we would have never had the light bulb.
00:46:31.560 → 00:46:38.280
Justin Donne: You know, because it’s, yeah. Somebody else would have done it, but not Edison so because so then he wouldn’t have had the kudos for it so
00:46:38.520 → 00:46:47.850
Justin Donne: That’s, that’s what’s interesting. So what you just said there is that how we can effectively begin the rewiring process and assure success for ourselves, is that how we do it by
00:46:48.090 → 00:46:57.150
Justin Donne: taking that step to the third person I, you know, or whatever and then saying, Well, how would someone who masters. This or whatever we act or do this.
00:46:57.510 → 00:46:59.640
Bob Doyle: And then you try it on. Okay.
00:46:59.670 → 00:47:02.880
Bob Doyle: I mean, and the mindset. That’s the mindset part
00:47:03.150 → 00:47:07.920
Bob Doyle: Like, and that’s a major accomplishment, just to be able to go into observation mode and realize that you’re
00:47:08.070 → 00:47:16.350
Bob Doyle: You’re, you’re, you’re running on your programming right now you’re being swept through the chemicals and that you’re about to respond, based on that.
00:47:17.070 → 00:47:24.300
Bob Doyle: Right. That is a major accomplishment. But again, results don’t occur until you take action with that knowledge.
00:47:24.810 → 00:47:33.300
Bob Doyle: You know, you, you must now be. Hey, and it’s going to feel super uncomfortable. It’s just going to, and you’re going to feel kind of really weird and unnatural.
00:47:33.540 → 00:47:42.060
Bob Doyle: And you’ve made like what are people going to say, and they will, by the way, people will respond when you show up differently. People will respond differently. And that’s another whole part of the equation.
00:47:42.210 → 00:47:46.050
Bob Doyle: Because so many people don’t transform. They don’t go through the process and
00:47:46.410 → 00:47:55.260
Bob Doyle: Because either they go up against their own stuff or somebody else in their life is threatened by it and starts telling them that they can’t or shouldn’t or won’t
00:47:55.590 → 00:48:04.830
Bob Doyle: accomplish this task. And so, so many people are people pleasers and they don’t want to upset this or that relationship that they they basically just acquiesce
00:48:05.220 → 00:48:14.220
Bob Doyle: And they sacrifice they literally sacrifice their life, the life they want the life they could have so that this person and this person will be more comfortable.
00:48:14.520 → 00:48:21.690
Bob Doyle: But guess what, they’re not comfortable that they’re tell if they’re if they’re taking the time out of their day to limit your progress. That means they’re unhappy.
00:48:22.320 → 00:48:30.510
Bob Doyle: A happy person or truly successful person does not have the time nor desire to tell other people that they can’t do something they will encourage them.
00:48:30.870 → 00:48:34.440
Bob Doyle: So if there’s anybody in your life, telling you why you can’t do something that’s
00:48:35.070 → 00:48:44.280
Bob Doyle: On them 100% because whatever they’re using they’re using whatever it is they see of you, and they’re running it through their meaning machine.
00:48:44.430 → 00:48:53.820
Bob Doyle: What they have true decided is true or false for them or whatever and then they’re feeding it back to you. You don’t have to listen to any of it unless something resonates with you but
00:48:54.090 → 00:49:07.200
Bob Doyle: But you’ll know. I mean, if it feels bad. You just got to look at their life. Who are these people to tell me how to be happy. What do they know. I don’t even know my capability, how the hell would they know. Yeah.
00:49:07.410 → 00:49:19.500
Justin Donne: And even if they’re influential or famous you know because I’ve had this happen to me where I’m like, oh my god, maybe, maybe I suck, because this person is, you know, famous and rich and you know and and you know
00:49:20.790 → 00:49:21.510
Bob Doyle: Yeah, which does not
00:49:21.630 → 00:49:22.650
Justin Donne: lead to happiness.
00:49:23.310 → 00:49:37.050
Justin Donne: Yeah, not, not only that but like you just said they don’t know all the factors in your life and all the different, what do they know they don’t know you intimately. Well, that they’re just making observations and it’s going through their own filters and their own
00:49:37.230 → 00:49:46.770
Bob Doyle: More important, even more importantly, you don’t necessarily know yourself because you’re about to redefine yourself you know who you’re going to be, but you don’t know that the unlimited potential of this person you’re about to create
00:49:46.860 → 00:49:51.810
Bob Doyle: You get to create what you get to create whatever you want. You can be
00:49:52.350 → 00:50:04.980
Bob Doyle: who you want to be. It’s a decision and depending how long it will take to get there. Depends on what that decision is how much rewiring, you have to do, etc. And how driven you are to take the action necessary to to to achieve it.
00:50:06.030 → 00:50:16.320
Justin Donne: Excellent. So Bob look we’re nearing our time. And so I wanted to just make sure that I, in case I’m sure many people listening or watching. Want to find out more.
00:50:16.680 → 00:50:32.490
Justin Donne: And you’re very easy to find all over social media, your name is Bob Doyle, you’re not an unknown entity out there. You also have a website meet Bob What’s the best place that you’d like to right now send people to say, I want you to go look at this
00:50:32.730 → 00:50:39.810
Bob Doyle: So there’s two two things that I think is really where this or the meet Bob dual comm slash rewire
00:50:40.200 → 00:50:42.090
Bob Doyle: That will give you that that will
00:50:42.150 → 00:50:45.120
Bob Doyle: Get there’s a. It’s just a free webinar that kind of just explains
00:50:45.570 → 00:50:54.870
Bob Doyle: Just gives the basics of this rewire stuff and hopefully we’ll get some folks on a house around what it’s going to take to start that rewiring process. We’ve talked on some of it here. We just go deeper in depth.
00:50:55.200 → 00:51:00.900
Bob Doyle: One of the things I’m doing now, though, is three times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am Pacific on Instagram.
00:51:01.110 → 00:51:08.850
Bob Doyle: I’m going live and I’m doing 10 to 15 minutes on various topics. Some are brought some are suggested by the people who are watching some are just what are in my heart to do
00:51:09.180 → 00:51:20.460
Bob Doyle: I just a couple of weeks ago I went through the whole book, The Secret and I found, and this is that series. The series now is still there on the Instagram TV, you could watch it and I went through all of my quotes in the book.
00:51:21.000 → 00:51:24.510
Bob Doyle: That were taken from the film. And I asked the question, Would I still say this
00:51:25.470 → 00:51:28.530
Bob Doyle: Right, this is interesting, something I would still say or how would I
00:51:28.770 → 00:51:30.480
Justin Donne: Do a twist on there and he knows
00:51:31.020 → 00:51:32.940
Justin Donne: Oh yeah. All right. Okay. Yeah.
00:51:33.030 → 00:51:41.760
Bob Doyle: Mostly in the way I would say it. A lot of that stuff with the secret the context like there’s there’s a part in there. There’s a couple of parts in there where I say something like
00:51:43.020 → 00:51:52.020
Bob Doyle: I may say like attracts like which is like the opposite of what I say and and but it’s the context that which they, you know, they needed it here. So they put it here and I’m like why I didn’t
00:51:52.410 → 00:51:58.590
Bob Doyle: That’s not what I met so it gave me a chance to qualify that and then the next week. I went through and I picked out some of my favorite
00:51:59.520 → 00:52:04.950
Bob Doyle: Contributions from some of the other people, you know, because there are a lot of them. I would not. I would not
00:52:05.580 → 00:52:12.630
Bob Doyle: Teach. I would not go down that road, mostly not because it’s not necessarily true. But it’s absolutely not my style or way of teaching, nor that I think
00:52:12.900 → 00:52:20.580
Bob Doyle: My audience would be would have that would impact them because it’s either to magical thinking or just it’s just esoteric and like what do you even saying right here.
00:52:21.090 → 00:52:28.950
Bob Doyle: There, unfortunately, think there’s a few of those in there and some of mine come across that way because of the context. So it was fun to go through and have that opportunity to just sort of clarify.
00:52:29.610 → 00:52:29.940
00:52:31.170 → 00:52:40.620
Justin Donne: That sounds wonderful. So I think I really think not only me but you everyone watching and listening should actually go there and check those out because that sounds really cool.
00:52:40.890 → 00:52:41.460
Bob Doyle: So let me be
00:52:41.940 → 00:52:43.440
Justin Donne: Like one of the past.
00:52:43.830 → 00:52:51.750
Bob Doyle: I’ve got a couple of Instagram accounts. So it’s the Bob Doyle from the secret that’s Bob Doyle from this couldn’t be easy to remember. That’s the one where you go there.
00:52:51.810 → 00:52:58.680
Justin Donne: I’ve got a couple of. That’s the one where you find it. But I think also, if you just look it up and do a search on Instagram TV, you’ll find you’ll find them all.
00:52:58.710 → 00:53:03.090
Justin Donne: Probably relatively easily because that search engine is pretty robust so
00:53:03.120 → 00:53:04.680
Bob Doyle: Probably there’s also
00:53:04.770 → 00:53:08.430
Bob Doyle: There’s also Instagram TV of Bob Doyle show stuff which is silly.
00:53:08.520 → 00:53:12.660
Bob Doyle: And not silly all what we’re talking about here so that if I want to be specific, if they want
00:53:13.770 → 00:53:15.210
Bob Doyle: Bob Doyle from the secret.
00:53:15.390 → 00:53:16.200
Justin Donne: From the secret.
00:53:16.680 → 00:53:17.490
Justin Donne: Thing. So, yeah.
00:53:17.580 → 00:53:24.120
Justin Donne: We’ll make sure we we we go to the right place and that we do that. So Bob Hey, thanks so much for being here today.
00:53:24.600 → 00:53:30.210
Justin Donne: It’s been really cool to have you. Thank you for teaching us some really valuable things and lessons and also
00:53:30.870 → 00:53:40.680
Justin Donne: You know, pulling back the curtain and letting us into your world. Just a little bit as a human being and you’re sharing a bit of your journey and stuff. It’s really great to get to know you. So thank you so much, Bob, for being here.
00:53:41.100 → 00:53:42.900
Bob Doyle: Sure, thank you very much for the opportunity.
00:53:43.530 → 00:53:57.000
Justin Donne: Fantastic. So remember, this is Justin. Justin answers the podcast and it’s for cultural creatives who are fulfilling our human potential. So thanks for joining us and we will see you next time.
00:54:00.480 → 00:54:02.070
Justin Donne: Oh, there you go.
00:54:02.760 → 00:54:03.150
All right.