Slow Pain Or Fast Success? Which Do You Prefer?
Dr. Barbra Portzline isn’t someone you’d ordinarily meet, the typical coach that shows you where to cut costs, save a bit of money. She combines hard business with intuitive abilities. This is a multiplier effect. Imagine like instead of cooking in the slow cooker, you’ve put the food in a microwave. The waves, the technology, cooks the food so much faster. You can take the scenic route, except the scenes are painful; Dr. Barbra can show you the short path to success. It’s like having 2 mentors/coaches/gurus in 1: the business mentor + the spiritual guidance!
Justin Donne:
I’m going to hit the recording button, Barbra-
Dr. Barbra:
All right, let’s do it.
Justin Donne:
… and we are recording a podcast, Justin Answer. This is Justin Donne, and I am here with my good friend and fellow hardshipreneur. What is that? I’ll leave you to find that out. Dr. Barbra Zuckerman Portzline. Dr. Portzline, hey Barbra-
Dr. Barbra:
Justin Donne:
… is the Founder of an incredible organization called Organizational Rebel. Now, what is that? We’re going to discuss all of that in the upcoming 20 to 30 minutes. But what I want to say is that very seldom do I meet people who combine the intellect in business with intuition. Now, how do you teach that? Well, you almost can’t, and that’s why you got to spend the big bucks and work with someone like Barbra, or me, to be able to come in and see things that you cannot see within your business.
Justin Donne:
It goes beyond the exterior viewpoint. It goes beyond that third party outside view because now, we’re talking about someone who has an ability to perceive things that are outside the normal perceptions of human beings. Now, what’s the value of that? I think Barbra is going to reveal to us what value that’s brought to some of her clients, but if I’m not mistaken, that’s in the six and seven figures, am I wrong?
Dr. Barbra:
You are not wrong. You are not wrong.
Justin Donne:
I thought so. Welcome Barbra. Thank you so much for joining me today.
Dr. Barbra:
So glad I’m here. This is going to be a lot of fun. So I’m super jazzed about it.
Justin Donne:
So am I actually, because as I said at the intro, it’s not that often that I meet people who combine those two things. I often meet people who are intuitives, and I often meet people who are intellects, but put the two together, you get a new [crosstalk 00:01:53].
Dr. Barbra:
I just need one more skill, and then I’m a triple threat. So I just need one more. I’m not sure what that’s going to be yet.
Justin Donne:
I think we talked about it before we recorded. But you’ll get there, and I’m sure you will. So why don’t we start off because what I’d like to do today is for us to reveal your story, for us to find out who you are and forget today in what you do because that’s obviously incredible, but bring us up to today. Why do we care about Dr. Barbra? Seriously, where have you come from?
Dr. Barbra:
That’s a great question. I could speak probably the entire interview on it, so I’ll try to give you the short version. But the short version is that I grew up in New York, and my parents actually were more of the hippie generation, which was pretty fun. And it was also a little bit challenging because I grew up in an area in Long Island where most of the people there were not hippies.
Dr. Barbra:
Most of the people there had a lot of money and it was a very materialistic place that I grew up in, and my family did not.
Justin Donne:
Dr. Barbra:
Yeah, yuppies and princesses and all of that kind of fun stuff. So yeah. And it was a little challenging as a child because I wanted all of these material things that everyone else had. And even though I had enough, I felt deprived. And it wound up making me get to this place where I really spiraled out of control when I was on my own.
Dr. Barbra:
So when I left my family and went to college and went out into the work force, I wound up buying a whole bunch of stuff that I always wanted when I was younger. I found credit cards and I found I was, yeah, I know, look at the big eyes there, I was relatively smart. So I’m like, okay, well I’m making decent money. I have all these credit cards, I can go and buy all this stuff I wanted.
Dr. Barbra:
And I had really skewed view around things and people and I purchased a lot of things to feel better about myself. I didn’t realize at that time how empty I was inside. And I literally went and bought a whole bunch of stuff. And on the outside, it looked great. I had big-time imposter syndrome. So on the outside, it looked great. I had everything that I could possibly want materialistically but inside, I was really empty.
Dr. Barbra:
And one of the things that I did for many years was I worked like a crazy person. So I would work, work, work, work, work, and I was not really connected to that intuitive woo-woo side that I say. It was very like left brain, like I went to school, I got degrees, certifications, I started my own business, I was doing, doing, doing, and I was really not connected to who I was at the core. And eventually, it all just turned to crap pretty much. I lost everything.
Dr. Barbra:
I lost my house, I had to claim bankruptcy, everything was a disaster. And I realized that I needed some help and support and I just had never gotten it. So I wound up getting some help from some business coaches and I wound up quieting my mind just a little bit and going inside and finding this strength and this ability that I never knew I had. And I’ll just leave it at that. So that’s kind of [crosstalk 00:05:39].
Justin Donne:
Yeah. That’s absolutely fantastic because I think a lot of people can relate to that. I know I can. I know as soon as I got out to university, I went to Northwestern in Chicago, I was like, freedom, and then I’m like all those things that mom and dad used to say. “No, we can’t afford that. We can’t afford that.” All of a sudden, I’m like, look at that. Citibank is offering credits. I’m like, yay. I can now afford all these things. And I got myself into massive and heavy debt.
Justin Donne:
And delayed gratification is something I still work on, to be Frank with you. I’ve put myself on the waiting list for that new Tesla Truck.
Dr. Barbra:
You’ll need to put down $100 though, right, to [crosstalk 00:06:17]?
Justin Donne:
I know. I know, and that’s what I’m telling myself, is that I only have to put down $100. I can’t afford the truck right now, but I’m telling myself I will be able to afford it in 2021 when it comes out. Anyway, so the point is that I can relate to that and I know so many other people can.
Justin Donne:
I know so many people who end up empty and suicidal because that material stuff doesn’t equal happiness. It helps. It’s nice. My grandfather said, “I’d rather be rich and sick, than poor and sick. But at the same time, I’d rather be happy above all else.” So what do you want? What is it that you want to accomplish?
Dr. Barbra:
So at that point in my life, actually, I went up and down, up and down for many years and things were a disaster. And I lost a lot of relationships. I lost friends, I lost money, I lost all of these things. And I was at that point where I wasn’t quite suicidal, but I was at my lowest point and I really didn’t know what I was going to do. And something kicked in.
Dr. Barbra:
When you’re at that point, when you’re at that rock bottom point, you do, you make a decision. Am I going to go on, or am I going to just leave this planet, or what am I going to do? And something kicked in that was like, I don’t know if you call it … It wasn’t like the angels singing over my head, but it was one of those transformational experiences where it was like, quiet your mind, listen for guidance and see what’s next.
Dr. Barbra:
And I wound up meeting all of these people that were super woo-woo. I grew up in this very sheltered area in Long Island and it was like anyone that did anything that I didn’t understand was woo-woo. Anyone that went outside was granola. I had all of these ideas in my head and somehow, I just kept meeting all of these people that were healers and massage therapists and doctors of oriental medicine and all of these people were near me and I’m like, what the hell? I’m like, they all are here to fix me. And I’m like, I’m one of them.
Dr. Barbra:
So finally, I was able to get that switch flipped. And when I did that, I realized that part of my passion is to help people have the short road, because I took the long road to get to a business that is really sustainable and that’s intentional and that makes money.
Dr. Barbra:
And I wanted to cut that process for people. And I realized I didn’t want people to go through all of the pain that I did. I wanted them to be able to do things quickly. So that’s really what my purpose is, is to help entrepreneurs and business owners break through whatever their perceived blocks are.
Dr. Barbra:
And I say perceived because I don’t really see them as block, I see them as things that they perceive, and show them that they can move through that as long as they’re intentional because I think we have this thing where, you can be super intentional. I want to manifest $1 million and do my mantras every day, I’m going to go out there. I’ve tried it and it doesn’t flip and work.
Dr. Barbra:
And I’ve also taken a ton of action, throwing spaghetti against the wall and tried to make things stick, and that didn’t work either. You did that too. So I really feel you need both. You need intention and action to make that magic in your business, and that’s really what I teach people.
Justin Donne:
That’s fantastic obviously because I’ve tried exactly what you’ve tried, and I can say, do you know what, it doesn’t work either. There’s something else that is working that is creating the solutions. Either that, or I am Satan incarnate with super negative thoughts I’m not aware of because if that stuff was actually true, then I’ve literally spent six hours a day with all those mechanisms.
Justin Donne:
There’s probably 1,000 different explanations for it. The bottom line is, if you can help us with the short road to success as opposed to the scenic route with all those pitfalls and snake pit, that’s what everybody wants, is not a shortcut, but if you have two paths in front of you and the scenic route is not the pleasant one, that’s the one that leads to the abyss, and you have this other one that is relatively painless, not effortless but painless, you have intention, you have action, and then you have manifestation, there you go. I’m thinking woo-woo now.
Justin Donne:
So what are you dealing with? So what kind of stuff are you dealing with, Barbra, right now, because this is about you? We get that you can create transformational and huge results for other people, and we’re going to obviously talk a tiny bit more about that in a minute. But what about you? What are you dealing with right now?
Dr. Barbra:
That’s a great question. So 2020 is really interesting for me. I’m being called to pivot in the work that I do a little bit. And it’s a little scary for me because for several years, I’ve really worked in one area. I’ve been helping business owners break through their perceived blocks to increase their income, and that has been my focus, and it comes in many, many different packages and different ways.
Dr. Barbra:
And I partner with Terri Levine, who you interviewed as well, and a lot of work for hardshipreneur. So that has been my main focus. But I actually have had a personal crisis this past fall, which has shifted things for me. So I’m in this place where I still love the work I do, I still know that that’s my passion and my purpose, and I am being called to pivot to help families in a different way, which is really, really interesting.
Dr. Barbra:
I’m not ready to blast out all my new ideas yet. I still have to talk to my business coach and talk to her and all of these things first. But it’s really interesting because one of the things I had learned from Terri was about having one focus, one goal. And you have one thing that you’re focusing on, one thing that you’re good at, and then it’s like spirit, universe, whatever it is, is calling me and it’s hitting me over the head with these spiritual 2x4s.
Dr. Barbra:
Yeah, you want to do that? No, we’re going to make you do this. No, we’re going to give you this. So me personally, just like everyone else, I sometimes battle with what is my true path, and mine is shifting a little.
Justin Donne:
I’m so glad you said that because if someone as successful as you, with a track record like you, with a title like yours, doctor, seriously, there’s credentials there, there’s something there. Some people disrespect that kind of stuff. My old piano teacher used to say PhD stands for piled higher and deeper.
Dr. Barbra:
I agree with that sometimes.
Justin Donne:
And I get it. I really do get it because I considered going that route myself. And then I saw people and Interviewed Dr., I won’t say his name because I don’t want to defame anybody, but I interviewed a famous philosophy professor. I took him to coffee with my mom and I had his book and I realized after an hour, the guy could not philosophize.
Justin Donne:
He had a beard. He looked like a philosopher, and he was an encyclopedia. He could tell you what page Aristotle said what.
Dr. Barbra:
Love it.
Justin Donne:
But he could not construct a philosophical concept, he could not generate an idea, he could only quote and tell you who said what, and he was very good at that. And I was like, I don’t want to do that. I want to be able to actually do the philosophizing. I’m not positing myself or positioning myself as like Plato or Aristotle, but I’m saying, I want to be the next Socrates. I don’t want to just be the guy who knows everything Socrates said, because then I’m just what? Then I’m an actor who’s memorized his lines, which I did for 10 years.
Justin Donne:
So that’s when I said, I don’t want that because whether it’s economics, whether it’s communication, whether it’s philosophy, whatever the field of subject is, I don’t want to be the guy who just is able to parrot what other people said. I want to be able to share my own and original ideas so that I can completely relate to that and I can completely relate to that sort of internal topsy-turvy hurdy-gurdy you’re going through right now because me too, I’m going through the same thing myself. I’m just like, what do I want to do with my life?
Justin Donne:
So I think it’s a great opportunity for people like us because I will share with you the idea that I had, and I will share with you something else. I’m going to use a little prop. I don’t know why. I’m not a magician, but I have a magic wand.
Dr. Barbra:
I love it.
Justin Donne:
So you have spheres of influence. This is an interview. I should not be doing this. I apologize.
Dr. Barbra:
No, this is totally fine. Yeah, everything goes.
Justin Donne:
I’m a bit selfish. I’m thinking for myself too. I do this, and you have to be focused on one thing. But what if what we’re saying is not, I want to focus here now something completely different? What if what we’re actually saying is, this is my focus now, and now I’m focusing here? So in other words, my sphere is just becoming larger.
Justin Donne:
So for example, instead of saying, I’m a business strategist, say, well actually, I focus on information, inspiration and ideation and innovation. Well, that could be in business, that could be in health, that could be in relationships. It’s not losing, in my opinion, and I could be dead wrong about it. I’m not in the league of, or pretending I’m in the league of a Terri Levine or a Joel Bauer with mentoring and coaching people, but what I’m trying to reconcile in my own mind is, am I losing focus, or is my vision just getting bigger?
Dr. Barbra:
Yup. And mine is just pivoting. It’s not like a whole 360. It’s like just a little pivot. But I think it’s powerful and I think that that’s what happens with entrepreneurs. You go down one route and all of a sudden, something feels like you might want to just pivot over a little bit to something else. And yeah, that is [crosstalk 00:17:45].
Justin Donne:
So what is that? In what you’re currently doing, what is it that you hit that made you pivot, that you hit it and it sent you off to the left?
Dr. Barbra:
For me, I had a family crisis that I needed some supports and some things in my state, which there aren’t any. And that to me led me to feeling like that’s something that’s really important to again, help other families not go through what I went through. Similar as with business, not to have business owners go through what I went through when there’s a much more efficient and quicker way to get to the goal.
Dr. Barbra:
So that’s what I’m doing now with this other venture that I’m looking at, is about helping families again, which is business, personal, everything, is helping families find a quicker and easier way to get to what their goal is. And yeah, for me, it’s just more of the same. It’s just a little bit of a pivot, and it’s exciting. It’s exciting making a difference in people’s lives and making things easier.
Dr. Barbra:
I feel like one of the things that I have throughout my life, I’ve been put here, I’ve been challenged many, many times and each time, regardless of what trauma, drama, whatever it has been in my life, I always find something that’s a learning that I wish I would have known before, or I wish I could have done something differently.
Dr. Barbra:
And passing that on is part of my higher spiritual gift to folks, whether it’s relationship advice, personal advice, business advice, all of those things, I’ve been through a lot. And I wouldn’t change any of it because it’s helping me help others.
Justin Donne:
That’s, again, very fantastic because a lot of people either retain those lessons selfishly, or they don’t even learn the lessons, or they let those kind of trauma, dramas cave them in, shut them down and there you go. So turning that into an opportunity is really, really cool. And what you’re doing when you realize there was an issue that you didn’t get help with, and you now want other people to have help with that, that’s a winning combination right there.
Justin Donne:
As a quick example, when I was advising a charity here locally, that’s how I did it. I said, “Look, there’s a gap in the market. If you want to win your funding, if you want to win your charitable status and become a bonafide nonprofit organization with funding, then you need to fill this gap that has been abandoned for the last three years. You do that, and they’ll throw the money at you. You do everything else that you’re trying to do here and they won’t give you money because they’re just going to say, you don’t need money for that. If it’s just to create a social group for people like that, in that category, just do it. You don’t need money for that. Just go and hang out at the bar or whatever. So if you want the funding, you need to fill that gap.”
Justin Donne:
And that’s exactly what they did in last May, and it worked very quickly and very well because they got their status, they got the funding and things are really rock and rolling now. It was eight months later and they’re expanding and growing, and I’m expecting it to continue because they are providing a legitimate, bonafide service here locally.
Justin Donne:
And it’s small. There’s a quarter of a million population here in Nottingham roughly. So it’s not a huge, giant city, right? But it is a city with needs and this charity is servicing those needs in a meaningful way. So that’s how we figured it out though. We said, “What’s missing? And now, how do we make sure that people aren’t continuing to suffer?” And that’s exactly what you’re doing.
Justin Donne:
So that’s almost like, am I on the right track? Am I perceiving? Is that what you’re doing?
Dr. Barbra:
Absolutely. Absolutely. It’s about really, having my eyes open and seeing what those needs are. And then a lot of times, it’s easier to fix other people’s stuff than to look at your own. So I couldn’t see it when I was in it, how to fix things. But now that I have a step back, it’s like, yeah, there’s a need here that I’m working on.
Dr. Barbra:
So what I’m doing, not to be super secretive, because I really haven’t spoken it yet that it’s going to happen, but there’s a need that I’m seeing in a lot of the business owners that I work with, which is confidence. And I’m seeing that with kiddos too after some things that happened in my world. So it’s really interesting because I work with business owners on confidence, like that’s a very important thing.
Dr. Barbra:
To have a business, you have to have a level of confidence. You have to be able to speak your truth, and say how you feel, and hold firm, and set boundaries and all of these things that I really think is instrumental in growing a business. And I see it in families too. I see there’s just so much in our system that is broken a lot of times, and people don’t have the confidence to advocate for themselves and to make changes.
Dr. Barbra:
So that’s really the biggest piece for me lately, helping people really step into their power and feel like they can do whatever it is they want to do.
Justin Donne:
And I think that’s great. And partly, it’s because the family is realistically speaking. And I know that our definitions of family have stretched and changed and modified over the years, and that’s great. But regardless of all of that, the family is the building block of society. I think, and this is just my opinion, that the concept of, it takes a village, is damaging. And here’s the reason why.
Justin Donne:
It’s not that community support isn’t necessary, it absolutely is. It’s not that it doesn’t take a community to thrive, flourish, prosper and have a successful family, it does. But the community is built from families. And the reason that concept has done some damage is because many people, and I know this for a fact. I’ve spoken to friends who believe this, say that they now disregard the family as something that is not important.
Justin Donne:
Maybe they had a broken home and so they didn’t have a good example. That doesn’t negate the importance of a family. It’s the building blocks of the society. So if you can do things to help to bolster, to nurture families, you are then automatically nurturing, building the village, the society, whatever you want to call it because yeah, it takes a village, but there ain’t no village without the families.
Justin Donne:
It’s not going to be composed of a bunch of individuals. That’s not going to happen. That’s a failing philosophy and outlook. And it’s fine if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.
Dr. Barbra:
No, I agree with you. I absolutely agree with you. I think there-
Justin Donne:
So what’s the plan then, Barbra? What’s the plan?
Dr. Barbra:
Let me get my pencil and try to figure it all out because-
Justin Donne:
That’s fine, yeah. Obviously, I know that some of the things, you’re not ready to reveal yet, so I’m not asking you to reveal the specific details, so the question is really, what’s your plan going forward? Is it to figure it out? Like you said, get the pencil out, create a business, whatever it is, I’m just trying to find out where we’re at now.
Dr. Barbra:
So that’s a great question. So right now, I’m already doing the work. I’m helping people rewrite their stories, is a big piece of it. Like you said, not everyone had a great family and all of this stuff. And I think it was at one of Joel Bauer’s things actually where he said, “There’s an expiration date where you stop blaming your family for all of your problems or your parents or whatever that is.”
Dr. Barbra:
So helping people move through whatever they’ve been through, whatever the trauma and drama is and rewriting that story, and part of it is a little woo-woo, there is some choices. I’m not going to live in that old story anymore. I’m not three years old anymore or six years old, I’m 40 years old or 50 years old. I can choose my path. So helping people do that.
Dr. Barbra:
And at the same time, getting the confidence to build their businesses and all of those things that I’ve done before. But I do feel there’s a big part of rewriting your story, recognizing all of your gifts and then redesigning your business or your life or whatever it is in a systematic and intentional way. And that’s what I’ve always done and that’s what I always will help people with.
Dr. Barbra:
I think what happens is a lot of times, people just go straight to fixing their business. So they’ll hire someone and say, “Fix my business,” but they have so much junk that they haven’t worked through, that they haven’t processed and they haven’t rewritten that story or really know what they’re good at and getting that confidence again.
Dr. Barbra:
So helping people find all of that before they just go, I’m going to get a business plan and then I’m going to go forward and be successful. Most of the time, that doesn’t happen. They have a lot of junk, still. So it’s my purpose as well.
Justin Donne:
So is that the kind of conflict that you experience along the way, or is there something else that comes?
Dr. Barbra:
Well, even for myself, rewriting my story, I had to rewrite my story so many times. And even now as I’m thinking about pivoting into a new direction with things, it’s about saying, can I do this? Am I equipped? Do I really have the skills? I’m 50 years old. I just turned 50 this year. It’s like a milestone year, and like, can I rewrite my story at 50? Can I rewrite it at 60? Can I rewrite it at 80? And the answer is yes, you can change it at any time.
Dr. Barbra:
So helping people to do that, and that’s what’s in store for me too. The process this year for some reason, I just feel like getting really organized and just finding a new path is super important.
Justin Donne:
That’s a great thing in 2020. They say hindsight is 2020.
Dr. Barbra:
Yup. They sure do. Or, 2020 vision. I got my 2020 vision out there.
Justin Donne:
We got 2020 vision, hindsight is 2020, but it sounds like foresight might be 2020 as well. So I’m looking forward to that and looking forward to seeing what you’re doing. So let’s take a look at, what have you achieved? We alluded to it earlier. So you work with clients and thus far, you’ve achieved a lot with people.
Justin Donne:
So I know we have a lot of aspirations to help families and all of that, but let’s now celebrate a little bit of what you’ve been able to do in terms of your existing accomplishments and clients. So Barbra, what have you achieved?
Dr. Barbra:
Can I just brag about stuff? Say like-
Justin Donne:
Brag. Yeah. I want you to brag a little bit. What end result have you achieved? So it’s not about, I got them a couple more customers, it’s, what’s the end result that we’re talking about?
Dr. Barbra:
It’s a really good question. I’ve helped people build sustainable businesses that they love, that are in alignment with their sole purpose. That to me is everything because I don’t know about you, but I worked in so many of those places that were crappy for years. I remember like that Sunday night, all the anxiety, I got to go to work tomorrow. I feel sick. I hate all those people. Yeah, all of that.
Dr. Barbra:
And helping people. I’ve helped people, not lose their jobs, maybe that too, leave their jobs and start businesses aligned with their sole purpose. That’s the ultimate and they’re successful businesses. So every time I have a client that leaves me a testimonial, I had one last night that put a testimonial on my Facebook page, unsolicited and telling me how we work together. She got six clients right off the bat. She has four more, and her business is up and running.
Dr. Barbra:
That just makes my heart feel so good because I just know that people can do it. I think that’s one of my gifts, is I can see the possibilities for people. I will look at someone and say, Justin, you should be a speaker. You should be on stages all across the world. Well, I know you would probably say yes, of course I should, but someone … Yeah, I like the eyebrow raise.
Dr. Barbra:
But other people are like, no. Who? Me? And I can see the possibilities for people and then I can help them get there. And that to me is so exciting when someone says, “Yeah Barbra, I always wanted to do that, but I don’t know how to start,” and helping them get there, that’s just [crosstalk 00:31:29].
Justin Donne:
That’s a wonderful thing to do because the way I phrase it, because I do the same thing is that I look at people and how they can become, not how they are. So not how they be, but what they can become. And I always have done that. And my favorite example of that is when I was managing this young fellow at Disneyland Paris, and they were about to fire him for gross misconduct. I won’t get into all the details of it, H.R. and all that, but the discussions among the management was he’s fired, he’s gone.
Justin Donne:
And I was like, let me try, because I could see what he could become. I get that you got a recalcitrant, annoying back-talking policy violating … You got a bad steed and a bad apple right there, but it’s not always true, but I could totally see with this one what he could become. So I said, “Just give me two weeks.” So I took two weeks and I won’t tell all the story because obviously this interview is about you, but the short version is within two weeks, they didn’t fire him.
Justin Donne:
He was doing not only great, but very quickly, he had Facebook fan page set up for him because he was so delighting his customers and he was then promoted to management. And last I heard, he’s in senior management in the same industry, in the theme park industry, in his home country in Holland. But this would have been a career-ending situation to be fired for gross misconduct, negligence and health and safety violations.
Justin Donne:
That would have been the end for that industry. And now, he’s a leader in the industry.
Dr. Barbra:
Justin Donne:
But it was simple. It wasn’t complicated. All it was is, I could see what he could become. I could see that he could become this phenomenal, amazing leader and staff member, and not just what was in front of me. So that’s all it was. It wasn’t hard. It wasn’t hard at all.
Dr. Barbra:
And I agree. I remember when I was a kid, and I just wanted to stay home from school or something, and I was sick. And all I wanted was my mom to be like, “Yes, just stay home. You look sick today,” instead of having to beg and put the thermometer up near the light-
Justin Donne:
You did that too?
Dr. Barbra:
… 100 or whatever. Like 106, I didn’t even know you could live like that. But all I wanted was permission and sometimes, I do feel like that’s what people need. They need someone to see the vision and to tell them how they can get there and believe in them. And again, it goes back to that confidence piece, which is so important because there’s so many times throughout our life where we’re told we can’t do this, or we’re stupid for having these dreams or that’s for somebody else and all of that kind of stuff and it just sticks with you.
Dr. Barbra:
So it’s like for you to really dream big again and remember what is it that you want to do and have someone confirm that you actually can get there. That’s huge for folks, and I really do feel like that’s a big part of the work. Of course, not telling people things they can’t do, but if you can see it and if you can help them see it, it’s amazing. It’s amazing what can happen.
Dr. Barbra:
That happens time and time again with my clients. I look at someone, they come into my office, or I meet with them virtually and I literally can see, I can see over their head what their blocks are, what’s preventing them from walking into their power. And a lot of times, I’ll say things and people will burst out into tears, which is not a great marketing tool. Like, hey everyone, work with me. You’ll burst out into tears.
Dr. Barbra:
But just from that relief that someone actually sees who they are, I actually had to get an office because of it. I was meeting people in coffee shops, so then I would be like, my God, you should do this, and they’ll like burst into tears. I’m like, I probably need to get a private area to talk to them. But that’s what folks need sometimes.
Justin Donne:
And what does that mean to them? What does that mean to them when you’re able to … So they’re able to have this business, they’re able to go in this direction that they’ve always dreamed of going in. So they’re transformed. So what does that mean? What does that mean to them, and what does that mean to you?
Dr. Barbra:
It’s that peace and freedom. And I think a lot of times, we feel trapped. We feel trapped in our own, whether we do it to ourselves or we think someone else is trapping us or whatever it is. And this feeling of not feeling trapped, feeling like there are options and being able to just pivot or shift or change your path and not feeling stuck.
Dr. Barbra:
I had one client, and I was working with him and I said to him, he was in finance, and I’m like, “Every time I talk to you, I feel like you hate what you’re doing?” He’s like, “Well, I don’t really love it.” And I’m like, “Okay, so if you are ignoring your logical mind and you could do anything you wanted, what would you do?” And he said, “I want to have a flower shop.” And I’m like, “Okay. So why don’t you have a flower shop?” And he’s like, “Well, I told my family I would go into finance, they were in finance, and I’m a man of my word.”
Dr. Barbra:
And there’s all of the stuff there. I’m like, “You can’t be a man of your word and change your mind. You can’t be a man of your word and live your dream.” So we have to break stuff down. So he actually felt like, wait a second, I don’t have to stay in this box forever. I can shift. I can do something different, and I still can be a man of my word. I can change my mind. And I think a lot of times, people don’t feel it.
Dr. Barbra:
So the relief that my clients have when someone actually says, it’s okay, and I’m going to hold your hand and walk you through that process so you’re successful.
Justin Donne:
That’s amazing.
Dr. Barbra:
It is. It’s really fun. I love it. I really do. It’s part of why I’m here. So I feel like a lot of the things that I went through, although they were awful, really prepared me for helping other people because I can connect with folks and I can relate to them and I can hear anything which is kind of fun. I don’t get surprised by anything anymore. People come in my office and they’re like, “I want to be a shaman,” and then someone else is like, “I want to own a multimillion dollar business consulting.” Nothing surprises me. Nothing surprises me. So it’s fun.
Justin Donne:
That’s so cool. Well Barbra, this is end. So before I finish off for today, is there anything that you would like to say, to ask, to leave our listeners, viewers, because if the video looks good, I’ll throw it on YouTube. Is there anything you’d like to leave us with?
Dr. Barbra:
Just that you can rewrite your story, that you can rewrite your story and you can shift it at any time in your life. And yeah, I just feel like that’s the most important thing, is to realize that you can.
Justin Donne:
That’s beautiful. And if anybody would like to get in touch with you and inquire about your services? Products?
Dr. Barbra:
They can go to And I do a free discovery session with folks, a calibration after they fill out an application. So I would love to do that if it can even help.
FREE Session with Dr. Barbra here:
Justin Donne:
Get a taste of Dr. Portzline. They can get a taster. And if they like what they have, they can move forward. It’s cost-free and risk-free. And if they don’t like it, then no love lost. It’s okay.
Dr. Barbra:
Thirty minutes of your time and 30 minutes of my time.
Justin Donne:
Yeah. Absolutely. And there’s only benefits that come of it because they’ve at least discovered something that they’re not going to do, which is okay. You know what, it’s okay. I’m not for everybody, you’re not for everybody. It’s fine. It’s fine. But the point is that people should go to find out more, to
Dr. Barbra:
Beautiful. Thank you.
Justin Donne:
Thank you.
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