You’ll never guess.
Yesterday we talked about rest, and how it not only rejuvenates, it opens the door to productivity, ideation, and more. Equally as important is this… can you guess?
Today is Bird Day Bird Day to me is the perfect opportunity to talk about having fun. So yesterday was Saturday and I talked about the importance of rest and relaxation on everything from productivity to creativity. Today I’m going to talk about fun. So that’s not necessarily restful though it could be a restful type of fun. But why is this important. It’s important for a very similar reason to the resting in that by doing something that is fun. It not only recharges your batteries and distract you from protect perhaps everyday or business or workplace woes. It is also very important because it takes your attention and places it elsewhere. And again like I said yesterday that could be what opens the door to insight and intuition. A door which was closed before when you were two interior arised into the problem. When you exterior eyes from the problem that is when the solutions start to flood in. I told the story yesterday about my working with Prince Charles and that he taught me about his favorite or one of his favorite methods of ideation to borrow a business buzz word is to walk in nature. Of course he’s got a pad of paper and a pen with him and he takes notes because ideas come to him. Then I mean have you ever wondered why ideas come. Everybody knows this on the toilet or in the shower or at various bizarre moments. Well this is the reason it’s because you’re not specifically obsessing or thinking or composing or whatever about your problem. That’s why that or about whatever it is you are trying to solve. So let’s not even call it a problem let’s call it a situation or an opportunity even. But you’re not thinking about it you’re thinking about something else. But there are so many other things and I’ll leave it to these psychologists and I’ll leave it to the professionals to describe the neurotransmitters and the chemical reactions and the hormonal all the other effects that it has on your energy of having fun. And so that my friends is the lesson for Sunday Fun Day is the fact that you know with its birthday so if you like birdwatching go birdwatching.
Personally I love not to watch birds. I find that kind of boring but I go for a very long walk to the nature reserve which is actually near my house. But it takes about hour and a half two hours to get there. And I then love to feed the birds I love to buy a little bag of birdseed and then the Swans come right up to me there. They extend their long necks literally up my torso and they eat out of my hand which is placed beneath my chest. It is adorable. I don’t care anyone tells you afraid of swans. These things love me as much as I love them and I get to pet them like they were my little kitties and feed them. Obviously professional birdseed that I bought at the nature reserve I do not feed them things that are inappropriate to them. There’s also geese there and I love feeding them and ducks as well. But my favorite is of course the Swans. That’s just a personal preference. So that’s my story for Bird Day. And my advice for you for bird day is go have some fun and do it at least once a week. There’s importance to have a rest day and there’s importance to have a fun day once a week. OK. If you can’t fit it in once a week do it once every couple of weeks or whenever you can. But the best thing to do for the cycle of a human body human brain human spirit is about once a week.
So my love to you on this beautiful Sunday.
Justin Fun.