Simple Moves for Super Results
Sample Chapter From My Upcoming Book
Chapter 2:
Solution to: “What can I do to make sure nothing is missed or overlooked?”
Solving the Client’s Pain Point of _______.
Case History #2 – Non-profit organization’s turnaroun
“Can you really help us?” Molly asked me. The non-profit organization had gone through two re-branding phases and three restructuring cycles – in ten years.
“Yes,” I said. And soon, working with Molly and her team, I brought them out of their dire situation. We used my process of AugmentedAction®️ – that includes 7 Secrets to potentially ensure nothing slips through the holes in the net or falls through the cracks.
This non-profit organization had failed to bring in enough people (called “clients”) to serve.
This brings us back to the Crucial Question of “What can I do to make sure nothing is missed or overlooked?”
I observed that no one had been tasked with bringing in clients by using significant forms of free advertising. I remedied that immediately. This helped this non-profit organization create a tremendous, positive turnaround.
The Focal Point that Makes All the Difference
In working with clients and organizations spanning several industries, I have observed a crucial element that elevates their work. They need to identify their Cardinal Values. The meaning of cardinal includes “foundational.” Your foundational values give you the best starting point.
Case Study #3 – Café
A Café owner engaged me to help grow their revenues. Over a span of days, I observed some of their practices. This would serve both the Diagnose element (part of the DONNEmethod®) and AugmentedAction®️.
I saw that they were violating Cardinal Values that successful cafés have. Which ones?
One of their sloppy actions was leaving milk blocking an area. First, we have a violation of health codes and safeguarding the well-being of the customers.
Let’s put this into the context of Cardinal Values.
Cardinal Values for a Café
- Support the health and well-being of the customers
- Provide a second home* that is pleasing and comfortable
- Give employees a supportive environment that inspires them to serve graciously
*Articles reveal that Starbucks® leadership has emphasized that their cafés are designed to be a “second home.”
When Cardinal Values are violated, it’s time for the café owner to implement AugmentedAction® to stop the transgressions. Additionally, the café owner can make sure that his own actions and employee’s actions live up to the Cardinal Values.